US Elections (& Politics) :)

Speaking of the Wall.....

The Biden administration is set to close four wide gaps in the U.S.-Mexico border wall in an open area of southern Arizona near Yuma, to “address operational impacts” and “immediate life and safety risks.”
Illegal immigrants near a gap in the U.S.-Mexico border barrier, awaiting processing by the U.S. Border Patrol in Yuma, Arizona, on May 20, 2022. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The four gaps are within an incomplete border barrier project—the former Yuma 6 project area near the Morelos Dam, according to a press release from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The area has become one of the busiest corridors for illegal crossings.
The border barrier project, which was operational under the Trump administration, was left incomplete after President Joe Biden in 2021 sent back $2.2 billion in border wall funds to the Department of Defense to be used for overseas defense construction projects. The funds had previously been diverted by President Donald Trump to build the border wall, which at one time was going up at the pace of one mile a day. Completing the border wall was among Trump’s top campaign promises.
“Due to the proximity to the Morelos Dam and the swift moving Colorado River, this area presents safety and life hazard risks for migrants attempting to cross into the United States where there is a risk of drownings and injuries from falls,” the DHS stated on July 28. “This area also poses a life and safety risk to first responders and agents responding to incidents in this area.

Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas authorized the project’s completion, which will be paid for out of the DHS’s fiscal year 2021 budget.
“Prior to construction, DHS will engage in standard environmental planning and conduct stakeholder outreach and consultation. DHS will move as expeditiously as possible, while still maintaining environmental stewardship,” the statement continued. “This project supports CBP’s and DHS’s priority to deploy modern, effective border measures and also improving safety and security along the Southwest Border.”

Illegal immigrants wait in line to be processed by the U.S. Border Patrol after crossing through a gap in the U.S.-Mexico border barrier in Yuma, Ariz., on May 21, 2022. (Mario Tama/Getty Images)

The U.S. Border Patrol’s Yuma Sector has quickly emerged as the third busiest of nine sectors along the border, with much of the traffic funneling through the Morelos Dam. Illegal immigrants arrive in the small town of Algodones and walk unencumbered across a concrete ledge on the dam to the United States, where they wait for U.S. Border Patrol agents to take them into custody.
In the Yuma sector alone, U.S. border agents stopped illegal immigrants 160,482 times from January through June, a figure nearly four times that of the same period in 2021, according to CBP data. The only other sectors with more traffic were Del Rio and Rio Grande Valley in South Texas.
Disgusting. The judge is a piece of shit.
Further proof our justice system is so corrupt it no longer has any credibility. It is no longer legitimate.

OUTRAGEOUS: Dr. Simone Gold Checks Into Prison for 60 Days for Trespassing Misdemeanor

Dr. Simone Gold has checked herself into prison after being charged with 60 days for a trespassing misdemeanor.

Dr. Simone Gold is one of many American doctors who courageously stood up and called Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx’s lockdowns and mandates crazy. These doctors knew that masks and experimental vaccines were not logical steps in combatting the China coronavirus COVID19.

Dr. Gold took her work to DC after the 2020 Election and used her God-given right to protest on Jan 6 at the Capitol. She was welcomed into the Capitol by Capitol police and she protested the government’s actions related to COVID.

A short time later, Dr. Gold’s house was surrounded by 20 or more FBI agents coming for her arrest.
"There Were Literally 20 Guys with Guns Blazing - They Broke Down My Door" - Dr. Simone Gold Reveals Chris Wray's FBI Henchmen Storming Her Home

She eventually pled guilty to misdemeanor trespassing after seeing it was too expensive to take on the government by herself.

This week Dr. Gold went peacefully into prison for a 60-day prison sentence for her misdemeanor. The judge, in this case, should be ashamed of himself. BLM and Antifa go free after murdering more than 20 people and more than one billion dollars in damages across the country and Doctor Gold goes to prison?

