US Elections (& Politics) :)

I'll be in the geriatric wing, see you soon :rofl:
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You might be a terrorist if.......

Are You A "Terrorist"? Take This 50 Question Quiz And Find Out! | ZeroHedge

Could you be the kind of person that the government is looking for? The U.S. Justice Department has just announced that it will be creating a brand new unit “to counter domestic terrorism”, and they are going to need something to show for all of the time, money and energy that they are going to be putting into this new project. You may be tempted to think that they will be going after the people that have rioted and burned buildings hundreds of times all across this nation over the past couple of years, but that simply is not going to happen. Instead, they are telling us that this new unit will specifically target “extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies”. So if you have been critical of the Biden administration, any of our government agencies, or any of our top public health officials, you could be in really big trouble.

To help you out, I have created a 50 question quiz to help you determine if you are a “terrorist”. Most of these questions are based on statements made by Biden administration officials or on specific government documents that have been publicly revealed.

So are you ready?
Here we go. For each of the following questions, answer either “yes” or “no.......

Oh yes, I failed. Wooohoooo!!! 1642036318478.png
The Divider In Charge continues to damage and split this country even further, every single day! I didn't think it was possible the amount of damage, one old fool could do....then again, we are seeing it daily!
I truly hope Americans have learned that when they make STUPID F*****G decisions, we all pay. This putz is trying his hardest to destroy this country because he doesn't know WTF he is doing!
I chalked it up to old age at one point, but now I think it is just blind, dementia enhanced hate for all things American. My brothers mother-in-law was not a very nice person. But when she developed Alzheimer's, her mean spirited
attitude quadrupled. She was barely even the person her daughter knew growing up when she passed. I wonder.......

Can we all say "bitter old fool with dementia" together?
I mean, seriously, how much longer can this POS administration last at this rate? I think we are on the verge of seeing history made...and not in a good way either.

Mid-terms .. should be a sweep vs those in the establishment ..
Another reporter has now be added to the Domestic Terrorist list .. ( oh, and he's now been added also to the "You're not black list" )

Mid-terms .. should be a sweep vs those in the establishment ..

If Republicans can get enough votes to overcome the fraudulent voting like the democrats pulled off last election. And hopefully the dems won't be able to pass the election "reforms" they want.

January 12, 2022

The tide is turning

Dear Patriots,

We have been talking about the ramifications of Covid-CCP and the vaccine for this past year as we knew this was a massive effort to remove American citizens from their God-given rights and freedoms. We have used our resources to help many people fight the legal battles that have arisen. Often we felt we were yelling into the wind, but it was important to pass on to you better and different information regarding Covid-CCP. It seems that many more Americans are finally coming to the realizations we have been sharing. We remain hopeful that this is trend that will continue. This is where you become important! Please share information on this subject.


1- We will NOT back down at Defending The Republic!

Defending the Republic has filed a lawsuit against the Biden Administration - including President Biden himself - on behalf of workers who are ...

... forced to choose between their jobs and the jab because of the unlawful federal contractor COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The federal contractor vaccine mandate is part of a larger and wholly unlawful effort by the Biden Administration to expand the scope of federal power to reach all Americans.

Making matters worse, the federal contractor requires workers to take experimental and unapproved vaccines. The only "approved" COVID-19 vaccine is Pfizer's Comirnaty, which is unavailable according to the latest government reports. To be in compliance with this mandate, workers must receive vaccines that are "authorized" based on limited safety and efficacy data. As we have already seen, these vaccines are historically dangerous, causing serious health consequences such asmyocarditis, pericarditis, and even death.

American workers deserve better and we will be there to fight for their right to decline federally mandated injections.



Are we, at last, reaching "Herd Intelligence" ?


Now 68% of Americans say the economy is their biggest concern

• A newly released poll shows 68% of Americans' top concerns going into the 2022 midterms are driven by economic woes
• Only 37% of respondents think the coronavirus pandemic is a priority compared to 53% who felt that way in the poll taken last year
• Despite massive COVID case spikes in December, Americans still felt the priority for government in 2022 should be on the economy

Concerns over the economy are overshadowing the pandemic as a whopping 68 per cent of Americans name financial and economic worries as a main issue heading into the midterm elections.


