US Elections (& Politics) :)


Jr. year of HS... will never forget being told that mnemonic .... :p
# Color - Mnemonic
0 Black -- Bad
1 Brown -- Boys
2 Red ---- Rape
3 Orange - Our
4 Yellow - Young
5 Green -- Girls
6 Blue --- But
7 Violet - Violet
8 Grey --- Gives
9 White -- Willingly
Same here.....but it was a text book at an electronic store in downtown Atlanta I worked at part time from '67 to '68 while attending college and before active duty.

Which was wedged in my brain tightly when I taught my 3 year old daughter the correct order for the visible light portion of the the rainbows when she drew them, top to bottom: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet or the name "Roy G. Biv"; which coincides with the resistor color code values from 2 through 8 (indigo skipped in the code).

AFAIK, she was the only 3 to 4 year old in her Pre-K drawing physically correct rainbows with her crayons. :headbang::cool:

rainbow.jpg visible-light.jpg
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I miss politically incorrect mnemonics. The new pc ones just don't burn into the brain like the old ones. I remember many moons ago my Instructor teaching me that reading a grid off a map is like fucking a fat chick. You have to go across her before you get up her. I have never forgotten that I need to read the eastings first before the northings. I can only imagine what would happen to an instructor who used language like that in today's pc world.
You have to go across her before you get up her.
Where do i put this GPS?

Honestly, most folks under 30 (40?) can't read a paper map any way these days....they just use Google Maps. Not their fault, it's just the way it is, I guess. :idk:
I worked all these years just to live in the current idiocracy.
It's a good thing I take psych meds to remain stable.

Can we impeach a whole group of these idiots, all at the same time?
Charge them with crimes against We The People of these United States of America?
Hmmmmm, if it's a RICO case, we certainly can.
Now if only we knew a high-profile lawyer with a good track record in RICO cases....
(That would be Rudy G.)
Where do i put this GPS?

Honestly, most folks under 30 (40?) can't read a paper map any way these days....they just use Google Maps. Not their fault, it's just the way it is, I guess. :idk:

I am under 40. Ever since I started driving if I enter a state I’ve never been to the first rest stop I go to I get a map of that state that is laminated.
The last several years it has been hard to find maps at truck stops. I truly hate gps. I like to know where I’m going before I start going.
My wife always uses her gps on her phone when we travel. I always laugh when either A: She has no service near where we need to go. Or B: The gps drained her battery and she always seems to have forgotten her phone charger.

I truly miss the days when we first got married and took vacations where she had everything mapped out on map quest amd had pages worth of directions printed out. We never got lost or took wrong turns back in those days.

My kids will know how to read maps before they start driving.
My kids will know how to read maps before they start driving.
Good for you!

Kinda like my 1980 born daughter...taught her how to drive on a Mazda B2000 p/u with a 5 speed!
It blew her boyfriend away in '97 when she drove his manual shift Jeep.
Her first car? A '96 Mustang V6 w/ 5 speed (the automatics for those V6's were garbage)
The first car SHE bought herself? A 6 speed Porshe Carerra.

FWIW, wife is a VERY smart retired nurse but...she never could read a road map and I've given up trying. Some folks can't get the hang of it...and trying at 68 for her's not the best idea any way. :idk:
Maybe the losers needed a better lawyer:

Erik Larson
Tue, July 12, 2022 at 11:42 AM·1 min read


(Bloomberg) -- President Joe Biden won dismissal of a lawsuit by former White House press secretary Sean Spicer over his firing from a board of the US Naval Academy that advises the commander-in-chief.