America’s Front Line Doctors shared this week

:An Eagle Is Caged: AFLDS Founder Dr. Simone Gold Surrenders to Serve Sentence Miami, FL – July 26, 2022
The fearless founder of AFLDS, Dr. Simone Gold, has been sentenced to 60 days in prison. It is shocking to learn that any Judge in the United States of America would sentence any person to any prison time for misdemeanor trespass. We’ve never heard of such a thing. That we live in a two-tiered system of justice: exonerating, acquitting, failing to charge, dropping charges, or giving trivial sentences to persons of one political class while locking up persons of another political class – is indisputable. Steve Colbert crew? Charges dropped. Ilhan Omar just arrested? Watch those charges get dropped. Night of Rage? Outside Brett Kavanaugh’s home? Antifa? BLM? Not arrested, not charged, or charges dropped.
Today, Dr. Gold has surrendered herself to the government and will spend the next 60 days of her life locked inside of a cell for exercising her right to free speech inside of the Capitol building, which she was let into with open doors. Dr. Gold is valiantly standing in front of the medical freedom movement for We The People. While most of us cannot fathom what it would be like to be stripped of daily luxuries and jailed for a first-time, misdemeanor offense, this is Dr. Gold’s reality due to selective prosecution. Dr. Gold has vowed to come out the other side of her imprisonment an even more fierce warrior for our freedom
The PGA took the tournaments away from the Trump owned golf courses. They went Woke. This tournament is in a Trump owned golf course in Ireland or maybe Scotland. Not the USA. I cannot believe you posted this pure political hit job. :(
Wait, this footage is from Bedminster, NJ
the tournament is not far from Ground Zero
  • Wow
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A Corrupt and Rigged Government

A Corrupt and Rigged Government

By Pete McArdle

A recent University of Chicago Institute of Politics poll showed that a majority of Americans think our government is corrupt and rigged against them. And almost a third of respondents also feel it may eventually be necessary to take up arms against the evil empire currently running the show.

Subtract from that poll the bleeding-heart libs who think feelings matter more than facts, and the numbers are scarier still.
Big Government, including their toadies in the mainstream media, has clearly blown its cover. And it appears, based on this poll, that the American people are mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.

Why have so many lost faith in our government to the point that armed rebellion is being considered?

Double standards, that’s why. Americans see them and they’re rightfully furious.
They see the despicable treatment afforded President Trump, whose term in office surely seems like the good old days when compared to the turmoil Democrats have unleashed in just a year and a half at the helm. They watched the press question Trump’s mental fitness and acuity while staunchly supporting the corrupt, dried-up turnip currently occupying the Oval Office.

They observed the media constantly demonizing Trump’s family and then totally supporting “Dr.” Jill and the hapless, hopeless Biden spawn.
They’ve seen every aspect of the Donald’s financial dealings examined with a fine-tooth comb, while the Big Guy (Hunter’s nickname for Crusty Joe) gets half of his crack and sex-addled son’s ill-gotten millions with impunity.
They’ve watched the FBI run multiple coups against both candidate and President Trump, while sitting on the treasure trove of Biden family criminality contained in Hunter’s laptop, which the Feebs have been “investigating” for two and a half years now.

They’ve observed how law enforcement looked the other way as BLMers peacefully rioted, taking lives, ruining businesses, and causing billions of dollars in damage -- all this while authorities pretend that January 6 was another Pearl Harbor, instead of a relatively small dustup where the crowd was rife with Feds, officers obligingly opened the doors to the Capitol, and the only person killed was an unarmed woman, shot to death with impunity by a cop.
They see criminals, perverts and drug dealers released without bail to continue their wicked ways while the Jan. 6th defendants rot in D.C. jails, their Constitutional rights suspended and their personal lives ruined.

They’ve watched in stunned silence as Democrats and the Deep State pulled every dirty trick in the book on President Trump, while the Republican members of the D.C. Uni-Party sat silent or, as in the case of Cheney and Kinzinger, eagerly concurred.
They’ve listened as Hollywood, the media, and academia all denigrated Trump’s burning desire to make America great again, at the same time supporting the notion that our country is a racist, sexist, xenophobic hellhole, and always has been.

They’ve undoubtedly noticed that Democrats, with the help of Big Tech and many millions of Zucker-bucks, made it incredibly easy to cheat in the last election; yet Trump has been portrayed as a psychopathic monster for pointing out that he was clearly robbed out of a second term.

They watched President Trump fight the COVID-19 pandemic with all his might, even as wee Dr. Fauci and Dr. Scarf purposely undermined his efforts with their lies, double-talk and obfuscation. While Trump fought the good fight, white-coated bureaucrats and their pals in Big Pharma got incredibly wealthy.
They watched Trump castigate China for loosing COVID-19 upon the world, causing millions of needless deaths, even as the NBA, Hollywood, influential leaders of both parties, and the Biden Crime Family all filled their pockets with yauns while defending the fine folks of the Chinese Communist Party.

They surely observed how President Trump’s policies lifted all financial boats, setting records for black and Hispanic employment, while the Swamp was busy calling Trump and his supporters irredeemable racists. They couldn’t help but notice how Trump was deemed a scoundrel for pointing out that women generally allowed him easy sexual access because he was a wealthy celebrity. But those same folks upset with Trump’s statement of fact, were totally incurious about our current demented president’s fondness for touching, fondling, and smelling small children; nor did they show any interest in reports that Creepy Joe took showers with his young daughter, who then became a promiscuous young woman and an addict.

