Known around here
Some of these so called Republicans will support a Democrat over a MAGA Republican. Look no further than Hogan of Maryland.
And the average liberal voter, who by default gets their information from 15 second sound bites, Twatter, and thinks the ignorant hosts of The View and Morning Joe actually have credibility, will believe it.
What ideas are they promoting? I get it. The food is cleaner and non-GMO, this equates to better life expectancy, right?
OK, let's just be generous here and admit that the 2 sample videos of Brandon's gaffes shown in the article at the bottom were magnified by non-contextual, edited videos. But that's just 2...what about the other 186 +/- that are NOT out of context?
The author attributes (excuse) the balance of his gaffes to his age! How about this: THEN IF HE'S THAT INCOHERENT AND THAT FEEBLE THEN HE SHOULD STEP DOWN!!!
C'mon, man...POTUS is a lying, thieving, crooked, degenerate pedophile.....what's the excuse there.... Creative "editing" ?
How Republican Operatives Fabricate Biden Gaffes
When incompetency hits a whole different level
Utilities companies should be held accountable but then again, lobbyists sure know how to do business
Just in time for mid-terms...Ironically there are more liberal news outlets versus conservative. What happened to Freedom of Press? Or is it Freedom of Oppression?
OAN, a Dependable Trump Promoter, Faces a 'Death Blow'
The future of One America News, which established itself as a powerful voice in conservative media by promoting some of the most outlandish falsehoods about the 2020 election, is in serious doubt as major carriers drop it from their lineups and defamation lawsuits threaten to drain its
Here in Texas, Beto is our spammer...Don't you just love "voting season"? I wonder if they understand how much I appreciate the daily text messages.
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