Democrat Senators Unveil a Dangerously Asinine Plan to Subvert the Coming Abortion Ruling
Were they tipped off? I don't know, and even if the Dobbs decision takes another week or two, it's just a matter of time before the Democrat Party descends into absolute insanity. A preview of that happened last night after Democrat senators, including Maggie Hassan and Elizabeth Warren, unveiled a dangerously asinine plan to undermine the coming abortion ruling.
If you read the entire press release, the crazy ranges from using federal funds to fly women out of state for abortions to using the HHS as a national abortion service provider. Yet, there's one point that stands out as particularly disturbing. These absolute lunatics want Joe Biden to sign an executive order authorizing the use of federal buildings to perform abortions, not just in states where abortion is permitted, which is bad enough, but as a way to perform abortions in states that choose to outlaw most or all abortions.
It's impossible to conceive how anyone could be so obsessed with killing unborn babies that they'd actually propose illegally weaponizing the federal government and its agencies to override the will of the people in the states. Besides, state laws are still laws. The federal government can not simply enter into a state and do whatever it wants contrary to the laws in those states. That includes killing people, unborn or otherwise.
Democrats are tearing this country apart. Something has to give because this kind of "anything goes to make sure I get what I want" attitude is destructive and treacherous.
As part of Fox News's special series called "America Together: LGBTQ+ Pride Month," Fox correspondent Bryan Llenas featured a Southern California family who decided to help make their female child a transgender boy named Ryland, now 14.
Ryland's parents, Jeff and Hillary Whittington, encouraged their biological female child to identify as a male from around the age of 5, with an informal transition.
Shortly after the Fox report aired, conservative commentator Ben Shapiro slammed Fox for airing the pro-transgender segment as a "complete betrayal."
"Every element of this [Fox News] video is propagandistic, dangerous garbage," Shapiro said."The report states that this biologically female child was choosing her gender before she could speak. That is madness."Shapiro called the so-called transitioning of Ryland as "child abuse." And he bashed Fox for airing "absolute, horrifying propaganda."
Likewise, Daily Wire host Michael Knowles knocked Fox News for spotlighting a controversial issue that goes against the beliefs of its Christian viewers."Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer when my conservative news outlets don't encourage parents to trans their little children," he said.
Throughout much of the pandemic, Sweden's response relied heavily on voluntary cooperation. Instead of imposing face covering and social distancing mandates on schools, it only recommended teachers and students to stay at home if they felt any symptoms of illness.
In a study published in the International Journal of Educational Research, a team of researchers at Stockholm's Karolinska University analyzed data from 97,073 primary school students across Sweden. The goal was to investigate whether Swedish children suffered any potential learning loss during the 2020-2021 school year."We conclude that there is no evidence of a learning loss regarding early reading skills in Swedish primary school students," the researchers wrote.
"In the light of international studies on reading skills in younger students during the pandemic, we conclude that the decision to keep schools open benefited Swedish primary school students," they added.
QUOTE: Further enabling this decline in communal relationships is the widespread use of social media. The benefits here—joining an online discussion group with likeminded people, staying in contact with friends, and even making new friends—are many, but can these digital interactions really replace face-to-face encounters? The recent pandemic failures of online learning for school children would suggest the answer to that question is a resounding NO.
And yet ... and yet ...
Despite all the dire predictions and observations, grassroots communities keep popping up. My church, for example, sponsors activity and discussion groups for men and women, young and old.
Almost 200 years ago in Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville noted the American passion for forming "associations," social, civic, and political groups for the betterment of the individual and the culture. This same tendency possesses us today. And whether we recognize it or not, these volunteer clubs, assemblies, and organizations, free from government regulation or interference, constitute tiny outposts of liberty, comradeship, and joy even in these dark days of our republic.
Because the FBI's belief is the enemy of their enemy is their friend.Keep an eye on this story. It smells.
- When was the last time ANTIFA, BLM, or any left wing group was arrested for that?
Cash man, cash. And some gold
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Buying savings bonds — TreasuryDirect
Food .. load up on food ..
Food .. load up on food ..
About my favorite investment right now. Even though it's still losing value compared to inflation, it's losing less than just about anything else that's available. Highlights of the details:And I recently discovered Treasury I Bonds
And quit trying to literally shove your agenda onto EVERYONE ELSE.'The perverts have declared themselves to be the norm, and anybody standing up to them as extreme. If you read the story you'll see that the government and the media outlet supports them.'
And THIS is the entire problem. IDC if you want to shave your legs and wear women's clothing...but NOT IN FRONT OF ME OR MY FAMILY!
About my favorite investment right now. Even though it's still losing value compared to inflation, it's losing less than just about anything else that's available. Highlights of the details:
Of course the way things are going, you could get more profit spending all your money on IP cameras and/or toilet paper
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