US Elections (& Politics) :)

The Trial

Sussmann’s trial was the first major courtroom test of special prosecutor John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative.

It’s unclear how this not guilty verdict will affect Durham’s larger investigation, but it is a major blow to it. The special counsel issued a prepared statement after the verdict saying, “While we are disappointed in the outcome, we respect the jury’s decision.” Sussmann celebrated his victory in a statement from the courthouse steps.

The Case Against Sussmann

Sussmann is charged with lying to the FBI during one specific meeting, but legally, lying to the FBI is only a felony if the lie is germain to a relevant investigation. Essentially, even if the prosecution was successful in showing that he lied, which many argue they were, they would also need to be successful in showing that the lie materially impacted an ongoing FBI investigation, which was disputed by the defense.

The defense argued that the FBI was aware that Sussmann was a partisan when they received his information, and they factored that knowledge into their handling of his information, so even though Sussmann falsely presented himself as a private citizen not connected to any political campaign, the FBI knew otherwise.

The scope of the charge was also fairly narrow and included only communication that occured during one specific meeting, whereas some of the false information was communicated via text message before that meeting. The statute of limitations for the crime had already passed when prosecutors obtained those text messages, so they couldn’t add them to the indictment, which weakened their case.

Remember: The jury pool is coming from a jurisdiction that voted more than 90% for Clinton, and there was evidence that the jurors largely favored her over Donald Trump politically.
Juror Who Acquitted Sussmann: ‘There Are Bigger Things’ Than Lying to FBI

"A juror in the trial of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann told the media after he was unanimously acquitted Tuesday that she did not think the case should have been prosecuted because lying to the FBI was not a big deal.

“I don’t think it should have been prosecuted,” she reportedly said, according to Jeff Mordock, White House reporter for the Washington Times. “There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI.”

The case was the most high-profile prosecution undertaken by Special Counsel John H. Durham, who is investigating the origins of the “Russia collusion” conspiracy theory. The trial saw testimony that tied Hillary Clinton directly to the hoax.

Sussmann was widely considered by legal observers to have been proven guilty, given the testimony of FBI agents and a text message that suggested he claimed to be acting as a concerned citizen rather than a Clinton campaign lawyer when he tipped off the agency about supposed collusion between then-candidate Donald Trump and the Russian government via Alfa Bank — a claim that was later debunked.

However, as former White House national security official Kash Patel warned on Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM Patriot 125 last week, there could be “jury nullification,” in which the jury simply decided not to convict, regardless of the evidence.

The juror’s attitude hinted at nullification, and contrasted sharply with the approach taken by a federal judge in the same D.C. jurisdiction when it came to former Trump aide Michael Flynn, who was charged with the same crime. Judge Emmet G. Sullivan would not let the case go, even after new evidence emerged that convinced prosecutors to withdraw the charge.

Ultimately, President Trump had to pardon Flynn to extricate him from what observers considered a wrongful prosecution."

Juror Who Acquitted Sussmann: 'There Are Bigger Things' Than Lying to FBI (

My comment: It looks like she believes he lied to the FBI but it was not a big deal in her mind and he should not be punished for it. Good Lord!
We live in a country where 50%+ of the populace no longer differentiates right from wrong and as they have been trained to believe by the liberal Democrats, the law no longer matters. The decay is past the point of salvaging.
We live in a country where 50%+ of the populace no longer differentiates right from wrong and as they have been trained to believe by the liberal Democrats, the law no longer matters. The decay is past the point of salvaging.
I have said this before that we are following the third century of the Roman Empire. Most will not understand this comment.
The next trial is scheduled to be in Northern Virginia, basically the same as DC in terms of politics.

June 1, 2022
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Nothing happens by chance

Dear Patriots,
say that when we raise issue with leftist policy that we are "conspiracy nuts".

We say: Nothing happens by chance.

It is up to you to know what is happening in this world. They do not want the truth to leak out.


1- Keep an eye out for the cover-up of this report on Dominion Voting Machines.

The Conservative Treehouse

DHS and Intel Community Media Outlets Proactively Move to Defend Dominion Voting Systems Ahead of Report on Electronic Election Hardware Issues Coming This Week
The timing is not coincidental. A 100-page report on electronic voting systems, by University of Michigan computer scientist J. Alex Halderman, remains under seal in a federal court in Atlanta as an outcome of election integrity lawsuits surrounding the Dominion voting system. That report is rumored to be released soon, perhaps as early as this week.

In what appears to be a proactive move to get out ahead of identified voting system irregularities specific to the electronic voting systems, the Dept of Homeland Security, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (DHS-CISA), updated the election page on their website under the "Rumor Control" section. DHS made the update on May 27, 2022, last week.