There is a lot of information at the link about the vaccine. Follow the science and you will see how we have been lied to for two years.

(Steve Kirsch- Substack)

New big data study of 145 countries show COVID vaccines makes things worse (cases and deaths)

This study is yet another independent analysis that is difficult to refute: we have been misled by the CDC, FDA, and NIH.

The next time you see you county health officer, President Biden, or Boris Johnson why not ask them if they can find a mistake in this study by Kyle A. Beattie entitled Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries.

The study found that the COVID vaccines cause more COVID cases per million (+38% in US) and more deaths per million associated with COVID (+31% in US).

These results should encourage local policy makers to make policy decisions based on data, not narrative, and based on local conditions, not global or national mandates. These results should also encourage policy makers to begin looking for other avenues out of the pandemic aside from mass vaccination campaigns.

In other words, we were lied to.

The vaccines are making this worse, not better. This is why we are not getting ourselves out of the hole.

This is hardly the first study to reach those conclusions. These studies, all done independently, found the same thing—the more you vaccinate, the worse things get.


We have talked many times about the lack of treatment for the virus. It is a subject that is gaining more traction. Demand early treatment from your health care provider.

(Brian C Joondeph, MD)

Early Outpatient COVID Treatment – Why is There Still no Plan?

For most infections, early treatment is imperative to prevent late complications. Gangrene infection in the toe must be treated aggressively to prevent losing not only the toe, but also a foot or leg if the infection is inadequately treated and spreads.

Those with cardiovascular disease are treated with statins and blood thinners as outpatients to prevent more serious disease and subsequent hospital care for stroke and heart attack with a much higher probability of disability or death.

COVID has been with us for almost two years and yet there are still not officially and medical establishment endorsed outpatient treatment protocols to keep infected individuals out of hospitals, which is where more serious problems begin, from secondary hospital infections, ventilators, and ultimately death.

What we are doing is the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, when reality says otherwise. What's that the definition of?

As America approaches 1 million COVID deaths, we should by now be throwing the kitchen sink at this virus – vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, antivirals, and the cheap off-label zinc ionophores and supplements, that each play a role in keeping Americans from getting sick and dying. It should not be an either/or option but a thoughtful use of everything available. Patients kept out of the hospital live, many of those entering the hospital are damaged or die.

Yet here we are, almost two years into this pandemic, with a dozen claims by President Biden to "shut down the virus" only to set new daily case records last week, with a gaping hole in this important phase of COVID management. How will history judge this omission?


Do not comply. We have been such good citizens through all of this, but the time has passed to comply with more mandates and edicts from so called "experts".


Airline pilot Latane Campbell interview: A pilot's view of COVID policies

Latane Campell is a pilot for a major airline. In this video he shares his perspective on the vaccine, mandates, masking, and how this is going to end. He points out that 80% of his fellow pilots will refuse to take the booster. They are fed up with the ridiculous mandates from the CDC. In the cockpit, they remove their masks because 1) they need to maximize their oxygen and 2) because they need to talk to each other and to the ground. Virtually all pilots realize that masks are just political theater.


This inexpensive drug is effective at ALL stages of Covid-CCP. Read and know about this research. It may save the life of someone you love, IF you can get a doctor to use it. Advocate for your health!

(The Epoch Times)

More Good News on Ivermectin

When it comes to the treatment of COVID-19, many Western nations have been hobbled by the politicization of medicine. Throughout 2020, media and many public health experts warned against the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), despite the fact that many practicing doctors were praising its ability to save patients. Most have been silenced through online censorship. Some even lost their jobs for the "sin" of publicly sharing their successes with the drug.

