Idiots of the 21st Century
the Court does not by now know who leaked the opinion, it would seem to constitute a breathtaking display of incompetence.
There would have been no reason to leak a done deal as you propose it was. It would have only been done with the purpose of trying to influence the final outcome, if thats not the case, there should have been an immediate, yup, here it is,That's a little bit harsh. I could understand your point of view if the document was never intended to be public, but Court Decisions, and for that matter all business of the Court, are generally meant to be publicly available on the principle that justice must be done and be seen to be done. I think it's unreasonable to expect that they would take the time to add in the document protection measures that would make identifying who leaked the copy straight forward, when the document was always going to be public eventually.
Look for Fox News to be stepping away from any appearance of support for Trump over the next few months ==>> The Murdochs and Trump aligned for mutual benefit. That may be changing.
It would have only been done with the purpose of trying to influence the final outcome,
Oh, that's a given with me as well. I've already quit viewing Fox Sports as well, another Murdoch holding, some time ago.I saw where there is to be no support for President Trump on Fox News. I have dumped Fox News.
Needless to say, Trump would have already been going through impeachment proceedings for doing this…
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Censorship is embraced by the feeble minded, pathetically insecure, and low IQ individuals, who can’t defend their views in factual or reasonable debate.
They are nothing more than petulant emotionally immature children.
(Which accounts for the vast majority of liberal “progressive” Democrats)
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Heck, some outlets/organizations/clubs/cliques/clans/whatever term preaching the Bible as "hate speech."
- In 2004 Sweden passed a "hate speech law" ==>> Criminalizing Christianity: Sweden's Hate Speech Law
- And in Finland, 2022 ==>> Finnish Government Puts Christianity On Trial, Calls The Bible ‘Hate Speech’
- And in the U.S. earlier in 2022 (and my personal fav), ==>> YouTube Labels John MacArthur's Sermon Hate Speech After He Said God Made Us 'Male and Female'