US Elections (& Politics) :)

Quit feeding the trolls!
Black Unemployment Rate Rises Under Biden After Dropping To Historic Low Under Trump

Under President Trump, the black unemployment rate fell to historically low levels, a fact that Democrats and the media never acknowledged.

This week, Democrats, the media and the Biden administration are bragging about the new jobs report, but failed to mention that the black unemployement rate is going up.

It’s amazing how selective they can be with the facts when it serves their purposes.

Townhall reports:

Labor Participation Drops in July As Black Unemployment Increases

The United States Department of Labor reported on Friday that 528,000 jobs were added in July, reducing the unemployment rate to 3.5 percent, down 0.1 percent from June’s read and a significant increase from the 372,000 jobs added in June.

July’s report outlined better economic news with several metrics returning to their pre-pandemic levels, but still showed that there are 900,000 more Americans who are not in the labor force but want a job compared to February 2020.

This is the key passage:

And while the Biden administration has been obsessed with diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Biden economy saw black unemployment tick up in July, from 5.8 percent to 6.0 percent — even while unemployment rates for other demographics decreased.

To their credit, CNBC actually mentioned this:

Despite a strong jobs report, unemployment inched higher for Black workers in July Despite a strong jobs report, unemployment inched higher for Black workers in July

Black Unemployment Rate Rises Under Biden After Dropping To Historic Low Under Trump (
Heck yeah….take a break
If you look closer, that’s a guitar…some fine craftsmanship right there :rofl:
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Suck it, Bowser. You want these illegal 'dreamers', now you got 'em.

Biden’s Pentagon has refused a request from Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) to activate the National Guard to help the city deal with illegal immigration.

Awesoma-Bin-Ladeen, Russell Brand is hilarious
After Trumps golf tournament, Biden manipulates 9/11 families with the termination of Al quesadilla leader

Propaganda, fear, idiocy, it all speaks for itself

Ex-WH Adviser: 'I Was in the Room' When Trump Requested National Guard for Jan. 6

Keith Kellogg, a onetime national security adviser to former President Donald Trump and ex-Vice President Mike Pence, recently backed up Trump's long-standing claim that the National Guard had been offered to U.S. Capitol Police days before the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

When he retweeted a Washington Times Opinion tweet covering congressional investigations and taxpayer transparency, Kellogg dropped this nugget on July 29.

The retweet-text: "Great OpEd. Reinforces my earlier comment on 6 Jan Cmte. Has quote from DOD IG Report regarding 3 Jan 2021 meeting with Actg Def Secy Miller/CJCS Milley in the Oval on the 6 Jan NG request by POTUS on troops needed. I was in the room."

Kellogg, whose book "War by Other Means" covers the Trump presidency in great detail, presumably tweeted that he has a quote from the Department of Defense's inspector general regarding the January 3, 2021, meeting with Trump acting Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley.

The Oval Office meeting was about a National Guard request by Trump regarding troops needed for the upcoming rally on Jan. 6.

And on July 27, Kellogg tweeted the following:

"To be clear on 6 Jan/NG. Pg 199 of my book, 'On 3 Jan the President asked the Def Dept to deploy NG troops' into DC for J6 contingencies. OK for J6 Cmte to publicly release my full sworn testimony. Release Army Guard and DC Mayor J6 testimonies as well. Would be illuminating."

Kellogg presumably revealed that then-President Trump had discussed deploying the Guard to Washington before January 6, 2021. Kellogg was also granting the House Jan. 6 panel permission to release his sworn testimony in full.

Former WH Adviser: 'I Was in the Room' When Trump Requested National Guard for Jan. 6 |

The issue is though, that the leftist MSM has spun the tale that Trump never requested the NG (no different than they did with the Hunter laptop), and democrats liars have said no also.

So their base thinks it never happened. And you can be well assured that the jan6 committee will do all in their power to maintain that narrative and suppress the truth even though they all know full well he did request the NG.
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Jeez, what about your own people that are suffering...

That's what "blue" is all and give to those in need...but only if they'll vote for you....several times, if so arranged.:mad:
You all are paying for their health insurance and hospitality one way or the other, regardless whether you live in a red state or blue state. Its all federally promoted. You all including myself are paying for their Medicaid and Medicare expenses. Hospitals and health care "corporations" tell health care providers not to discriminate. WE PAY FOR THEIR HEALTH INSURANCE AFTER TAXES and our pockets take the brunt of it annually. Part of your paycheck is withheld to pay for Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security benefits. Look up Emergency Medicaid, and you'll know what I mean. Worse part, when they settle, they classify themselves as self-employed and then they are entitled to free healthcare because their business is purely CASH ONLY. THUS, NO PAPER TRAIL.

We can't always be generous when American families have to suffer at the end of the day

There is a freaking limit to everything. But this country has become Michael Jackson's Imagination Land, where there is no such thing as debt, thus our debt ceiling only grows higher and higher and in turn we pay for the increased cost.

That's what "blue" is all and give to those in need...but only if they'll vote for you....several times, if so arranged.:mad:
Good read on the whole false narrative about CO2 and man made climate change.

The Big Green Lie Almost Everyone Claims To Believe

Until the 2000s, when climate change was still called global warming and the mainstream media still noticed that none of the myriad predictions of a climate catastrophe were being borne out—the polar caps weren’t melting, Manhattan wasn’t about to be submerged, malaria wasn’t infecting the northern hemisphere—many exposed man-made climate change as a hoax. The leaked Climategate emails revealed how scientists had conspired to “hide the decline” in temperatures that didn’t conform to their models. The claim that 97 percent of scientists supported the global warming theory was exposed as a fraud, as was the claim that the 4,000 scientists associated with the IPCC endorsed its report—those 4,000 hadn’t endorsed it, and most hadn’t even read it but had merely reviewed parts of the report and often disagreed with what they read.

The claim that the “science was settled” on climate change never withstood scrutiny.Scientists around the world signed a series of petitions to dispute that claim. The 2008 Oregon Petition, spearheaded by a former president of the National Academy of Science and championed by Freeman Dyson, Albert Einstein’s successor at Princeton and one of the world’s most preeminent scientists, was signed by more than 31,000 scientists and experts who agreed that “the proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. … Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.”
Umm...he never used the word "juicy"

Juicy Fruit anyone?

Somewhat funny on a certain level, but his typical actions can then be used by the left to spin their narrative that paint the whole swath of conservatives and especially white males are "racist!!!", "sexist!!!", or "transphobic!!!", etc., and not satire.

Here he is in a more normal state.