US Elections (& Politics) :)

Aug 3, 2015
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Please read the previous post carefully and thoroughly. Defending the Republic, Mike Lindell, and Lin Wood are FIGHTING FOR OUR COUNTRY and FIGHTING FOR OUR WAY OF LIFE. Literally, this is all about OUR FREEDOM and OUR LIBERTY.

With that in mind, what follows is from
It's a documentary showing what's happening.
It will help you understand current events in more depth. said:

Our right to vote in a fair and free election is the most basic of our civil rights and paramount to maintaining a free and thriving Constitutional Republic. The November 2020 election called into question the integrity of our election system. Tens of thousands of Americans stepped forward with serious concerns and raised their voices with evidence of irregularities that many courts refused to hear. Despite rejection by the courts, Americans continued to demand election transparency. Earlier this year, the first true forensic audit began in Arizona and similar audits are gaining a great deal of momentum in other states as election integrity surges to the top of the issues on the minds of the voting public.

To this end, I am sharing a free access link to watch The "Deep Rig," a documentary recently released by my friend and colleague Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock and President and CEO of The America Project. The documentary chronicles some of the most important questions arising as a result of the apparent irregularities of the 2020 election. I am proud to be a member of The America Project, an organization helping to build a network of like-minded Patriots who are focused on fighting for American values.

I encourage you to watch The “The Deep Rig” and share the link with others. It is important to stay informed as to how our nation arrived at this unfortunate but critical moment in history. Upon login, you will be asked to provide contact information for The America Project’s mailing list and to consider a donation. Please know there is no obligation for either. I thank you in advance taking the time to watch the documentary.

Please click the link to view The “The Deep Rig,”
Start :: The Deep Rig Movie

All the best,

Joseph J. Flynn
Board Member
The America Project and America’s Future


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2019
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more news from Defending the Republic later this morning.

Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium has been QUITE ENLIGHTENING.
More people need to understand what happened, and who did it.
For now, they've shown it was entirely possible, and it did happen.

It hasn't shown anything. Nothing was "hacked". The dingbats on their team even said that there is no creditable evidence to prove any tampering.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2019
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Talking heads, paid to attack the truth. That's all they are. All words and bluster. No substance.
That's exactly what Lindell and his cronies are, and y'all fall for their crap all day every day.

Demonion Having a bunch of media pundits who are corrupt as Hell makes it EVEN EASIER.
Fox, OAN, NewsMax definitely fit that bill.
Aug 3, 2015
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Here's the critical difference.

I respect your right to say something.
I'm not outraged, and I'm not offended.
Frankly, I'm not at all surprised.
I'll never ask you be suspended or banned for your speech.

I'll simply allow others in this thread to make their own decisions, based on their own opinions and experience.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA

Look at what Biden, Obama Clinton's, Bush's, most RINOS , Democrats, and Generals like Milley said and did concerning this country.

So after over a Trillion Dollars put out by American tax payers, watch what happens there.

Just for comparison to the above war mongers, look at what Trump has always said and felt about Afghanistan.

It's all about policy.
Biden = Jimmy Carter 2.0


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2019
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Right (who are actually correct) -
In your mind they're correct, but in reality, no they aren't.

What's even funnier is that since Trump mentioned routers, they all pick up on it and act like Parrots, when none of them know what they do and how they have nothing to do with voter fraud. lol

You people love to whine about the "liberal" media, but believe every ounce that comes out of a right wing rag.
Aug 3, 2015
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In your mind they're correct, but in reality, no they aren't.

What's even funnier is that since Trump mentioned routers, they all pick up on it and act like Parrots, when none of them know what they do and how they have nothing to do with voter fraud. lol

You people love to whine about the "liberal" media, but believe every ounce that comes out of a right wing rag.
Pray tell, what is reality, to you?
Aug 3, 2015
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Non right wing, conspiracy theory eating through my brain, the government out to get me, world that you people live in.
Non right wing, conspiracy theory eating through my brain, the government out to get me, world that you people live in.