They surely took note of Trump’s incredible energy in his old age, how quick he was to travel the world, campaign for his undeserving party, and speak to reporters. It must have been shocking then to see Senile Joe garble his words, hide from the press, and spend long weekends out of sight and out of mind in Delaware, all this while falling up stairs and off his bicycle.

They also noted how firm President Trump was with other countries, telling Germany to pony up for NATO, forcing Mexico to stop enabling illegal immigration with financial penalties, and reducing IRGC general Qasem Suleimani to a grease stain on the desert floor for threatening U.S. soldiers and diplomats. Now, of course, they watch as Iran plays Biden’s diplomats for fools, Russia feels secure enough in Biden’s impotence to start a war, and the Saudis laugh in the doddering old fool’s face when Biden comes begging for more oil.

They could see that President Trump made the U.S. energy independent, creating jobs and prosperity for everyone; while the current administration has crushed the energy industry, making gas and oil unaffordable for the common man, even as the climate-change crusaders fly around in private jets, party maskless during a pandemic, and buy up oceanfront mansions.

They watched Donald Trump become the first president to stand up for the rights of unborn babies and choose like-minded justices for the Supreme Court; this followed by an administration vowing to use all means, legal and extralegal, to facilitate the dismemberment of unborn innocents, not to mention choosing a Supreme Court justice solely on the basis of her genitalia and skin color.

They observed Trump praising and building up our military might, even as turncoats like General Mark “White Rage” Milley and Col. Alexander Vindman, surely the softest Ranger ever, purposely undermined their commander-in-chief by providing comfort to the enemy and conspiring to impeach the president, respectively.

In summation, it’s clear to me and anyone with eyes to see why a majority of Americans thinks our government is rotten to the core, and why many think a second American Revolution may be necessary to restore integrity in government. What’s not clear is why anyone who’s lived through the obvious double standards I just enumerated, doesn’t feel that way.
I wish people would stop referring to recession like it is some kind of dirty word. No economy can grow continuously and there nothing governments of any persuasion can do about economic pressures that are generated outside the domestic market, and very little they can do short term about pressures inside it. The problem is that political parties have spent too long telling Mr and Mrs Fred Nurk that they can actually do something about this, so when it becomes clear that they can't, they look like they are at fault/incompetent. One side attacks and the other uses weasel words. Where something good happens the incumbent takes credit for it, regardless of if they had anything to do with it. I'd love to see a government actually lead for once rather than being all about the next election. A leader that comes out and says if I am doing my job right, you will vote me out next election, and my successor will take credit for what I am doing now.
Capitol Police Use Of Force Reports Expose Unprovoked Brutality Against Jan. 6 Protesters

Capitol Police Use Of Force Reports Expose Unprovoked Brutality Against Jan. 6 Protesters | ZeroHedge

A 104-page report issued three months after the events at the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021, said the Capitol Police’s Civil Disturbance Unit (CDU) was ordered by supervisors not to use “heavier, less-lethal weapons,” like flash bangs. However, video evidence—along with Capitol Police Use of Force Reports obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times—exposes conflicts in timelines, the brutality of the unprovoked attacks against Jan. 6 protesters, and how leadership ordered the deployment of munitions on a peaceful crowd.

A photographer and police officer give first aid to Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6, 2021. The man at left was once wanted by the FBI. (Video Still/Sam Montoya for The Epoch Times)

The Video Evidence
Victoria White
According to Police1, the “#1 resource for law enforcement online,” which promotes “the highest standards of business ethics,” police are trained to target large muscle groups like legs, chest, abdomen, and arms with batons. Intentionally striking areas like the head, sternum, and spine are considered to be the same act of deadly force as firing a gun.
However, a video shows Jan. 6 defendant Victoria White being beaten over the head 35 times with a metal baton and punched in the face by an officer of the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia. White, seen wearing a Trump hat, is unarmed and posed no threat to the officer. She raises her hands in defense during the brutal attack, collapsing more than once, only to be stood up by other officers to be maced and beaten again.
According to a Use of Force report filed 1/7/21 by Officer Dante Price, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, “approved strike areas” for use of a baton “include arms, legs and large muscle groups.” Injuries suffered by Dante’s victim required hospital transport. Another report of an injury caused by use of a baton, filed 1/8/21 by Officer Ryan Kendall, states “approved target areas” include the “upper abdomen.”
“To add insult to injury,” her legal team said at a Jan. 6, 2022 press conference, “she was indicted for being pushed into the tunnel entrance and for daring to put her hands up in a defensive posture while getting beaten by the police.”
White has filed a $1 million lawsuit against D.C. Police Chief Robert Contree and seven unnamed officers, including one known as “Officer Whiteshirt,” given the moniker as it is believed his clothing identified him as an officer in a position of authority.
Roseanne Boyland
Another video obtained by The Epoch Times shows D.C. Metro Police Officer Lila Morris beating an unconscious 34-year-old Roseanne Boyland of Kennesaw, Georgia with a steel baton and then with a large wooden walking stick. According to witnesses, Boyland lost consciousness and stopped breathing after being crushed beneath the weight of other fallen protesters. Being unconscious, Boyland was no threat to the officer.

