Joe Biden today signed the “Inflation Reduction Act” that will raise taxes on the middle class, skyrocket inflation even further, and hire 87,000 armed IRS agents to shake down Americans.
Ford raised their prices due to increases in manufacturing costs from what I've heard. That tax credit only applies to vehicles with batteries made in the US so good luck with that from the get go. More smoke and mirrors in the name of "climate change".
But there's a catch for drivers. As the bill is currently written, most electric cars on the market wouldn't qualify for the new $7,500 incentive once it goes into effect next year. EV buyers have benefited from a $7,500 tax-time kickbacksince 2010, but the revised program would add layers of new restrictions aimed at boosting US manufacturing. To qualify for the full credit, vehicles will need to be made in North America, use North American battery components, and contain raw battery materials either sourced from North America or from countries the US has a trade agreement with.
It should be a total slaughter, but kind of ballsy of PI to be calling the election just yet. I absolutely love Cheney's pouty face in that picture, though. I am sure that picture will show up on one of Trumps wallpapers on his phone or desktop!
Hageman should easily win in November. She is running against Lynnette Grey Bull, who lost massively against Cheney in 2020. There are not even enough Democrat voters in Wyoming to even give her a snowballs chance in hell of getting less than a 50% point spread.