Emotional hot-word terms struck, let's talk about the world in which WE ALL LIVE.
See, I understand and accept there are differing opinions in the world.
I don't have to agree, and I don't have to accept, and I don't have to like them.

But to attack others for their beliefs? You're taking things way off course.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2019
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Non right wing, conspiracy theory eating through my brain, the government out to get me, world that you people live in.

Emotional hot-word terms struck, let's talk about the world in which WE ALL LIVE.
See, I understand and accept there are differing opinions in the world.
I don't have to agree, and I don't have to accept, and I don't have to like them.

But to attack others for their beliefs? You're taking things way off course.
Nice swing and a miss.

But it's ok for your side to attack, but it's not Ok to be attacked. Got it. Nothing is being taken off course, you just don't like it.

This thread is just a "I Love Trump" cuck fest. You people will never accept the fact that he lost, it has been proven time and time again it was a fair election and no widespread fraud, even counting all the ones that were in Trump's favor(such as the guy who killed his wife and then used her vote for Trump). You think Lindell is going to pull out some huge chunk of data that'll reverse the election, in reality he won't and it can't. It hilarious.
Aug 3, 2015
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Nice swing and a miss.

But it's ok for your side to attack, but it's not Ok to be attacked. Got it. Nothing is being taken off course, you just don't like it.

This thread is just a "I Love Trump" cuck fest. You people will never accept the fact that he lost, it has been proven time and time again it was a fair election and no widespread fraud, even counting all the ones that were in Trump's favor(such as the guy who killed his wife and then used her vote for Trump). You think Lindell is going to pull out some huge chunk of data that'll reverse the election, in reality he won't and it can't. It hilarious.
See, there you go with sweeping generalizations and ad hominem attacks again.
Did I say I actually don't like it? No.
Did I attack you? I don't think so.
Did I inject emotional hot-button terms into the argument? No.

Sorry, but your bait's gotta be a lot better than that.
Thanks for playing.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
The ignore button is so handy for idiots like this. Routers that an election board can't account for are a serious problem, not to mention all the other problems cited in that article. I guess 41% of the voters are totally wrong about the election being questionable, at best. But what do numbers, missing routers, poor/no record keeping, votes being counted multiple times mean. Nothing in the Marxocrat world, just the way to gain power and destroy freedom and this Country.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2019
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I guess 41% of the voters are totally wrong about the election being questionable, at best.
When the publication is right leaning, what way do you think a lot of votes will be for?

But what do numbers, missing router, poor/no record keeping, votes being counted multiple times mean. Nothing in the Marxocrat world, just the way to gain power and destroy freedom and this Country.
But what happens when a huge baby is mad that he didn't win, then put little demons in the minds of the easily duped? Just a way to gain power and grift some more, while still not caring about the citizens, destroy freedom and this country.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
But what happens when a huge baby is mad that he didn't win, then put little demons in the minds of the easily duped? Just a way to gain power and grift some more, while still not caring about the citizens, destroy freedom and this country.
Destroys freedom? LOL. He's the guy that the Tech Oligarchs CENSORED.

I posted the link to an opposing viewpoint from a data analyst because there likely are some people on this forum who have that level of skill with computer information. I actually was wondering if anyone here might actually be looking at the raw packet captures that Lindell is touting. While his "smoking gun" packet captures may or may not be actual election system network traffic, there has been a lot of other information presented there that truly begs to be investigated.

The REALLY funny thing about this--- you apparently made up your mind and purely REJECT anything outside your own echo chamber-- especially from anyone associated with a guy that sells pillows-- right? I mean-- who can take a self-made millionaire businessman seriously?-- or any "expert" he brings in front of the cameras. You are doing exactly what you accuse others here of doing.


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2019
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Destroys freedom? LOL. He's the guy that the Tech Oligarchs CENSORED.
For being a complete douchebag. What's your point?

