US Elections (& Politics) :)

The mafia had more morals and ethics.
It's this sort of thing that leads me to push back against the posts pointing out how bad Russia is. Besides all of the illegal searches, USA arrests political opponents and incarcerates them without any due process, arrests people waved through an open door by police, confiscates assets with no due process, colludes with the press to spread lies and propaganda, and censors speech against the government narratives. Add to that all of the suicides that are convenient for the government. I don't see how we have standing to criticize somebody else when our own house is so damn dirty. It goes a long way toward explaining why both ends of the political spectrum are afraid of Trump.
Second jobs? What about all the moochers that have been sucking on the government tit for over 2.5 years that haven't worked a minute of a first job in that time frame?

Shadiversity made a 42min video on issues many content creators are having on youtube .. Forgotten Weapons is confirming the issue ..

YouTube is an unfair platform that hates most creators and it's getting worse, more evidence
Jul 16, 2022

with 1.32M subscribers


original post from Forgotten Weapons which notified me of this:

Just another example of the hypocrisy of the leftist in the inJustice Dept.

How so? They were invited by someone with authority to allow them access. The fact that the escort didn't do his job properly doesn't justify criminal charges against Colbert's people. This is yet another false equivalency used as a talking point to prove how rigged the system is against right wingers. Jan 6th people weren't invited, didn't go through proper channels, didn't have an escort, nothing - they just went in, vandalized property, etc. These staffers did have an invite, were escorted for a time, etc.

Constantly playing the victim isn't a good look....
Saudi Prince trashes Biden asking for more oil: ‘He’s a much-diminished president’
In an interview with CNBC ahead of Biden’s arrival in Saudi Arabia, Al-Faisal said, “President Biden, in my view, he’s coming as a much diminished president than when he was first elected.”

“As an example, on energy issues, he came in with a policy to stop completely fossil fuel usage not only in the United States, but worldwide,” Al-Faisal said. “And now he is finding himself having to rely on fossil fuels as a means of meeting the energy shortage that has come about, not only because of the Ukraine war, but also because of U.S. policy itself that shut down pipelines and stopped issuing of, you know, discovery of oil on U.S. soil.”

Just another example of the hypocrisy of the leftist in the inJustice Dept.
Exactly what I expected. They were told to leave by CP. They were escorted out by CP and came back in. Colbert said they would never be prosecuted. Of course not, they were 'guests' of Democrats.
How so? They were invited by someone with authority to allow them access. The fact that the escort didn't do his job properly doesn't justify criminal charges against Colbert's people. This is yet another false equivalency used as a talking point to prove how rigged the system is against right wingers. Jan 6th people weren't invited, didn't go through proper channels, didn't have an escort, nothing - they just went in, vandalized property, etc. These staffers did have an invite, were escorted for a time, etc.

Constantly playing the victim isn't a good look....

You mean like the Capitol police opening doors, shaking hands and welcoming people into the Capitol ?
Like this?

Back in the 70's, for whatever reason, my dad bought my brother a Mach 1 (living thru him I guess). Probably one of the biggest mistakes my father ever did. My brother is touched, and I mean not in a good way. My brother kept talking how he could out run the police..until one night he didn't. We were having dinner and guess who showed up at our house? He was handcuffed and taken to jail. I was young, so I don't remember everything exactly, but I do remember his call (back when the only phone was located on the kitchen wall) and my dad telling him to sit it out in jail for a while and think about it. Seems my brother just couldn't understand that no matter how fast his Mach 1 was, it couldn't out run the radio. :)
How so? They were invited by someone with authority to allow them access. The fact that the escort didn't do his job properly doesn't justify criminal charges against Colbert's people. This is yet another false equivalency used as a talking point to prove how rigged the system is against right wingers. Jan 6th people weren't invited, didn't go through proper channels, didn't have an escort, nothing - they just went in, vandalized property, etc. These staffers did have an invite, were escorted for a time, etc.

Constantly playing the victim isn't a good look....

Actually, there is so much wrong with your statement it’s hard to say where to start. Hypocrisy runs deep with some.
Morning Joe and Liz Cheney will probably send you a birthday card.
I don't post things like this without thinking about it, first.
I know some don't agree with me regarding Putin/Russia.
That's okay, so long as we can amicably agree to disagree.
Especially if we can continue to express our opinions together.

The commander of Russia's Chechen forces appeared on Russian state TV to argue that Russia is engaged in a "holy war" in Ukraine.

Apti Alaudinov, an aide to Chechen Republic head Ramzan Kadyrov and commander of the Akhmat special operations unit in Ukraine, according to TASS, made his comments to Russia-1 host Olga Skabeyeva on a recent segment, found and translated by Daily Beast columnist Julia Davis, creator of the Russian Media Monitor. Alaudinov, apparently returned from fighting in Ukraine, made a number of claims, calling upon Muslim-Christian unity in a conflict against the "satanic" West.

"Growing up, during all my youth, I've been preparing for this war we see today. This is the holy war our saints and elders spoke of," he began. "Everything that we see today … When I was reading Islamic scriptures, and Christian scriptures, I studied the Bible, the Koran, and Torah … From all these scriptures, I know that we're facing the war against the devil's army, against the army of al-Dajjal, the Antichrist."

Russia engaged in 'holy war' against army of 'the Antichrist': Chechen forces commander
I don't post things like this without thinking about it, first.
I know some don't agree with me regarding Putin/Russia.
That's okay, so long as we can amicably agree to disagree.
Especially if we can continue to express our opinions together.

The commander of Russia's Chechen forces appeared on Russian state TV to argue that Russia is engaged in a "holy war" in Ukraine.

Apti Alaudinov, an aide to Chechen Republic head Ramzan Kadyrov and commander of the Akhmat special operations unit in Ukraine, according to TASS, made his comments to Russia-1 host Olga Skabeyeva on a recent segment, found and translated by Daily Beast columnist Julia Davis, creator of the Russian Media Monitor. Alaudinov, apparently returned from fighting in Ukraine, made a number of claims, calling upon Muslim-Christian unity in a conflict against the "satanic" West.

"Growing up, during all my youth, I've been preparing for this war we see today. This is the holy war our saints and elders spoke of," he began. "Everything that we see today … When I was reading Islamic scriptures, and Christian scriptures, I studied the Bible, the Koran, and Torah … From all these scriptures, I know that we're facing the war against the devil's army, against the army of al-Dajjal, the Antichrist."

Russia engaged in 'holy war' against army of 'the Antichrist': Chechen forces commander

I'd be happy to send him of few of the anti-christs we have in our Government if they stop the war ...