August 17, 2022
Dear Patriots,
It is always and only about elections. One side wants to have fair and honest voting. The other side is constantly scheming new ways to steal elections.

1- The armed raid on President Trump's home is the beginning of the rigging of the 2024 election. It is vital that you pay close attention to these developments.
The Federalist
The 2024 Election Is Being Rigged Right Now In Plain Sight
QUOTE: The FBI raid on Trump's home isn't just about prosecuting the former president for Jan. 6, it's about fixing the next presidential election.
The news cycle this week has been understandably dominated by the FBI's raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, where armed agents were supposedly looking for classified documents the FBI believes were improperly removed from the White House at the end of Trump's term, in violation of federal law.
But the FBI raid is just a piece of a much larger story that's playing out in slow motion and in plain sight: the rigging of the 2024 presidential election.
Much like the 2020 election, which wasn't stolen so much as rigged months in advance to give Joe Biden an advantage that all but guaranteed his victory, the 2024 election is being rigged to ensure that Trump either cannot run or, if he does run, cannot win.
QUOTE: As some expert observers have pointed out, including my colleague Margot Cleveland, a far more plausible explanation is that the FBI was perhaps on a fishing expedition, looking for evidence that could implicate Trump in the Jan. 6 riot. It's no secret that Democrats and the Jan. 6 Committee want Garland to charge Trump with "seditious conspiracy" in hopes of making it impossible for Trump to run in 2024. In that case, a documents dispute with the National Archives would be nothing more than a flimsy pretext to get into Trump's residence and look for incriminating evidence related to Jan. 6.
The raid and its possible role in the schemes of the Jan. 6 Committee, though, are part of a larger effort underway to recreate the conditions of 2020, just in case Trump escapes indictment and does run. This week, Twitter announced it would begin enforcing its Civics Integrity Project for the 2022 midterms: "This means we'll take action against misleading claims about the voting process, misleading content intended to intimidate or dissuade people from participating in the election, or misleading claims that may undermine public confidence in elections outcomes."
And what that means, in light of Twitter's past behavior around election time, is that anyone who questions the voting processes or outcomes, however justifiably and no matter what irregularities are afoot, will be shut down by Twitter.
The targets here are painstakingly clear: Trump voters who believe, rightly, that the 2020 election was riddled with irregularities, last-minute changes to voting rules, and absentee ballot fraud. The best way to understand Twitter's midterm elections policy, which is itself a preview of its 2024 policy, is that anyone who complains about universal absentee voting, ballot harvesting, remote ballot drop boxes, loose voter ID rules, or any other Democrat-favored policies that are known to make elections less secure will be silenced on Twitter.
Why? Because Democrats plan to run the same play in 2024 they ran in 2020, and their allies in Big Tech don't want anyone pointing it out.

2- Another way of tipping elections is revealed by the actions of RINO Lisa Murkowski. Do not be disappointed if she wins. She is manipulating the system.
Daily Mail
REVEALED: How anti-Trump Republican Lisa Murkowski's staffers pushed to change Alaska's primary to ranked-choice voting in bid to help her defeat MAGA challenger Kelly Tshibaka
QUOTE: A Project Veritas Action report shows members of Lisa Murkowski's reelection campaign explaining they helped push for passage of ranked-choice voting.
Several staffers for Murkowski unknowingly spoke to Project Veritas Action reporters on hidden camera. One campaign coordinator said: 'While we were working on Ballot Measure 2 and voting for Ballot Measure 2, we had Senator Murkowski in mind the whole time'.
Murkowksi's campaign staffers noted that this form of voting would be beneficial for their candidate because Democrats and Republicans would likely put her as their second choice when casting their ballots.
If no candidate wins a majority of first-preference rankings outright, the candidate with the fewest first-preference votes is eliminated and the first-preference choices for that candidate are dropped, creating a new ranking with their second-choice now in the first position.
Trump-backed Republican Kelly Tshibaka, who is also running in the primary, is the preferred choice for most GOP voters in Alaska – but Murkowski is looking like the assured winner with the new voting system. Alaska will have its first-ever ranked-choice voting election on Tuesday.

3- It is exasperating when the Uniparty continues to push the idea that the 2020 election was fair when the evidence of fraud is overwhelming.
Here is a good recap of all the fraud as reported by Emerald Robinson. This is by no means the full extent of the crimes but it is a good list to keep in your files.
Emerald Robinson on Substack
There's So Much Election Fraud Evidence It's Hard To Keep Up!
QUOTE: Why do Democrats continue to insist that election fraud does not exist — and that such "baseless claims" have been "debunked" — when prominent Democrats insisted that election fraud does exist and it's a very big problem in 2017 and 2108 and 2019 and 2020? Did they all suffer from simultaneous amnesia about the hearings they held, the expert witnesses they gathered, and the interviews they gave for the documentary "Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections" on HBO?
Thank you Kamala Harris! Thank you Amy Klobuchar! Thank you Ron Wyden! Thank you Mark Warner! Thank you Stacey Abrams! Thank you, HBO! Thank you, New York Times! Thank you, NBC News! Thank you, Atlanta Journal-Constitution! Thank you, CNN! Thank you, PBS!
Here are eight articles from yours truly summarizing all the fraud.

4- Imagine ... mail-in ballots cause misconduct!!! ... By union workers!
Fox Business
Starbucks asks labor board to suspend all mail ballot elections after misconduct allegations raised
QUOTE: Starbucks is calling on the chairman of the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) to immediately suspend all mail-in union elections after claiming that labor board personnel engaged in misconduct with union representatives to tip the elections in their favor.
In a letter sent to the chairman and general counsel of the NLRB, Starbucks – which is facing growing union efforts nationwide – said it has been made aware by an NLRB career professional that labor board officials in the Kansas City area "and elsewhere engaged in highly improper, systemic misconduct" in elections between Starbucks and Workers United, which has been leading the union effort since December.
The NLRB career professional claimed that board officials secretly coordinated with union officials to arrange for in-person voting to take place at labor board offices during NLRB-ordered "mail-ballot" elections, according to the letter. Labor board officials also gave union representatives confidential information regarding specific vote counts that "enabled the union to target and influence employees who have not yet voted," Starbucks said.
It was also alleged that board officials disenfranchised employees (otherwise known as partners) who were not given the same opportunity to cast in-person votes, collaborated with union representatives to "cover up this misbehavior" and increase the number of pro-union votes to the outcome of elections.

5- We must work to stop all mail-in voting. One way is for you to refuse to cast your vote in this manner. Voting in person on Election Day is the best way to vote.
The Federalist
U.S. Postal Service Just Institutionalized Election Interference With New Mail-In-Ballot Division
QUOTE: Starbucks recently asked the National Labor Relations Board to suspend all pending and ongoing votes to unionize at its U.S. stores due to concerns stemming from mail-in ballots. The franchise's objections once again raise questions about the credibility of election systems that rely on mail-in ballots.
As with coffee companies, how much more with the American electoral process? With hundreds of millions of dollars of campaign material and increasing numbers of ballots in the mail, postal efficiency and honesty are becoming increasingly vital to free and fair elections.
Ostensibly to address some of these concerns, the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) announced on July 28 that it was creating the Election and Government Mail Services division. Adrienne E. Marshall, a USPS veteran, was named as the division's first director, with Marc Elias, the Democrat's foremost lawfare professional and longtime proponent of elections by mail, tweeting out his approval.
Elections conducted by mail have been a longtime goal of Elias and others since long before public health fears over in-person voting during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is instructive to note that most European nations found mail-in ballots to be susceptible to fraud and limited their use.

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Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic
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