The very next day, May 28, 2022, The Washington Post produces an article describing an upcoming DHS-CISA 5-page memorandum that is in the process of being sent to the states ahead of a public release.

With the WaPo being the outlet of choice for the intelligence community & security state, it appears they received an advanced copy to help establish an early response effort.

For a group of government bureaucrats that are so confident there's no 'there, there', they sure are putting a lot of energy into delivering all the talking points ahead of the actual election reports and state advisories.


2- Here is an update on Monkey Pox from Dr. Malone.

Dr. Robert W Malone

Monkey Pox Update: There has been a significant development.

May 31, 2022.
QUOTE: In conclusion, the preponderance of current evidence is pointing towards a hypothesis for the origin of this outbreak which is increasingly consistent with prior "war game" scenario planning, remarkably akin to that which occurred during Event 201, which posits emergence of an engineered Monkeypox virus into the human population during mid-May of 2022.
Draw your own conclusions, and do your own diligence.


3- Read about the six people you should NEVER listen to. They are proven liars.

NYPOST Editorial

The Shameful Six: Never listen to these people again
QUOTE: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley gave the commencement speech at West Point last weekend, warning graduates of the new threats they'll face. Word to the wise, cadets: Milley isn't a guy anyone should listen to, on this or anything else. He's been disastrously wrong time and again, for years.

Where to start? Milley defended the decision to leave more than 100 Americans stranded in Afghanistan after the US pullout and called the withdrawal a "logistical success." And let's not forget the bungled US drone attack that killed an aid worker there, as well as two other adults and seven children. Milley first cast that as a "righteous strike," later admitting he was wrong. Oopsie!

At home, he reportedly undermined then-President Donald Trump, going behind his back to calm Chinese military bigs' fears about the prez's possible actions and calling Trump's stolen election claims a "Reichstag moment." He bizarrely defended the Army's inclusion of woke nonsense on the West Point curriculum by citing so-called "white rage" — a subject that has zero to do with contemporary warfighting.

But he's hardly alone on the "never listen to them" list.

Some others: Dr. Anthony Fauci. Christopher Steel. Randi Weingarten. James Clapper. Jake Sullivan.

4- It is time to be looking for the way to cure people of the horrible complications of the Clot Shot.

Dr. Joseph Shepherd
How the COVID Vaccines Kill

With each passing day, the news connected to the COVID shots grows worse. That the injections don't prevent COVID -- or even its spread -- has been known for months, and post-injection problems encompass almost everything that can go wrong with a body.

"Not a single organ, not a single bodily function, is unharmed" after one of these shots, said Arne Burkhardt, a professor of forensics at Reutlingen's Pathological Institute.

So little has been written about why "side effects" such as myocarditis have popped up that one can't help but wonder: Does anybody understand how these shots work?

Over the next year, we will continue to observe how impaired interferon affects the great COVID shot experiment. But while we study the pathology, let us further develop the mechanisms associated with mRNA injections, so that new approaches to the injuries they inflict may be devised.


5- This is a good analysis of the dismal Biden Economy and a heads up to Republicans.

Daniel Henninger at WSJ

Joe Biden's Train-Wreck Economy
QUOTE: Mr. Biden spent his week in Asia talking about the economy back home. Aficionados of how the president arranges reality have noted that the Putin-did-it rationale for the troubled U.S. economy is giving way to the argument that it's an economy "in transition." As the art of political nomenclature, this is progress, and I'd say Mr. Biden's argument deserves a hearing.

The only thing we know today is that the pre-existing status quo is gone. When Joe Biden and Brian Deese say they want to transition to an economy with more "stable and resilient" growth, they are describing their alternative to the prepandemic froth. That vision has two goals.

The first is to use taxes and government-guided capital investments to compensate for the widening spread between the incomes of knowledge-economy workers and everyone else. The other goal, of course, is their great white whale—a non-fossil-fuel economy. Growth, they assume, will be slower in their economy but somehow steadier and more predictable. Substance aside, the progressive economic model is on its way down the political drain. Mr. Biden admitted as much in Tokyo when he remarked that passing his Build Back Better agenda would have lowered child and family-care costs and tempered the effects of inflation. Of course, it's not happening.

Still, this grand progressive experiment—a final choice between the U.S. as a welfare state or a growth state—came within one Senate vote of reality. Sen. Joe Manchin blocked creation of the transfer-payment state, and the Democrats' massive Covid outlays produced insurmountable political problems with inflation and labor-market distortions. The green-energy dream—whose relentlessly ignored costs will always be at cross purposes with their transfer payments high costs—is on hold for this election cycle and probably the presidential election in 2024.