Spicer and former Office of Management and Budget director Russell Vought, who were named to the naval panel by former president Donald Trump and dismissed after Biden took office, have no right to remain on the board if the current president doesn’t want their counsel, US District Judge Dabney Friedrich ruled Monday.
The Trump allies sued in September to retain their positions, alleging that Biden didn’t have the legal authority to remove them.
Interpreting the law “to insulate the plaintiffs from removal would raise serious constitutional issues” when the only role of such board members is “to advise the President on the performance of a quintessentially executive function,” wrote Friedrich, who is a Trump appointee.
Spicer and Vought are represented by the America First Legal Foundation, a nonprofit group set up by former Trump administration officials including Stephen Miller and Mark Meadows. Its general counsel, Gene Hamilton, didn’t immediately respond to a message seeking comment on the lawsuit’s dismissal.
  • Wow
Reactions: sebastiantombs
Maybe the losers needed a better lawyer:

Erik Larson
Tue, July 12, 2022 at 11:42 AM·1 min read


(Bloomberg) -- President Joe Biden won dismissal of a lawsuit by former White House press secretary Sean Spicer over his firing from a board of the US Naval Academy that advises the commander-in-chief.

Spicer and former Office of Management and Budget director Russell Vought, who were named to the naval panel by former president Donald Trump and dismissed after Biden took office, have no right to remain on the board if the current president doesn’t want their counsel, US District Judge Dabney Friedrich ruled Monday.
The Trump allies sued in September to retain their positions, alleging that Biden didn’t have the legal authority to remove them.
Interpreting the law “to insulate the plaintiffs from removal would raise serious constitutional issues” when the only role of such board members is “to advise the President on the performance of a quintessentially executive function,” wrote Friedrich, who is a Trump appointee.
Spicer and Vought are represented by the America First Legal Foundation, a nonprofit group set up by former Trump administration officials including Stephen Miller and Mark Meadows. Its general counsel, Gene Hamilton, didn’t immediately respond to a message seeking comment on the lawsuit’s dismissal.
How do you like the Biden pictures?
The lame-stream-media is desparate to strike fear into the hearts of our nation.
They're broadcasting the Unselect Committee hearings on all three major networks.
Even though they KNOW the public KNOWS it's all a sham.
Even though their "documents" have been leaked to the public this week.
Even though The Gateway Pundit is about to crush them.
Even though Steve Bannon never blinked this week, and told them to get eff'ed.

Still they're putting it on the airwaves this afternoon.
Sounds like a last-hope Hail Satan effort to me.
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looks like it’s going to be a very interesting week…

FYI, what little I know about this possible development is:
Q originally told us the problem was world-wide.
Q told us revealing the truth would upset international politics.
It was rumored there were Deep State election operatives in Germany, and Gina Haspel was there.
It's been rumored there were election operatives in Italy.

Let the chips fall where they may.
I won't be too surprised, no matter what comes out.
Politics is dirty and ugly.
Elections matter.
Politics is dirty and ugly.
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8kun appears to be down/offline tonight.
I really hope they're back online soon.

10 pm EDT update: back online and anons are slowly returning
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Confidence In US Media, Government, & Justice-System Collapsing

Americans’ confidence in major U.S. institutions - including government and the media - is in a state of collapse, falling to an average of just 27 percent across all categories, according to the latest national poll released by the Gallup Organization.

Only the military and small businesses still enjoy the confidence of a majority of Americans.

Although public belief in institutions has been weak for most of the past 15 years, the 27 percent average for all categories is the lowest recorded by Gallup.

The company began measuring confidence in institutions in 1973 and has done so each year since 1993.

The survey figures came after Gallup delivered sobering news on June 22. At that time the company said confidence in the overall direction of the country fell to 13 percent that month, down 3 percentage points from May and 9 points since March when the figure was 24 percent.

It also reported at that time that despite ongoing economic malaise, President Joe Biden’s job approval rating held steady at 41 percent between May and June.

Gallup’s finding on the issue was called into question by the Civiqs Poll’s daily tracking survey of registered voters which found Biden’s approval rating has sunk to a new record low of just 30 percent, the New York Post reported July 9.
Confidence In US Media, Government, & Justice-System Collapsing | ZeroHedge