US Elections (& Politics) :)

This is a fair comparison :rolleyes:

Screenshot_20220225-120852_Daily Wire.jpg

Johnson, the man who posed for a photograph that went viral as he waltzed through the U.S. Capitol building carrying Pelosi’s stolen lectern, was sentenced to 75 days in jail for his misdemeanor

Federal Judge Compares January 6 Riot To War In Ukraine During Sentencing Of Man Who Stole Pelosi’s Lectern | The Daily Wire
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I don't know what you were linking to, but it's either been taken down or the link isn't right.
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Well dang - it showed a family recording the fighter jet flying over their house at like 100 feet or so and you could see it launch a missile at the house, so so much for military targets if the video was legit.

Wouldn't Biden's purposeful exclusion of candidates for SCOTUS based on race and gender be the very definition of racism AND gender bias?

If not, I'd like to know what exactly IS his definition of such an act. And no, Joe....I'm not asking about your favorite flavor of ice cream or how a 10 year old girl's hair smells compared to that of a 8 year're a senile pedophile....That's it! I got it! Joe from now on in my book you're a "senilphile"! :drool:
Would be nice if the senators would stand up and say they refuse to confirm someone who was chosen on the basis of race and sex. I won't hold my breath.
Camels on the Horizon:
The founder of Dubai, Sheik Rashid, was asked about the future of his country, and he replied, "My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I ride a Mercedes, my son rides a Land Rover, and my grandson is going to ride a Land Rover…but my great-grandson is going to ride a camel again.

“Why is that," he was asked. And his reply was, “Difficult times create strong men, strong men create easy times. Easy times create weak men, weak men create difficult times.
Many will not understand it, but you have to raise warriors, not parasites.”

Add to that the historical reality that all great empires...the Persians, the Trojans, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and in later years, the British...all rose and perished within 240 years. They were not conquered by external enemies; they rotted from within.

America has now passed that 240 year mark, and the rot is starting to be visible and is accelerating.

We are past the Mercedes and Land Rover Years….the camels are on the horizon.

The greatest generation consisted of 18 year old kids storming the beaches at “Normandy."

And now, two+ generations later, some 18-year-old kids want to hide in safe rooms when they hear words that hurt their feelings.
They also want free stuff from the government because they think they are entitled to it. Parasites.

Billions of $ were stolen from moronic good intentioned "COVID" programs by people that thought they were entitled to it.

Several million Americans have decided they no longer want to work and are happy with whatever they can get from the government.

The "camels are on the horizon" for sure…
^ 1. probably due to them not knowing his role and what he did, and 2. probably due to the how honest those doing the poling are.
This is today's America :mad:

If you need evidence regarding the US biolabs in Ukraine, this is it.

The US Embassy to Ukraine, Department of State removed all these files from their website yesterday.
Fortunately, they were previously archived for convenient access.

















These labs are co-run by Fauci's EcoHealth Alliance.
The rumor is Russia's entire military operation is unofficially to either secure and/or destroy these labs and gather evidence.

Here's another anon just spitballing.... Worth considering, imho.
anon said:
Think zelensky and putin made a deal. putin gets donbass as independent countries friendly to russia, and putin cleans house in ukraine, which zelensky could not do on his own. then together they hand white hats a boatload of dirt on cabal minions in DC.