Republicans will pocket November but shouldn't gloat. Mr. Deese is right to say the goal is a stable, resilient economy. But they blew it.
Their post-pandemic economy is a historic train wreck. The political gods, in their unfathomable wisdom, have handed Republicans a once-in-a-generation chance to help voters understand how to build a future from this ruin. Start talking.


6- We are, of course, dismayed by this verdict. But, sadly, not surprised given our own experience with judges and juries in the DC District.
The Swamp is an incestuous, vile cesspool full of people protecting their own interest and not the interests of the American people.

Columnist Byron York of the Washington Examiner observed in the hours before the verdict was delivered on Tuesday:

QUOTE: There is no doubt Sussmann lied to the FBI. There is no doubt he is guilty. But the trial is taking place in Washington, perhaps the deepest-blue jury pool in the United States. Durham's prosecutors are "facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team as Sussmann's daughter," George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley said recently on Fox News. "With the exception of randomly selecting people out of DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury."

Technofog on Substack

Michael Sussmann has been acquitted

QUOTE: The acquittal is no surprise. This is a DC jury, after all. In the Roger Stone case, for example, we documented how a juror lied to get on the panel. (That judge didn't care.) Making matters worse, the Sussmann judge wrongly allowed for a woman to remain on the jury, despite the fact that her daughter and Sussmann's are on the same high school crew team. One can't help but think that juror had her own daughter's interests in mind – the cohesion of the crew team – when she reached a decision.

On the facts, there was more than sufficient evidence to prove Sussmann's guilt. Sussmann lied to then-FBI general counsel James Baker in order to get a meeting to pass the Alfa Bank hoax materials to the FBI. Sussmann lied again during the meeting – stating he was not there on behalf of a client – in order to get the FBI to open an investigation into the Trump Organization's purported ties with Alfa Bank. Later, during testimony to Congress, Sussmann admitted he met with Baker on behalf of a client. Billing records proved he had been working on the Alfa Bank project on behalf of the Clinton Campaign.

That's not the say the public hasn't benefited from the trial. The information disclosed during the trial was important to understand the broader Clinton/Fusion GPS/Perkins Coie effort to poison the public, the press, and the FBI with their Trump/Russia lies.


7- The massive gun violence that the left loves to ignore. Leftist policies are deadly.

Chicago Sun-Times

51 people shot over Memorial Day weekend in Chicago, the most violent in five years

QUOTE: Chicago experienced its most violent Memorial Day weekend in five years — 9 killed, 42 wounded — despite stepped up police patrols and a focus on neighborhood programs that city officials hoped would provide peaceful alternatives.

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Defending The Republic

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This email was sent by Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
The Swamp is an incestuous, vile cesspool full of people protecting their own interest and not the interests of the American people.

Truer words have never been spoken
Anyone remember what I said several weeks ago, about China/Taiwan, less than a week after the Russia/Ukraine events unfolded?


Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted
Yaakov Katz
Didn’t take long. Got call from Chinese embassy. Apparently I’m supposed to take down the story or they will sever ties with the @Jerusalem_Post
and downgrade relations with the State of Israel. Needless to say, story ain’t going anywhere.
Quote Tweet
Yaakov Katz
· May 30
After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Taiwan fears it might be next if it is attacked by China. In this interview, ⁦@MOFA_Taiwan WU⁩ explains why he fears China’s readying for war & what he expects the ⁦@naftalibennett⁩-⁦@yairlapid⁩ gov’t. https:/
1:18 PM · May 30, 2022·Twitter for iPhone
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Whooda thunk Perkins Coie had an FBI workspace established onsite in their Washington, DC offices?



Rep. Matt Gaetz: DNC Law Firm Perkins Coie Admits It Has FBI Workspace in Its DC Office and Michael Sussmann was Operating the Worksite (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published May 31, 2022 at 8:42pm

Not only does it appear that Perkins Coie housed a special workspace for the FBI at their law offices, but Sussmann had an FBI badge that allowed him access to FBI HQ. Watch Sen Kennedy confront Wray (who of course evades the question) last week:

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We live in a country where 50%+ of the populace no longer differentiates right from wrong and as they have been trained to believe by the liberal Democrats, the law no longer matters. The decay is past the point of salvaging.
Yeah, they don't see the implications of falsely accusing a Presidential candidate then President for over 4 years.
If the shoe was on the other foot, I'm sure it would be a totally different story.
I call it the peabrain syndrome.
Whooda thunk Perkins Coie had an FBI workspace established onsite in their Washington, DC offices?