Video still from bodycam footage showing Officer Lila Morris picking up a wooden stick that she uses to beat Rosanne Boyland. (Metropolitan Police Department/Graphic by The Epoch Times)

A DC medical examiner claims Boyland died of an accidental overdose of Adderall, a suspicious ruling that sparked outrage from Boyland’s friends and family. Her father, Bret Boyland, said his daughter had been taking Adderall for about 10 years to treat an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The Epoch Times reported on Feb. 10, an investigation by the department’s Internal Affairs Bureau cleared Morris of any wrongdoing and deemed her beating of the unconscious Boyland as “objectively reasonable.”
A separate report describes how Morris first used the wooden stick while beating Boyland to strike 41-year-old filmmaker Luke Coffee on the left elbow. A second swing missed before she sprayed him in the face with pepper gel. “Morris then inexplicably turned her fury on the motionless Boyland, striking her in the ribs once and twice in the head,” the report said.
Ashli Babbitt
Ashli Babbitt, a 35-year-old unarmed Air Force veteran and ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump was shot and killed by U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd. While news media has labeled Babbitt as a violent “insurrectionist” who was trying to breach the Speaker’s Lobby, a frame-by-frame analysis of the video from The Epoch Times shows Babbitt tried to stop the violence against the Speaker’s Lobby at least four times before she was fatally shot.

Moments before being shot to death, Ashli Babbitt confronts three police offers for not stopping the vandalism outside the U.S. House. (Video Still/Tayler Hansen)

Two reports, filed by two officers who were with Byrd at the moment he shot Babbitt, were also obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times.
According to a report by Paul McKenna of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) Uniformed Service Bureau, as protesters “began pounding” on the “East door of the lobby” and breaking the glass, he drew his weapon along with Byrd and Officer Reggie Tyson. He “yelled ‘stay back’ ‘get back’ several times during the incident.”
“A woman climbed through the far left window pane, which had been broken out by the group,” McKenna attested. “Lt. Byrd fired one shot hitting the woman. She fell back out of the window and I continued yelling at the group to get back and away from the doors.”
McKenna claims the incident happened between 1430 and 1500 hours (2:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.). The report was signed by McKenna on June 9, 2021. It was signed by his supervisor five months earlier, on Jan. 7, 2021.

Use of Force report regarding the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by Lieutenant Byrd at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, signed7/9/21 by Paul McKenna and 01/09/21 by his supervisor. (United States Capitol Police Use of Force Report/The Epoch Times)

In the second report, filed Jan. 7, 2021, Tyson said he heard “shots fired” over his radio some time after 1440 (2:40 p.m.). In an attempt to protect himself, Tyson said he withdrew his weapon and made his way to the lobby east side of the capitol along with Byrd and McKenna. “A protester tried to climb through the broken window where she was shot one time as she fell back.” Tyson claims the time of the incident was around 1500 hours (3:00 p.m.).
In another report, USCP Officer Tyler Stoyle claims he responded to “a shots fired” call over their his radio at “1400 hours” (2:00 p.m.), 40 minutes earlier than Tyson claimed to have heard the call of “shots fired.”
A separate report filed by USCP Officer Jason McGinnis, said he “responded to the North side of Crypt” at “approximately 1400 hours” and drew his baton to “hold the line of unscreened individuals that were trespassing.”
However, it wasn’t until “after the initial surge had ended” and McGinnis “was moving trespassers out of the South Door” that he claimed “there were reports of shots fired in the Speaker’s Lobby Stairs to the second floor.”
During an interview with NBC, Byrd also claimed to hear “shots fired.”
However, Byrd was the only one to fire a weapon on Jan. 6, 2021. This, and the conflicts in times reported by police regarding when they heard “shots fired,” raises questions.

