US Elections (& Politics) :)


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Aug 3, 2015
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Jim Watkins, [29.04.22 21:18]
[Forwarded from EWillHelpYou]
They will move to strangle your ability to gather information, before the drops coming up.
They will attempt this through draconian legislation and tech industry control.
And they will fail.
We are far ahead of them.
Nothing is going to prevent the People from getting the full picture.

Full speed ahead. ✊


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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Yesterday I was waiting for an oil change and in the waiting room they had Fox on. I saw the DHS announcement. And I thought to myself "just when you thought it could not possibly get any worse, it does".
unfortunately when the RINO’s get back in charge they won’t eliminate this either…….


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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This is how it might be innocent to begin with, but given how many corrupt and power hungry politicians we have already, THIS will be the start to the END of Free Speech. There is no question in my mind about it.

View attachment 126730
Could not be spoken any better, IMO.

To be accurate, the full title of the newly created department should be more like "Ministry of Truth as WE define it and how WE interpret it and YOU will NOT question it".....but that won't fit very well on an official seal let alone a business card. :mad:


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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The Capitol Police purposely KILLED a lady, well two actually, and this country ignores it.

New Jan. 6 Bodycam Videos Show DC Police Officer Assaulting Unconscious Protester | ZeroHedge

A District of Columbia police officer used a large wooden stick to strike the body and head of protester Rosanne Boyland three times as she lay motionless on the ground on Jan. 6, 2021, according to bodycam footage from several officers obtained by The Epoch Times.
Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart, upon reviewing the previously unreleased footage, concluded that the three full-force blows by D.C. police officer Lila Morris constituted a felony assault with intent to cause great bodily harm


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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The Capitol Police purposely KILLED a lady, well two actually, and this country ignores it.

New Jan. 6 Bodycam Videos Show DC Police Officer Assaulting Unconscious Protester | ZeroHedge

A District of Columbia police officer used a large wooden stick to strike the body and head of protester Rosanne Boyland three times as she lay motionless on the ground on Jan. 6, 2021, according to bodycam footage from several officers obtained by The Epoch Times.
Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart, upon reviewing the previously unreleased footage, concluded that the three full-force blows by D.C. police officer Lila Morris constituted a felony assault with intent to cause great bodily harm
I'm sure the new "Ministry of Truth" will disagree with your assessment.... cowards. No different from any ethnic gang we've been exposed to in the inner cities since the early 20th century. The only difference is the uniform and badge.

She (they?) WILL be judged one day, as we all will. Beating an unarmed, defenseless, motionless person on the ground is inexcusable and deplorable. Morris should be indicted, charged and prosecuted by an unbiased court....... a tall order.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA

The Capitol Police purposely KILLED a lady, well two actually, and this country ignores it.

New Jan. 6 Bodycam Videos Show DC Police Officer Assaulting Unconscious Protester | ZeroHedge

A District of Columbia police officer used a large wooden stick to strike the body and head of protester Rosanne Boyland three times as she lay motionless on the ground on Jan. 6, 2021, according to bodycam footage from several officers obtained by The Epoch Times.
Use-of-force expert Stanley Kephart, upon reviewing the previously unreleased footage, concluded that the three full-force blows by D.C. police officer Lila Morris constituted a felony assault with intent to cause great bodily harm

Aug 3, 2015
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APRIL 29, 2022
Good News Friday

Dear Patriots,

Some good, encouraging and interesting news to send you into the weekend.

1- This bit of good news was a surprise!

New York's Brazenly Gerrymandered Congressional Map Tossed by State's Highest Court

New York Democrats tried to destroy the state's Republican Party by gerrymandering them out of existence with the new congressional map. The Democrats drew district lines that would have assured themselves at least three additional congressional seats going into the 2022 midterms. Ten years ago, they would have gotten away with it. But in 2014, New York voters passed constitutional reforms to the state's redistricting process that tried to take politics out of the process.

"Through the 2014 amendments, the people of this state adopted substantial redistricting reforms aimed at ensuring that the starting point for redistricting legislation would be district lines proffered by a bipartisan commission following significant public participation, thereby ensuring each political party and all interested persons a voice in the composition of those lines," Chief Judge Janet DiFiore wrote for the majority.

