Please Help: Marine Corps Veteran Zach Rehl Did Not Commit Any Violence, Did Not Break Down Barriers, Has Been Detained for Over 14 Months and Never Has Held His Baby Daughter -- PLEASE HELP ZACH
My name is Zach Rehl and I’m a lesser-known, yet presently detained, a political prisoner for over 14 months that is part of conspiracy accusation charges involving the events surrounding the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Despite being listed as number three on the ever-changing and ever-growing indictment, the media has rarely mentioned me, even though my lawyers have submitted countless motions disputing the false accusations against us. It is my firm belief, that my background goes against what the government and the media want the public to perceive when they think of these “Capitol” cases.
The reasons for the silence are blatant. I have never been to prison, I have no violent criminal history and no history of violence in general. I am a family man who should be allowed home to my teenage daughter, my wife, and our daughter who she gave birth to while I have been unjustly incarcerated. My wife and I are homeowners and had been in the process of selling our current home so we could move into a larger one for our growing family. But due to this ongoing nightmare, she had been forced to take our house off the market and stay put in a home that is too small for our now bigger family.
I come from a very blue-collar family that has a deep respect for law enforcement due to the fact that my father and my grandfather worked for the Philadelphia Police. I myself am a disabled Marine Corps veteran who was honorably discharged exactly 10 years ago this year. After, I chose to further my education by attending an academically respected, Temple University, where I received a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. I briefly worked in the financial field before making my way back to Temple, where I obtained a master’s degree in their Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship program. My degree was able to land me a position with an investment bank, where I was able to acquire my Series 7/66 brokers licenses. Which was in addition to the various insurance licenses I already had already taken. I did leave the investment bank with the intention of opening my own financial firm which is normally lengthy progress made further longer because of Covid shutdowns. I was almost finished setting up for my company when the FBI halted it all by raiding my home and kidnapping me from my family. That was the last time I was home, March 17th, 2021. Even after the government grudgingly admitted in court that they were aware I committed no violence or damaged any property on January 6th and that there was no evidence that existed where I told anyone else to be violent either.
I am not the image that media and certain people in power want you to see as someone being held wrongly for that day. I’m simply a person no different than you; a patriot who loves this country, a country I signed a blank check on my life to defend, a country which is now ironically forcing me to rot in prison for exercising the same constitutional rights I took an oath the protect. I’m not violent, I’m not a racist, I’m not hateful, and I never was, nor will I ever be. All I ask, is for those following these cases, to really look at what the government is doing here.
They are jailing innocent people on bogus and trumped-up charges because those people simply supported the sitting president at the time; which is absolutely insane. If you think it can’t happen to you, look at me, because if it can happen to me, trust me, it can happen to you. Please, if you will, share my story as much as you can to anyone who will listen so that people can see the total injustice going on and help to push for the release of my co-defendants and me so we can go return to our families where we belong. To anyone who has done anything thus far, whether it be a letter, a share, or a like, I thank you. To those planning on doing anything, thank you in advance! We will get through this, but we cannot do it alone, we need real patriots out there spreading the word and raising awareness through any peaceful means necessary.
God Bless you all and God Bless America!