Use of Force Report filed by Reggie Tyson of the United States Capitol Police regarding the shooting of Ashli Babbitt by Lieutenant Byrd in the United States Capitol Building on Jan. 6, 2021. (United States Capitol Police Use of Force Report)

According to a July 25 report by The Epoch Times, Stan Kephart—a 42-year law enforcement veteran and former director of security for the 1984 Los Angeles Summer Olympics who has testified in court more than 350 times as an expert witness on policing issues—said Babbitt was “murdered … under the color of authority.”
However, a review of the reports filed by Tyson and McKenna, the Bureau Commander found “the circumstances support the Use of Force” and did not recommend any further investigation.
Wait, this footage is from Bedminster, NJ
the tournament is not far from Ground Zero
Some people are outraged that Saudi Arabia is buying its way into golf. Maybe that outrage is justified, bit I ask, what do you expect the Saudi's to do with all of that money we've sent to them? Sit on it forever? Burn it? Donate it to some seemingly good cause? If they don't spend it on golf, they'll spend it on something else that somebody else might be outraged about. The root problem is that we sent the money to them in the first place to get more and/or cheaper oil, and now the bill is coming due. Same thing we've done with China. Same thing Germany did with Russia. When you send money to another country, or let yourself get dependent on them, to get more and/or cheaper stuff now, there's a price to pay down the road. It's somewhat like taking out a big student loan then whining about having to make payments on it.

Trump stopped the money flow to Saudi Arabia, now Biden is begging them to take more money. Trump made Chinese imports less financially attractive, and that's been reversed. Trump warned Germany to not get dependent on Russia and they laughed at him. There's a small number of politicians that don't like selling out, but Trump is the only one in recent history at the presidential level.

Distasteful as this golf business might be, it's a natural result of prior social and economic behavior.
I wish people would stop referring to recession like it is some kind of dirty word. No economy can grow continuously and there nothing governments of any persuasion can do about economic pressures that are generated outside the domestic market, and very little they can do short term about pressures inside it. The problem is that political parties have spent too long telling Mr and Mrs Fred Nurk that they can actually do something about this, so when it becomes clear that they can't, they look like they are at fault/incompetent. One side attacks and the other uses weasel words. Where something good happens the incumbent takes credit for it, regardless of if they had anything to do with it. I'd love to see a government actually lead for once rather than being all about the next election. A leader that comes out and says if I am doing my job right, you will vote me out next election, and my successor will take credit for what I am doing now.

The problem is that the Biden administration has introduced policies that will increase the inflation rate.
Gov'ts are the Main controller of the economy in their country with their Policies/Decisions. Good example was the Covid Lockdowns which we are still seeing the affects of that today. 110,000 restaurants closed in 2020 because of our Gov't/Fauci...
And if ANY restaurants have opened since Jan. 20, 2021 Biden will put that in his plus column.

Just like back this past April Brandon claimed his admin was responsible creating 7.9 million new jobs since he took office:

And..."Roughly 9.6 million U.S. workers (ages 16 to 64) lost their jobs, based on averages of the first three quarters of 2019 and the first three quarters of 2020...", according to Pew Research Center here.

Maybe it's the old school math I learned but according my calculations, Biden needs to see to it that 1.7 million MORE people go back to work before he can truthfully say he created ANY frickin' jobs since he took office.

And he has the balls to take credit for some gas prices coming down in the last couple of weeks (at least here) by 10 to 20 cents per gallon...he conveniently forgot they have gone UP by 50% to 75% since he took office! And his constituents are too @#$% stupid to admit or realize it.....but what can one expect from empty-headed sheeple?
And if ANY restaurants have opened since Jan. 20, 2021 Biden will put that in his plus column.

Just like back this past April Brandon claimed his admin was responsible creating 7.9 million new jobs since he took office:

And..."Roughly 9.6 million U.S. workers (ages 16 to 64) lost their jobs, based on averages of the first three quarters of 2019 and the first three quarters of 2020...", according to Pew Research Center here.

Maybe it's the old school math I learned but according my calculations, Biden needs to see to it that 1.7 million MORE people go back to work before he can truthfully say he created ANY frickin' jobs since he took office.

And he has the balls to take credit for some gas prices coming down in the last couple of weeks (at least here) by 10 to 20 cents per gallon...he conveniently forgot they have gone UP by 50% to 75% since he took office! And his constituents are too @#$% stupid to admit or realize it.....but what can one expect from empty-headed sheeple?
What gets me, there is actually Very Few New Jobs created. People are just, as you said, going back to fill the already existing jobs that were lost by the Gov't Lockdowns. This is not Growth...this is returning from layoffs...