White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked to clear up some details about Joe Biden’s latest whopper of a lie. Last Friday he delivered the commencement address at the Naval Academy. He told a story never before heard and not mentioned in his autobiography. Biden told the midshipmen that he applied to the Naval Academy in 1965. That couldn’t possibly be true, though. Jean-Pierre’s response was cringe-worthy.
Here’s the story – Biden told the midshipmen about applying to the Naval Academy with a letter from then-Senator J. Caleb Boggs in 1965. The problem with that is Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965. He went on to say that he didn’t plan to go to the Academy because he wanted to be a football star. The Naval Academy already had two – Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino – so he went to the University of Delaware. Right. Plus, during his college days Biden received several deferments to avoid serving in the Vietnam war. He received them because of childhood asthma. Clearly, something doesn’t add up.
I’m kinda surprised that it was CBS News White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe that questioned the details of Biden’s story. He’s normally lobbing softballs to either Biden or his press secretary. He asked if Biden was confused about the timeline of his story. Instead of delivering an answer that would cover for the president’s obvious whopper of a phony story, she punted. Karine Jean-Pierre said she didn’t hear the story. O’Keefe reminded her it was at the beginning of his speech and she continued to say she didn’t hear it. She said she’d have to look at it before commenting. Does Biden’s press secretary not even bother to listen to his speeches?
Defending The Republic files class action suit
on behalf of military chaplains
On May 18, 2022, Associated Gospel Churches ("AGC") and Defending the Republic ("DTR"), filed a class action complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida on behalf of military chaplains in Alvarado v. Austin, III, No. 8:22-cv-1149 (MD Fla) ("Alvarado").
In Alvarado, military chaplains challenge the legality of the Department of Defense's ("DoD") mandate that all military take a COVID-19 vaccination. The chaplains contend it is a fraud, not a vaccine as that term is historically known and the Mandate is unconstitutional. There are now 26 such lawsuits in various District Courts.
The Chaplains' lawsuit challenges DoD's utter contempt for religious liberty evidenced in its "no religious accommodations policy" contrary to law; its failure to obey the Religious Freedom Restoration Act; and its failure to acknowledge or implement Congress' directive in the the 2013 and 2014 National Defense Authorization Act's ("NDAA") section 533, establishing specific religious liberty provisions and protections for military personnel and chaplains.
DoD has failed to obey Congress' subsequent commands in the 2016 and 2018 NDAAs to implement Section 533's protections for chaplains and produce religious liberty instruction for the Chaplains, Judge Advocates General, and command preparation courses.
The Chaplains allege DoD has acted in bad faith; subverted the military; established both a religion and a forbidden religious test for public office; violated every First Amendment guarantee; shown contempt for Congress and acted in overt bad faith.
DoD's actions contravene express Congressional directives, the Constitution and the rule of law. This hostility to lawful authority should concern every citizen.
Arthur Schulz of AGC is the lead counsel, with DTR and Andrew Meyer of Finn Law Group as co-counsel.
Regardless of who wins any election, to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
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Comments or Questions? Contact: editor@defendingtherepublic.org To Donate to support our efforts NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked to clear up some details about Joe Biden’s latest whopper of a lie. Last Friday he delivered the commencement address at the Naval Academy. He told a story never before heard and not mentioned in his autobiography. Biden told the midshipmen that he applied to the Naval Academy in 1965. That couldn’t possibly be true, though. Jean-Pierre’s response was cringe-worthy.
Here’s the story – Biden told the midshipmen about applying to the Naval Academy with a letter from then-Senator J. Caleb Boggs in 1965. The problem with that is Biden graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965. He went on to say that he didn’t plan to go to the Academy because he wanted to be a football star. The Naval Academy already had two – Roger Staubach and Joe Bellino – so he went to the University of Delaware. Right. Plus, during his college days Biden received several deferments to avoid serving in the Vietnam war. He received them because of childhood asthma. Clearly, something doesn’t add up.
