US Elections (& Politics) :)

We can be thankful, and tranquil , and proud. For man has been endowed with a mushroom shaped cloud. We can be certain that some hapless day. Someone will set the sparks off. And we will ALL be blown away.

Inside Liz Cheney’s Coordinated Effort To Prevent Troop Deployment Before Jan. 6

Days before the Capitol riot provoked a years-long effort to impeach, prosecute, and politically malign former President Donald Trump, Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney coordinated efforts to deter the very actions she now claims haunt the former president.

Cheney has blamed Trump for not ordering the National Guard to defend the Capitol complex, even though multiple sources confirm that he authorized their deployment days prior to the Jan. 6 rally at the White House and riot at the Capitol. Security officials in charge of the Capitol declined to call up troops to protect it, government records show.

Yet Cheney herself seems to have orchestrated opposition to use of the military to quell election-related unrest, allegedly organizing a Washington Post op-ed on Jan. 3, 2021, signed by every living former defense secretary.

“All 10 living former defense secretaries: Involving the military in election disputes would cross into dangerous territory,” the headline read. It went on to threaten any military official who thought any use of the military might be a good idea. “Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures would be accountable, including potentially facing criminal penalties, for the grave consequences of their actions on our republic,” the op-ed warned.

The op-ed was allegedly organized by Cheney, whose father was secretary of defense under President George H.W. Bush before serving as President George W. Bush’s vice president. Eric Edelman, a national security adviser to Dick Cheney, told the New Yorker the Wyoming lawmaker “was the one who generated” the piece for the Post.

Now Rep. Cheney has adopted Trump’s supposed inaction on the National Guard as a primary line of attack. On “Fox News Sunday,” Cheney again depicted Trump as an apathetic leader who dismissed pleas to deploy the National Guard while the Capitol was under siege.

Liz Cheney Is Lying About Trump's Inaction On The National Guard (

Comment: This op-ed is evidence that Cheney was in on the setup of Trump on Jan 6 with the false flag event at the Capitol. This should have been out a long time ago.

A Declaration of Dissolution
Wisconsin Supreme Court Fires the Starting Gun

“If elections are conducted outside of the law, the people have not conferred their consent on the government. Such elections are unlawful, and their results are illegitimate.” — Justice Rebecca Grassl Bradley, writing for the Wisconsin Supreme Court majority in Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission

A court of law has finally confirmed it: The 2020 election was “illegitimate.” And all the demands for sufficient evidence of voter fraud to reverse the outcome were a red herring.

The truly dispositive factor, as stated by a Republican Wisconsin state legislator in a March hearing and affirmed in the opinion: “If a vote is cast in an illegal process, it’s an illegal vote!”

The reasons for legislatively enacted absentee ballot protections are clear. Justice Bradley quotes the Wisconsin Legislature’s rationale: “(P)revent the potential for fraud or abuse … overzealous solicitation of absent electors who may prefer not to participate in an election … undue influence on an absent elector … or other similar abuses.”

And that’s exactly what unlawfully relaxed provisions occasioned in Wisconsin:

Nearly 3,600 trips by 138 “mules” to drop boxes to traffic 137,551 votes. (Trump lost the state by about 20,000.)
Illegal assistance with absentee ballots by nursing home staff to residents, some with dementia.
“Zuckerbucks” exploiting these changes to “purchase Joe Biden an additional 65,222 votes, without which Donald Trump would have won the state by 44,540 votes.”
But again, per Wisconsin’s Supremes, Donald Trump didn’t have to prove the existence or extent of fraud, only deviation from legislative schemes. Because – nota bene! – the votes’ unlawful nature is the proof.

Taiwan supplies roughly 90% of the chips, worldwide. Think there might be some linkage there to Paulie P?
Oh look. This guy discovered what it's like to experience the political version of "Fuck around and find out."

