US Elections (& Politics) :)

Video description ," A Seattle-area county council candidate and Somali Muslim(Ubax Gardheere) activist once boarded a school bus and threatened to blow it up. Now this muslim Progressive candidate Ubax Gardheere is currently the director of the Equitable Development Division in Seattle’s Office of Planning and Community Development. She's running for a seat on the King County Council. Gardheere was charged in 2010 with felony kidnapping but pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor as part of a sweetheart deal. This is the newly uncovered video of her threatening to blow up the school children.

“it’s a matter of national security.”
“bus is not leaving.”
"I might have a bomb or a gun."
As seen from the back of the bus, children flee out the back of the bus. Gardheere can be heard calling them “cowards” over and over again.

She eventually pled the felony charges down to a gross misdemeanor before trial.

Now Ubax Gardheere is currently the director of “Equitable Development” in Seattle’s office of community development.

electubax .com

SHOCK VIDEO: Seattle-Area Muslim Activist Running For King County Council Once Boarded a Bus Full of Children and Threatened to Blow It Up (VIDEO) (

Here she tells a lie... (when was she in congress?)
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Looks like I will be changing search engines, starting my research for alternatives to Duckduckgo now.

Looks like I will be changing search engines, starting my research for alternatives to Duckduckgo now.

DuckDuckGone! I will be glad when I am smart enough to decide what to look at on the Internet. :facepalm: :screwy:
DuckDuckGone! I will be glad when I am smart enough to decide what to look at on the Internet. :facepalm: :screwy:
I have been using startpage
You send queries to their servers, it queries Google for you, think of it like a proxy. It's free.
So now, they can't answer questions though they were 'hired' to do the job...OMG THESE POS's IN DC! Wow! Hiding behind some interns and secretaries......marvelous.

View attachment 121576

I’m ashamed to say she was the governor of our state. I knew she’d get the pick for energy secretary because of how bad she was for our state. She wrecked Michigan, so what better position for her so she has power to wreck the country.....
Does she still have that mole on her face?

I just heard our current dictator here is wanting to cut the federal gas tax “to ease the burden.” Who’d have thought a socialist would be for lowering taxes.

Of course our witch is also up for re-election this year......
Former Obama advisor: Don't blame Russia, blame Biden for inflation rates

MSNBC economic analyst and former Obama adviser Steven Rattner took President Biden to task on Thursday for claiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine is responsible for the soaring inflation Americans are facing at home.

Biden reacted to the staggering consumer price index report from the Labor Department in a statement Thursday, where he attempted to blame Putin for the documented 7.9% spike in consumer prices over the last 12 months.

"Today's inflation report is a reminder that Americans' budgets are being stretched by price increases and families are starting to feel the impacts of Putin's price hike," the statement said. "A large contributor to inflation this month was an increase in gas and energy prices as markets reacted to Putin's aggressive actions."

"As I have said from the start, there will be costs at home as we impose crippling sanctions in response to Putin’s unprovoked war, but Americans can know this: The costs we are imposing on Putin and his cronies are far more devastating than the costs we are facing."

Rattner called out Biden's remarks in a tweet Thursday, noting that the administration's sanctions on Russia – which were imposed last month – would account for only a small percentage of the devastating inflation figure that reflects the past twelve months.

"Well, no. These are [Feb. numbers] and only include small Russia effect," Rattner wrote. "This is Biden’s inflation and he needs to own it."

Former Obama adviser: Don't blame Russia, blame Biden for inflation rates | Fox News
Looks like I will be changing search engines, starting my research for alternatives to Duckduckgo now.

SOB, like I need another challenge in my life, just when I was comfortable with DDG. It’s obvious the CEO is not listening to his base. Another one bites the dust.
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Political History. This video was taken down by YouTube. Hmmm, what might that mean? That it is the truth maybe?

And a follow up movie...

Revealing Ukraine - Continued Investigations Of Crisis Following Ukraine On Fire - Oliver Stone (

Sad isn't it? Sadly expected that they would take it down though. I started watching it last night on Rumble but haven't finished it.
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Sad two years for who? Huh?!?

Biden warns Democrats it will be a 'sad two years' if Republicans take control of Congress

He encouraged Democrats to use the same work ethic, enthusiasm and energy they had in the 2020 election as they seek to keep control of the House and Senate, and to add seats.

“If we don’t do that, don’t do that, it’s going to be a sad, sad two years. Think about Republicans if they controlled the Congress these last two years,” the president said to members at their winter meeting in Washington, D.C.

I don't know who to believe any more. Is Ukraine info as unreliable as covid info? This Brit goes to Kiev and seems to see a lot of misinformation going on.

Here's something that rings at least a bit more true:


Dr. Robert Malone: Ukraine Biolab Watchtower An attempt to triangulate something approximating truth about Ukraine and Biolabs
March 11, 2022
Great write-up with numerous links:


Prior to invasion of Ukraine, the government of Russia signaled that the presence of these DTRA-sponsored “biolabs” in this region was perceived as a threat to Russian national security and biosecurity. Again, if I were a Russian analyst, I would likely conclude that these laboratories represent a threat to national security.

Based on information available to me, the US Government does not seem to have made any attempt to assure the government of Russia that these laboratories were performing benign activities. One action which might have mitigated Russian concerns would have been to allow unannounced inspections, much as US and NATO have insisted on in the case of foreign nuclear enrichment or reactor programs.

In my professional opinion, based on the language employed by Under Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, I believe that there is a significant risk that the Russian government has obtained documents or other evidence that (at a minimum) one or more of these laboratories have had biological materials the existence of which is likely to prove embarrassing to the United States. The language used appears to my ear to imply that there are biological materials the existence of which could damage US strategic and tactical geopolitical interests.

It is likely that the “chain of custody” or veracity of any evidence which the Russian government may present to support their case will not be clean, and that there will be a strong effort by western media and information sources (social media, tech) to delegitimize any communication by Russia (as a government) and by any persons (Russian or otherwise) who present or attempt to discuss such communication. Including myself. It is highly likely that management of any information concerning this topic is already being globally handled by the Trusted News Initiative organization, and that obtaining or discussing unfiltered and unprocessed “raw” information will soon not be possible.

In other words, in my opinion, this is another topic that we will never be able to get to the bottom of, and we will never be able to discern something akin to objective “truth”. Best we can hope for is some sort of approximation of truth that is sort of like a kaleidoscope image viewed in a hall of mirrors.