I’m kinda surprised that it was CBS News White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe that questioned the details of Biden’s story. He’s normally lobbing softballs to either Biden or his press secretary. He asked if Biden was confused about the timeline of his story. Instead of delivering an answer that would cover for the president’s obvious whopper of a phony story, she punted. Karine Jean-Pierre said she didn’t hear the story. O’Keefe reminded her it was at the beginning of his speech and she continued to say she didn’t hear it. She said she’d have to look at it before commenting. Does Biden’s press secretary not even bother to listen to his speeches?
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
"They, the elites or predator class, recognize that they are now locked into this. If they try to retreat, there is no retreat. People are waking up at such a rapid rate that they are in a moment where they are going to have to go for broke and try to impose the whole agenda and damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead or they are going to be in big trouble. They are going to be prosecuted. Right this moment, there are conversations in state attorney generals’ offices all across the country, and this is a problem. People are demanding prosecution..
Right now, the elites, or predator class, realize if they don’t move forward very quickly, they are going to lose everything. They could possibly end up facing true accountability. I think we are in a very dangerous situation now. When people get into a position like that, they don’t have a whole lot of options. Either they cancel the election or they cheat like crazy or they just collapse everything. The way things are going right now with inflation out of control, the food crisis and famine just around the corner, of course, that they engineered, and the monkey pox and bird flu, they have all there crises lined up...
You realize they have a lot of options still to play. I suspect there will be some very interesting developments between now and the mid-term elections. If we had honest elections, they would be totally creamed. They would be toast, and they know that.”
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
The CISA advisory was prompted by a 25,000-word report by J. Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer scientist. He prepared the report as an expert witness in a federal lawsuit filed by voting integrity activists who want Georgia's machines replaced with paper ballots. The suit was filed in 2017 and is unrelated to any allegation of a specific hack.
Election-hackers could exploit other weaknesses to forge cards technicians use to access—and change—the machines' software. “Attackers could then mark ballots inconsistently with voters’ intent, alter recorded votes or even identify voters’ secret ballots,” Halderman told AP.
Records Show Arizona Woman Who Was Indicted For Illegally Collecting Ballots in 2020, Ran Sophisticated Ballot Harvesting Operation
As previously reported, Guillermina Fuentes, 66, was indicted in 2020 for illegally harvesting ballots for Democrats in Arizona.
A second accomplice, Alma Yadira Juarez, also pleaded guilty for her role in a local ballot trafficking operation during the 2020 primary election.
Local residents busted the Democrat operatives and exposed their ballot collecting scheme.
David Lara and Gary Snyder, who were featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary “2000 Mules” recorded and photographed ballot traffickers stuffing ballot boxes on the day of the August 4th, 2020, Primary Election.
The evidence was presented to the Arizona Attorney General, resulting in a guilty plea by Alma Yadira Juarez. Guillermina Fuentes, who serves on the San Luis School District Board, faces four felony charges. Juarez admitted to prosecutors that Fuentes, 65 gave her the ballots.
According to records obtained by the Associated Press, Guillermina Fuentes ran a very sophisticated ballot harvesting operation in the border city of San Luis.
The Associated Press if finally catching up with TGP’s reporting on this story.
Fuentes used her status as a well-known Democrat operative to convince voters to give her their ballots or let her fill out their ballots.
AP reported:
An Arizona woman indicted in 2020 on accusations of illegally collecting ballots apparently ran a sophisticated operation using her status as a well-known Democratic operative in the border city of San Luis to persuade voters to let her gather and in some cases fill out their ballots, according to records obtained by The Associated Press.
Guillermina Fuentes, 66, and a second woman were indicted in December 2020 on one count of ballot abuse, a practice commonly known as “ballot harvesting” that was made illegal under a 2016 state law. Additional charges of conspiracy, forgery and an additional ballot abuse charge were added last October.
Investigators said it appears she used her position as a powerful figure in the heavily Mexican American community to get people to give her or others their ballots to return to the polls.
The alleged illegal ballot collection by Fuentes and her co-defendant happened in plain sight outside a cultural center in San Luis on the day of the primary election, the reports show. Fuentes was at a card table set up by supporters of a slate of city council candidates and was spotted with several mail-ballot envelopes, pulling out the ballots and in some cases marking them.
The ballots were then taken inside the cultural center and deposited in a ballot box.
Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is in Yuma, Arizona to interview with the Yuma Sun before Gadsden Elementary School board Member and former San Luis Mayor Guillermina Fuentes pleads guilty to her role in running a sophisticated ballot trafficking operation during the 2020 primary election.
Nonprofit Executive Tony Reyes has reportedly left the country as this investigation has targeted his organization’s employees.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Guillermina Fuentes will plead guilty today for illegally harvesting ballots for Democrats in Arizona.
BREAKING: After Comey and McCabe maintained an office inside the DNC's law firm and gave a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer security badge privileges to FBI HQ, they planted a special reserve agent inside the White House to secretly spy on President Trump and report back to FBI HQ
BREAKING: After Comey and McCabe maintained an office inside the DNC's law firm and gave a Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer security badge privileges to FBI HQ, they planted a special reserve agent inside the White House to secretly spy on President Trump and report back to FBI HQ
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
There is very little that surprises me, but this is completely stunning. An FBI whistleblower came forth to inform Rep Jim Jordan and Rep Matt Gaetz that the FBI maintains a workspace inside the law firm of Perkins Coie. {Direct Rumble Link}
In response to a letter sent by Rep. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, Perkins Coie, the legal arm of the DNC and Hillary Clinton, admitted they have been operating an FBI workspace in their Washington D.C. office since 2012. Pay attention to that date, it matters.
This is a huge development. Essentially, what is being admitted in this claim is that a portal existed into FBI databases within the law firm that represents democrats. This means access to FBI database searches exists inside the office of the DNC and Clinton legal group. Think about the ramifications here.
CTH has long claimed there was some kind of direct portal link between the Clinton campaign team and the FBI databases. There were too many trails of extracted non-minimized research evidence in the hands of the Clinton team that CTH could not trace to a transferring FBI official. If Perkins Coie operated a portal in their office that allowed them to conduct search queries of American citizens, then everything would make sense. That access portal is exactly what is being claimed and admitted in this report. The start date of 2012 is important for several reasons, not the least of which is FISA presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer criticizing the scale and scope of unlawful FBI database access going back to exactly 2012. Keep in mind a FISA-702 search, is simply an unlawful FBI warrantless electronic search of an American (“702” represents the American citizen) into the central database -maintained by the NSA- that contains all electronic data and communication.
I have been in the deep hole of the FISA-702 database search query violations for so long I don’t even need a flashlight.
The report from Matt Gaetz about Perkins Coie access to FBI databases, is in direct alignment with Rosemary Collyer’s prior report on FBI abuses of the database, 702 violations. Notice the dates and scope Judge Collyer references [Source Link]. Non-compliant queries since 2012.
85% of the FBI and contractor searches are unlawful.
Many of those searches involved the use of the “same identifiers over different data ranges.” Put in plain terms, the same people were continually being tracked, searched and surveilled by querying the FBI database over time.
The non-compliant searches go back to 2012. The same date mentioned for the FBI portal to begin operating inside the Perkins Coie office.
This specific footnote is a key. Note the phrase: “([redacted] access to FBI systems was the subject of an interagency memorandum of understanding entered into [redacted])”, this sentence has the potential to expose an internal decision; withheld from congress and the FISA court by the Obama administration; that outlines a process for access and distribution of surveillance data.
Note: “no notice of this practice was given to the FISC until 2016“, that is important.
♦Summary: The FISA court identified and quantified tens-of-thousands of search queries of the NSA/FBI database using the FISA-702(16)(17) system. The database was repeatedly used by persons with contractor access who unlawfully searched and extracted the raw results without redacting the information and shared it with an unknown number of entities. The outlined process certainly points toward a political spying and surveillance operation. When the DOJ use of the IRS for political information on their opposition became problematic, the Obama administration needed another tool. It was in 2012 when they switched to using the FBI databases for targeted search queries.
This information from Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz has the potential to be extremely explosive.
It will be interesting to see how the domestic intelligence community media (NYT, Politico, WaPo – in that order) respond to this Matt Gaetz report.
I wrote about these suspicions in depth throughout 2017, 2018 and eventually summarized in 2019: SEE HERE