View attachment 135395

His district isn’t far from me. The people in his district are fired up. The only ones who support him are the “republicans” in the city. And the republicans there are on the same par as a majority of “republicans” from Komifornia.

August 3, 2022
All the news that fits

Dear Patriots,

Frustratingly, taking back our country from the leftist, uni-party and the global elite is a long process fraught with many ups and downs.
As distressing and annoying as this is, we are blessed to still have some structure of a system that allows for representative government.
That is why, even though there is still cheating, it is still important to have elections. And why it is even more important to win elections with good candidates.
On Tuesday there were Primary Elections in five states. All had important races. We will talk about the results on Friday when the dust settles.

Meanwhile, dig into some of this information.


1- If you have issues with Democrat family and friends who will not engage in conversation about decisions surrounding the Covid-CCP panic, this book might serve as a bridge. You are not alone. Robert F. Kennedy has been a lone voice from the Democrat side urging people to reconsider what they were being feed by Fauci and all of the Fake News and Big Tech.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s latest book, "A Letter to Liberals — Censorship and COVID: An Attack on Science and American Ideals," is available now and it is a free download.
Children's Health Defense

'A Letter to Liberals': Why I Wrote It and Why I Hope You'll Read It

QUOTE: "Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science. ... So if you are trying to, you know, get at me as a public health official and scientist, you're really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you're attacking science ... You have to be asleep not to see that." — National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, "Meet the Press," June 9, 2021

It is troubling enough that Dr. Anthony Fauci, our country's leading public health technocrat and the fiat leader of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) — the world's principal funder of scientific research — would make such a narcissistic and scientifically absurd statement.

The more serious concern is that the majority of my political party — the Democrats — and the mainstream media generally accept Fauci's assertion as gospel.

My latest book, "A Letter to Liberals — Censorship and COVID: An Attack on Science and American Ideals," emerged from a congenial and ongoing conversation during the COVID-19 pandemic between myself and my longtime friend and former law partner, John Morgan, a lifelong champion of the Democrat Party and liberal values. I invited John, who reveres Fauci and accepts the scientific validity of the government's COVID-19 countermeasures, to reengage his critical thinking skills and accept my challenge to a science-based debate — and he did.

I hope this free book will encourage other liberal Democrats to do the same — because that's the kind of dialogue we need in order for democracy to function.
It is past time our nation had an open conversation about the strategies supposedly enacted for ending the pandemic, and the best measures for avoiding future crises.


2- We point you to The Pipeline where there is a wealth of information and a plan being developed. They are now producing articles on various subjects that will become a book in October. The piece that we are excerpting here is written by Conrad Black. His topic is capitalism and how the global elites have been destroying that concept worldwide.

Spend some time reading the whole article and perusing the website.

THE PIPELINE is dedicated to exposing the Environmentalist Movement's undermining of freedom and prosperity across the Anglosphere and beyond.

Conrad Black at The Pipeline

Against the Great Reset: 'The War on Capitalism'
QUOTE: Continuing today, and for the next 11 weeks, The Pipeline will present excerpts from each of the essays contained in Against the Great Reset: 18 Theses Contra the New World Order, to be published on October 18 by Bombardier Books and distributed by Simon and Schuster, and available now for pre-order at the links.


QUOTE: As other contributors have mentioned, if any place could be identified as the birthplace of the Great Reset, it must be the small, drab, German-Swiss Alpine town of Davos, a center of contemporary anticapitalism, or at least radically altered and almost deracinated capitalism, and site of an ever-expanding international conference. (It grew exponentially and has spawned regional versions.)

I attended there for many years by invitation in order to ascertain what my analogues in the media business around the world were doing. The hotels are spartan and the town is very inaccessible. When I first attended nearly forty years ago, the Davos founder, the earnest and amiable Klaus Schwab, had ingeniously roped in a number of contemporary heads of government and captains of industry and leaders in some other fields and had sold huge numbers of admissions to well-to-do courtiers and groupies from all over the world, attracted by the merits of "networking."