Rep. Matt Gaetz: DNC Law Firm Perkins Coie Admits It Has FBI Workspace in Its DC Office and Michael Sussmann was Operating the Worksite (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published May 31, 2022 at 8:42pm

Not only does it appear that Perkins Coie housed a special workspace for the FBI at their law offices, but Sussmann had an FBI badge that allowed him access to FBI HQ. Watch Sen Kennedy confront Wray (who of course evades the question) last week:


This story will not see the light of day in the MSM. The likes of CTGoldwing will not have a clue unless he reads it here.
Still intent on ending NY AG Letitia James' probe of his business, Donald Trump files federal notice of appeal

Donald Trump filed appellate papers on Wednesday that are his latest effort to stymie a 3-year inquiry into his business by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

The papers, filed in US District Court in Albany, came in quick response to a decision by a judge of that court, Brenda K. Sannes, who on Friday dismissed Trump's effort out of hand.

Trump says in his new filing that he will ask the US Court of Appeals, the next federal court up, to reverse Sannes' decision, which tossed his lawsuit after James defended her probe by asserting she has found "substantial" evidence of financial wrongdoing.

Trump and James have been at loggerheads throughout her investigation, which she has said has uncovered a pattern of self-serving misstatements throughout a decade of the former president's annual financial statements.

Trump has used the allegedly error-riddled statements to secure hundreds of millions of dollars in bank loans and tax breaks.

An enforcement action — likely a massive lawsuit against Trump and his business, possibly seeking to shut it down entirely — will be filed in the near future, James has warned.

Still, Trump has fought — and delayed — the inquiry for two years, in great stacks of litigation filed in three New York courthouses.

In addition to this new appellate effort, Trump is appealing a New York state Supreme Court's finding that he is in contempt of court for failing to fully comply with James' subpoena for his business documents and electronics.

Trump Still Hates That NY AG Probe (

My comment: Business Insider is a left wing rag.
Please Help: Marine Corps Veteran Zach Rehl Did Not Commit Any Violence, Did Not Break Down Barriers, Has Been Detained for Over 14 Months and Never Has Held His Baby Daughter -- PLEASE HELP ZACH


My name is Zach Rehl and I’m a lesser-known, yet presently detained, a political prisoner for over 14 months that is part of conspiracy accusation charges involving the events surrounding the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. Despite being listed as number three on the ever-changing and ever-growing indictment, the media has rarely mentioned me, even though my lawyers have submitted countless motions disputing the false accusations against us. It is my firm belief, that my background goes against what the government and the media want the public to perceive when they think of these “Capitol” cases.

The reasons for the silence are blatant. I have never been to prison, I have no violent criminal history and no history of violence in general. I am a family man who should be allowed home to my teenage daughter, my wife, and our daughter who she gave birth to while I have been unjustly incarcerated. My wife and I are homeowners and had been in the process of selling our current home so we could move into a larger one for our growing family. But due to this ongoing nightmare, she had been forced to take our house off the market and stay put in a home that is too small for our now bigger family.

I come from a very blue-collar family that has a deep respect for law enforcement due to the fact that my father and my grandfather worked for the Philadelphia Police. I myself am a disabled Marine Corps veteran who was honorably discharged exactly 10 years ago this year. After, I chose to further my education by attending an academically respected, Temple University, where I received a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. I briefly worked in the financial field before making my way back to Temple, where I obtained a master’s degree in their Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship program. My degree was able to land me a position with an investment bank, where I was able to acquire my Series 7/66 brokers licenses. Which was in addition to the various insurance licenses I already had already taken. I did leave the investment bank with the intention of opening my own financial firm which is normally lengthy progress made further longer because of Covid shutdowns. I was almost finished setting up for my company when the FBI halted it all by raiding my home and kidnapping me from my family. That was the last time I was home, March 17th, 2021. Even after the government grudgingly admitted in court that they were aware I committed no violence or damaged any property on January 6th and that there was no evidence that existed where I told anyone else to be violent either.

I am not the image that media and certain people in power want you to see as someone being held wrongly for that day. I’m simply a person no different than you; a patriot who loves this country, a country I signed a blank check on my life to defend, a country which is now ironically forcing me to rot in prison for exercising the same constitutional rights I took an oath the protect. I’m not violent, I’m not a racist, I’m not hateful, and I never was, nor will I ever be. All I ask, is for those following these cases, to really look at what the government is doing here. They are jailing innocent people on bogus and trumped-up charges because those people simply supported the sitting president at the time; which is absolutely insane. If you think it can’t happen to you, look at me, because if it can happen to me, trust me, it can happen to you. Please, if you will, share my story as much as you can to anyone who will listen so that people can see the total injustice going on and help to push for the release of my co-defendants and me so we can go return to our families where we belong. To anyone who has done anything thus far, whether it be a letter, a share, or a like, I thank you. To those planning on doing anything, thank you in advance! We will get through this, but we cannot do it alone, we need real patriots out there spreading the word and raising awareness through any peaceful means necessary.

God Bless you all and God Bless America!