I posted the link to an opposing viewpoint from a data analyst because there likely are some people on this forum who have that level of skill with computer information. I actually was wondering if anyone here might actually be looking at the raw packet captures that Lindell is touting. While his "smoking gun" packet captures may or may not be actual election system network traffic, there has been a lot of other information presented there that truly begs to be investigated.
As someone in the IT field, they have not presented anything new or worth investigating. It's all flashy crap to get people who know nothing about any of it to be intrigued and then they start the fear mongering.

The REALLY funny thing about this--- you apparently made up your mind and purely REJECT anything outside your own echo chamber-- especially from anyone associated with a guy that sells pillows-- right? I mean-- who can take a self-made millionaire businessman seriously?-- or any "expert" he brings in front of the cameras. You are doing exactly what you accuse others here of doing.
He hasn't brought up any creditable SME. Hell, these idiots can't even figure out how to share their screens on a Zoom call. Can't explain Windows updates and so on. It's a joke. I don't need an echo chamber to know that they're full of crap and making anyone who believes look foolish. You people need the echo chamber.
Aug 3, 2015
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If you've been paying attention, you may have already seen a video of a Demonion executive saying there was no Internet connectivity in their devices.
You may also have seen video of the BIOS screens of these devices, showing cloud capabilities, PXE boot capabilities, and general network connectivity.
So, we can safely deduce/infer/consider the Demonion executive is either ignorant or lying. Your choice, you decide.

Now, the Mesa County Recorder's office took forensic images of their voting machines when they suspected something was up.
Suspicion? Sure, it's the Recorder's sworn duty to maintain the highest levels of integrity. They did the right thing.
So why then would the state AG then raid the Mesa County Recorder's office?
What possible motivation, what advantage could the state AG gain?


Getting the hang of it
Jul 19, 2019
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If you've been paying attention, you may have already seen a video of a Demonion executive saying there was no Internet connectivity in their devices.
You may also have seen video of the BIOS screens of these devices, showing cloud capabilities, PXE boot capabilities, and general network connectivity.
So, we can safely deduce/infer/consider the Demonion executive is either ignorant or lying. Your choice, you decide.
Just because a BIOS screen shows that, doesn't mean it's connected to the internet. Jesus you people jump to conclusions.

Now, the Mesa County Recorder's office took forensic images of their voting machines when they suspected something was up.
Suspicion? Sure, it's the Recorder's sworn duty to maintain the highest levels of integrity.
Or crazy. Or trying to be suspicious on their own.

They did the right thing.
Maybe, but probably not. Most election site do not allow the use of camera phones, hopefully that person didn't break the law.

So why then would the state AG then raid the Mesa County Recorder's office?
What possible motivation, what advantage could the state AG gain?
Tampering on their part? Who knows. Maybe the AG will release that info so that tinfoil hats across the nation can be removed for a few minutes.


Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
Another Trump genius

  • In January, One America News Network presented an "expert mathematician" in an interview.
  • The "expert" claimed to have uncovered evidence that the 2020 election was rigged against Trump.
  • He was a swing set installer on Long Island at the time of the interview, a Dominion lawsuit says.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.
The right-wing media organization One America News Network presented a Long Island swing-set installer as an "expert mathematician" who claimed to uncover evidence that the 2020 election was rigged, a new lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems says.

OAN's Christina Bobb interviewed the man, Ed Solomon, on January 27 in a segment about the 2020 election, which President Joe Biden had won nearly three months earlier.

In the interview, Solomon said he conducted a mathematical analysis showing that the results in Fulton County, Georgia, "can only have been done by an algorithm." He added that the probability of Biden's victory in the county was "1 over 10 to an exponent so large there's not enough stars in the universe, there aren't enough atoms in the universe, to explain the number."

It's not clear where Solomon got his data set. compared the numbers he used in his analysis with the data available from Georgia's secretary of state and found that they did not match. An audit of the ballots cast in Georgia in the 2020 election found that the results were correct.