Really thinking about Biden, he is a perfect picture of the Democrats that voted for him. The voters are Puppets to MSM while Biden is a Puppet to the Left party...
Congrats SRVfan--- Roughly next week or so, that young one will be finishing high school--- or it sure as hell will feel that way. Enjoy every moment!Glad to see you back, srvfan! Congrats to you and the Mrs! The first one is always a very special time, enjoy it fully..
Thank you sir. It’s wild just the change from seeing him at birth to now (going on 3 months old). Totally blown away.Welcome Back Srvfan!! They grow SO DAMN FAST so enjoy it now!I can't believe mine are 10 and 14 already!
Yes, yes...elections have consequences you morons!
View attachment 133102
These Biden voters regret their 2020 choice 18 months into presidency
Three 2020 voters said they regret voting for President Joe Biden, citing the economic downturn. They also said the Democratic Party made false