Another decades-old antiparasitic drug that may be even more useful than HCQ is ivermectin. Like HCQ, ivermectin is on the World Health Organization's list of essential drugs, but its benefits are also being ignored by public health officials and buried by mainstream media.

Ivermectin Useful in All Stages of COVID

What makes ivermectin particularly useful in COVID-19 is the fact that it works both in the initial viral phase of the illness, when antivirals are required, as well as the inflammatory stage, when the viral load drops off and anti-inflammatories become necessary.

According to Dr. Surya Kant, a medical doctor in India who has written a white paper on ivermectin, the drug reduces replication of the SARS-CoV-2 virus by several thousand times. Kant's paper led several Indian provinces to start using ivermectin, both as a prophylactic and as treatment for COVID-19 in the summer of 2020.


These two Tweets are an example of how the Left has flipped and flopped. We have NO idea what the government is now injecting into the military. There is NO approved vaccine in the United States.



What in the world is the CEO of Pfizer telling us ?

(Alex Berenson)

If you are a vaccine company executive, it's time to slam the brakes

Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla sees the dangers ahead, as his very carefully worded interview (worthy of close review) with CNBC yesterday shows.

Here's what Albert Bourla, Pfizer's chief executive officer, said on Monday in an interview on CNBC:

The hope is that we will achieve something that will have way, way better protection, particularly against infections because the protection against the hospitalizations and the severe disease, it is, it is reasonable right now, with the current vaccines as long as you are having let's say the third dose.

Read those words very carefully.Protection against "severe disease" is "reasonable right now" for people who have taken a "third dose" of Pfizer's vaccine.

Put aside the fact that even those words are at best an optimistic interpretation of current data.

Put aside the fact that Pfizer has NEVER compared a three-dose vaccine regimen to a placebo in a clinical trial.

Put aside the fact that "reasonable right now" suggests that any effect of a third dose will not last.


Even against "the hospitalizations and the severe disease."


Read - Know - Share - Pray and

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

In case you missed The Renewal 2022, you can watch Sidney's speech here.


Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

Have you missed a newsletter or wish to revisit a past newsletter? They are archived HERE .

Support our efforts here.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

Follow Our Progress:
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This email was sent by Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
The Divider In Charge continues to damage and split this country even further, every single day! I didn't think it was possible the amount of damage, one old fool could do....then again, we are seeing it daily!
I truly hope Americans have learned that when they make STUPID F*****G decisions, we all pay. This putz is trying his hardest to destroy this country because he doesn't know WTF he is doing!
I chalked it up to old age at one point, but now I think it is just blind, dementia enhanced hate for all things American. My brothers mother-in-law was not a very nice person. But when she developed Alzheimer's, her mean spirited
attitude quadrupled. She was barely even the person her daughter knew growing up when she passed. I wonder.......

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My Dad developed dementia in his early 80's. All his life, he was quiet and reserved. He would never talk back to a woman or hit her. As his dementia progressed, he did a Dr. Jeykle to Mr. Hyde transformation, became loud and abrasive, even though he had no idea what he was talking about. Towards the end of his life @ 90, he was trying to hit and push his female live-in care taker. I had to step in and stop him several times. I watched him turn into a whole other person.

When Brandon was on the campaign trail and did the tour at one of the auto plants in Detroit and got into it with one of the workers, I'll never forget the look of his eyes and the pointing of the finger when he said "I DON"T WORK FOR YOU!!". I looked at my wife and said: Who does that remind you of? She said my Dad in his advanced dementia stage. The shithead doesn't know if he is coming or going.

Remember Biden was one of the key persons responsible for pulling supplies away from the South Vietnamese ...

Vietnam, a war lost due to the willingness of the USA to stop supporting South Vietnam

Facts About The VIETNAM WAR They Don't Teach You At School
Hmmm found this Ad:

If Republicans can get enough votes to overcome the fraudulent voting like the democrats pulled off last election. And hopefully the dems won't be able to pass the election "reforms" they want.
I saw on 700 Club or CBN that there are almost 30 Democrats announced retiring this term and I think only 13 Republicans.