Davos is for democracy, as long as everyone votes for increased public sector authority in pursuit of green egalitarianism and the homogenization of all peoples in a conformist world.

The Covid-19 pandemic caused Davos Man to break out of his Alpine closet and reveal the secret but suspected plan: the whole world is to become a giant Davos—humorless, style-less, unspontaneous, unrelievedly materialistic, as long as the accumulation and application of capital is directed by the little Alpine gnomes of Davos and their underlings and disciples. This is a slight overstatement, and Klaus Schwab would earnestly dispute that the purpose of Davos is so comprehensive, anesthetizing, and uniform. His dissent would be sincere, but unjustified: the Great Reset, a Davos expression, is massively ambitious and is largely based on the seizure and hijacking of recognizable capitalism, in fact and in theory.

There has indeed in the last thirty years been a war on capitalism conducted from the commanding heights of the academy and very broadly assisted by the Western media that has been gathering strength as part of the great comeback of the Left following their bone-crushing defeat in the Cold War. As international communism collapsed and the Soviet Union disintegrated, it was difficult to imagine that the Left could mount any sort of comeback anytime soon.
We underestimated both the Left's imperishability and its gift for improvisation, a talent that their many decades of predictable and robotic repetitiveness entirely concealed.


3- This in-depth article discusses the idea that "long Covid" is a made up term to allow the medical and drug companies to scare and fleece us more.

The American Spectator

The Myth — and Grift — of Long COVID

The would-be monkacolypse isn't panning out as some would like — no deaths have been reported outside of Africa — and apparently 99 percent of U.S. victims are gay men having sex with gay men.

And, while acute COVID-19 is still spinning off variants and Health and Human Services (HHS) has just extended the public health emergency, people are just plumb tired of hearing about it. But moving in to fill the clickbait quota is the so-called "long COVID" or "long-haul COVID.

"Do I have Long COVID? As many as 23 million Americans want to know, as more than 200 symptoms emerge." So begins a recent article in Fortune magazine. "It gets stranger," the piece continues. "Among the 200-plus symptoms identified so far are ear numbness, a sensation of 'brain on fire,' erectile dysfunction, irregular menstrual periods, constipation, peeling skin, and double vision."
This is according to a study published a year ago in the British medical journal the Lancet, widely considered the world's most prestigious medical journal. And, oh yes, "The
study identified symptoms involving 10 major organ systems—and the body only has 11.

If you haven't recently suffered at least a dozen of these symptoms, it's bad news for you. You're dead
We all know the expression "If it sounds too good to be true ...." Why is there no corollary that says, "If it sounds too bad ..."? Do you have to be a genius' genius, say Albert Einstein level, to recognize that over 200 symptoms in almost all major organ systems have no relationship, that this is just a constellation of symptoms — which has now grown so large that it cannot possibly count as a constellation anymore? It's essentially anything bad.
The "search for causes and cures" for "long COVID" will never end, any more than we will.


4- While we may not agree with everything said or done, nor with every guest, there is no better place to spend a little time everyday than The War Room. It is very difficult to keep up with the many fronts of the battle we are waging. There are too-numerous-to-mention sites, podcasts, Telegram channels, and social media outlets that lean conservative. But let's be frank, who has the time, attention and subscription fees to do all of that?

This newsletter in your Inbox and The War Room in the morning is all you need.

The War Room airs live from 10am EST to noon. Then an additional show at 5 pm EST. You can access it from your phone or computer. Or you can catch all the shows later from Apple podcast.


Read. Listen. Pray. Share.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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To have confidence in the outcome of any election, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
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NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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Pelosi made a 19hours visiting at Taiwan, there will be no war at all. Because the war no winners. US and China has some basic principles on TaiWan.
Not sure if Pelosi's husband buy any military stocks this time ;) Anyway, Pelosi has big win this time.