Known around here
^^^ We can only hope and if it does happen I hope "the big guy" is the first to roll since he's a lying sack of crap!
Big victory for what’s left of our rule of law.
The Federal Bureau of Incompetence (also known as the liberal Democrat Stasi) fucked up again.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
In a system with a 98%+ conviction rate, where grand juries will indict a ham sandwich - as the old saying goes - the federal government failed to secure a single conviction in the case against four men accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan's Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
The massive prosecutorial failure (which shouldn't have been a surprise given the absurd levels of corruption and criminality exposed among the FBI agents who led the investigation, behavior that ultimately led to the lead investigating agent being fired by the bureau) will unquestionably undermine the Biden Administration's claim that far-right 'white supremacist' terror is the biggest internal threat to the US.
Wow. This is telling and sad...
THEN, the special investigator looking at Russia Russia Russia indicts HRC for directing the DNC to use campaign funds to pay a foreign agent to get dirt on Trump, knowing the dirt was a farce and will be used in a smear campaign to take him down. In addition, she coerces the Obama administration to direct the FBI and DOJ to use that fake bullshit dossier the DNC paid for to create doubt in the minds of a FISA judge via the LIES of some FBI Fuckers intent on stopping Trump, and getting the judge to authorize GOVERNMENT SPYING ON A POLITICAL CAMPAIGN-- very Nixon-esque. Or not....I had a thought on this idea that the DNC is going to replace Biden. I was driving with my wife to NOLA for a funeral and we discussed this.
Consider this:
In 1973 Nixon was President and Agnew was VP. Agnew pleaded no contest to tax evasion and stepped down from office. As per the 25th amendment, Nixon nominated Gerald Ford for VP and he was confirmed by Congress. Then Nixon stepped down and Ford pardoned him.
If the DNC truly desires to dump Biden, I would expect they do NOT want to replace him with Harris as there is no way Harris would get elected in 2024. So who would they consider/desire? At first we thought one of the current high profile Dem Senators or Congressmen. But with the mid-terms coming up, would they really want to pull a sitting Dem off of the Senate or House and risk loosing yet another seat? Maybe a Dem governor? No one came to mind that could possibly win in 2024. So what about a high profile Dem that is not currently in office? Bingo! Hillary Clinton makes perfect sense. She has been positioning herself to run again. She still has a lot of political clout in DC. The left wing media loves her. So how does this happen?
The 25th amendment, section 2 states if there is a vacancy in the office of the VP, the President nominates a VP. That person only needs a majority both of both Houses of Congress to be confirmed. Given the present state of Congress with the RINOs voting for her she would be confirmed.
It would only take the DNC to convince Harris to leave. Then Biden noms Hillery and she is confirmed by Congress. Then Biden steps down and Hilary becomes President.
But all of this would have to happen before the mid term elections or at least before the new folks take their positions, provided the Dems loose control of one or both chambers.
It's already done here ....bring on your DOJ and waste some more taxpayer money, a$$holes ==>> Alabama governor signs sweeping law banning medication for transgender youth
It's already done here ....bring on your DOJ and waste some more taxpayer money, a$$holes ==>> Alabama governor signs sweeping law banning medication for transgender youth![]()
The taxpayers are already paying for abortions, "Safe Smoking Kits", syringes/needles, and so why not trans surgeries and puberty blockers and hormones for transgender youth?Does anyone know who pays for this medication? Is a elementary child’s parents paying for it? If so they should get charged with child neglect.
I sure hope insurance companies don’t pay for it.
Is this stuff “free”. AKA those of us who are productive members of society paying for it.
Yeah, if I was still the parent of a small child (she's 42 now), I'd be sayin'...... "I dun thin so, Lucy."More proof that liberal "progressive" Democrats are pedophiles..
New Jersey to require 2nd graders learn about gender identity in fall, alarming parents