The New York State Independent Redistricting Commission failed in its effort to draw non-partisan district lines. They couldn't agree on a single map to send to the state legislature. That's when the Democrats took over and didn't even bother with a fig leaf of bipartisanship. They drew lines for 26 districts, 22 of which had majority Democratic registrations. Republicans sued and have now prevailed completely.

This is the most impactful court case on redistricting yet. National Democrats breathed a sigh of relief last February when the gerrymandered map was approved by the legislature. That map would have given Democrats at least 3-5 more seats in the next Congress, significantly diminishing the impact of GOP advantages in Texas an Florida. Now, with the stroke of a judge's pen, those Democratic advantages have disappeared.

2- Good news from Texas.
Just The News

Federal court dismisses all challenges to Texas abortion law provision

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed all challenges to the Texas Heartbeat Act's private enforcement provision. "Having received the ruling of the Texas Supreme Court that named officials defendants may not enforce the provisions of the Texas Heartbeat Act... this court REMANDS the case with instructions to dismiss all challenges to the private enforcement provisions of the statute and to consider whether plaintiffs have standing to challenge," the ruling obtained by Fox News states. The bill was signed into law in May. It bans abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, which is usually around six weeks of gestation. The law allows private citizens to sue anyone for assisting a woman in getting an abortion, including medical professionals.

3- The reasons for getting the Covid-CCP injection grow fewer by the day. And yet, the government persists.

At least 58% of U.S. population has natural antibodies from previous Covid infection, CDC says

Three out of every 5 people in the U.S. now have antibodies from a previous Covid-19 infection with the proportion even higher among children, demonstrating how widespread the virus was during the winter omicron surge, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The proportion of people with natural Covid antibodies increased substantially from about 34% of the population in December to about 58% in February during the unprecedent wave of infection driven by the highly contagious omicron variant. The CDC's analysis didn't factor in people who had antibodies from vaccination. The CDC published the data in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on Tuesday. The increase in antibody prevalence was most pronounced among children, indicating a high rate of infection among kids during the winter omicron wave. About 75% of children and teenagers now have antibodies from past Covid infections, up from about 45% in December.

4- Like everyone else, we will watch with interest as Elon Musk starts his take-over of Twitter. But, it has been amusing and enlightening to see how the hard-core left has responded to the news of the week.
Daily Wire

Twitter's Top Lawyer Cried During Meeting About Elon Musk Buyout: Report

Leftist tears were literally flowing at Twitter headquarters on Monday after Elon Musk's offer to buy the social media platform was accepted as one high-ranking employee reportedly broke down and cried during a staff meeting about the purchase. On Tuesday, Politico reported that Twitter's top lawyer, Vijaya Gadde, called a virtual meeting among policy and legal teams that she oversees to discuss how Musk would impact the company. "Gadde cried during the meeting as she expressed concerns about how the company could change, according to three people familiar with the meeting," Politico reported. "She acknowledged that there are significant uncertainties about what the company will look like under Musk's leadership." Gadde's reported meltdown is reminiscent of a recent satirical sketch produced by The Babylon Bee that featured a distraught fictional Twitter employee seeking therapy due to Musk's Twitter bid. "It's terrible. I can't even," the woman told the therapist in the video. "I have literally lost my ability to even."

5- Google/YouTube parent Alphabet misses quarterly earnings and revenue for the first quarter. It seems that at long last, the overlords of Big Tech are feeling the financial impact of the Biden Regime economic policies and the complete leftist tilt of their business models.

High-flying tech giants buffeted by turbulent times, earnings show

Amazon, Apple, Meta and Google-parent Alphabet released figures for the first quarter of this year that showed they are not impervious to turbulence roiling global markets. Amazon posted its first quarterly loss since 2015, dragged down by its investment in electric truck maker Rivian, and warned of continuing challenges in the months ahead. Alphabet and Facebook parent Meta rely on digital advertising, and their earnings reports showed that marketers are becoming more careful with their budgets. Both Silicon Valley firms vowed to be more mindful of costs. Alphabet and Meta are looking to ride the TikTok-led trend of streaming video snippets with similar offerings of their on, called respectively Shorts and Reels, but that format is tough to monetize.

6- The cancellation of Netflix subscriptions continues to roil the company intent on pushing out propaganda.

Netflix Layoffs Grow: Staff at Fan Site Tudum Axed Just Five Months After Launch

Netflix is continuing to lay off employees a week after the left-wing streamer stunned Wall Street by announcing it had lost 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter and expects to lose a staggering 2 million more in the months ahead. Staff at Netflix's in-house fan site Tudum received pink slips on Thursday, just five months after the site launched. Several laid off Tudum staffers announced their departures on Twitter, with some saying their whole team got the axe. The new layoffs come after Netflix eliminated a swath of its animation department earlier this week, getting rid of its director of creative leadership and development for original animation, Phil Rynda, along with some of his staff. The layoffs come shortly after Netflix executives announced a major corporate retrenchment that will include a more cost-conscious approach to programming following years of profligate spending. As a result, employee morale has plummeted to its lowest levels in years.
Shares of Netflix have dropped more than 40 percent since the company reported first quarter earnings last week and are down more than 60 percent so far this year.

7- Speaking of propaganda, it seems this factory is reaching fewer people. That is a good thing.

CNN April Primetime Ratings Dive -43%

CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence, lost 43 percent of its primetime audience in just one month. MSNBC, an openly left-wing outlet, saw its total day 25-54 age demo crash to an average of just 75,000 viewers, which is way below the 100,000 threshold considered respectable. Compared to last month, "CNN shed -43% in total primetime viewers, -54% from the primetime demo, -34% in total day viewers and -43% in total day adults 25-54," reports AdWeek. Compared to April of 2021, "CNN shed -33% in total primetime viewers, -39% in the primetime demo, -26% in total day viewers and -36% in total day adults 25-54[.]" Throughout the month of April, CNNLOL was only able to attract an average of 694,000 primetime viewers and 582,000 total day viewers, continuing a long term trend of failures.

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Defending The Republic

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Aug 3, 2015
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Nick Moseder, [30.04.22 07:59]
[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐)]

Kash explains why Durham (appears) to be taking so long and it’s glorious.

“People were complaining, why aren’t we hearing more from John Durham? Well because now we know why. He was working on this large scale, criminal enterprise, joint venture conspiracy that he’s finally outlined to the public…”

The beauty of it all is that Durham let them self-destruct by issuing all these pleadings in their state of panic. Brilliant.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Durham may have done an outstanding job of investigating and compiling evidence. I have no doubt that he has assembled more than enough to convict many people. Unfortunately I don't think any of the major players, Hillary, Brennan, et al, will ever be charged, go to trial or pay any price whatsoever for their lying, cheating and deceiving. The same is true for all the election fraud that went on. The evidence continues to mount, good, solid, video evidence as well as forensic evidence but no one will ever get prosecuted or convicted and we're stuck with an incompetent dementia ridden fool for a President and an incompetent never been for a Vice President.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Great article by Caitlin Johnstone.

The Department of Homeland Security has secretly set up a “Disinformation Governance Board”, only informing the public about its plans for the institution after it had already been established.

The disinformation board, which critics have understandably been calling a “Ministry of Truth”, purportedly exists to fight disinformation coming out of Russia as well as misleading messages about the US-Mexico border. We may be certain that the emphasis in the board’s establishment has been on the Russia angle, however.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, in her patented “You’re such a crazy idiot for questioning me about the White House” manner, dismissed alarmed questions about what specific functions this strange new DHS entity was going to be performing and what its authority will look like.

“It sounds like the objective of the board is to prevent disinformation and misinformation from traveling around the country in a range of communities,”Psaki said.
“I’m not sure who opposes that effort.”
The answer to the question of “who opposes that effort” is of course “anyone with functioning gray matter between their ears.” No government entity has any business appointing itself the authority to sort information from disinformation on behalf of the public, because government entities are not impartial and omniscient deities who can be entrusted to serve the public as objective arbiters of absolute reality. They would with absolute certainty wind up drawing distinctions between information, misinformation and disinformation in whatever way serves their interests, regardless of what’s true, exactly as any authoritarian regime would do.
I mean, is anyone honestly more afraid of Russian disinformation than they are of their own government appointing itself the authority to decide what counts as disinformation?