US Elections (& Politics) :)

Aug 3, 2015
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April 6, 2022

A Massive Evil Threat to our Country
... and to the Rule of Law

Dear Patriots,

Today we will be outlining for you a massive, evil threat to our country, our freedoms and to The Rule of Law.
Everyday we are seeing more and more evidence that there was election fraud of all kinds all over the country in 2020.

We have been sharing this information with you for over a year - from the influence of millions spent by Mark Zuckerberg, to ballots delivered in semi-trucks, to lies about voting machines being connected to the internet, to drop boxes and mail-in ballots. The list of illegal acts perpetuated by the leftists of the world to obstruct the election is a long one. More information emerges daily supporting the reality of the fraud, how long it as plagued us and how widespread it is.

You would think the left would try to slink away quietly, embarrassed by being caught. But, they are so emboldened by the fact they stole the power, they are doubling down on destroying anyone who dared challenge their authority and spoke about illegal activities surrounding the election of 2020.

As you know, Sidney Powell (and our legal staff at Defending The Republic) have been working tirelessly to help people caught in the snares of our corrupt government and its many corrupt institutions. They have done this despite the heavy load of $4 billion dollar law suits filed against Sidney and five suits in four jurisdictions, multiple baseless bar grievances filed against multiple members of our team, countless false media hit pieces, and politically-driven sanctions motions.

These actions are pure harassment suits brought for the primary if not sole purpose of intimidating or bludgeoning us into silence.

Added to the lawsuits and other threats, there is now a fully-staffed and well-funded evil organization working to destroy any attorney who stands against the cabal that planned and orchestrated the coup of the presidency of the United States.

The group doing this is called The 65 Project.
NOTE: You may also see it as Project 65.

This newsletter is to inform you of this group and to ask for your help to fight it. As you can imagine, Sidney Powell is high on their list for destruction. She and Defending The Republic are squarely over the target with our messages and our legal battles. We are fighting every day for you on multiple fronts, and they know we know what they did.

They not only want to shut us down, they want to destroy Sidney Powell. This is unadulterated political intimidation and lawfare at its worst.

Inform yourself on these people, their tactics, and their organizations. We must fight this battle together. (1) Discuss this information everywhere you go and (2) pass this information on to your friends.

Now, it is imperative that you join us with your financial support. Make a monthly contribution to help us help you. We have more battles to fight now than when we began our efforts, and they have only become more intense as the left has consolidated unprecedented powers as they have taken away more freedoms than we ever thought possible in this country.

Join us in continuing our work on behalf of many January 6 defendants, US military members who do not want to be forced to risk their health by taking an unlicensed, experimental "clotshot", and our ongoing defense against Dominion, Eric Coomer, various bar Associations, the city of Detroit, state officials in Michigan, and now Project 65.

Here, in full, are three articles that will help you understand the tactics of the left and what is at stake. Every American should be outraged by this effort to chill all debate or legal accountability, not to mention the well-funded deliberate destruction of reputations and livelihoods.
"I and Defending The Republic stand in the gap for you every day. For us to succeed, each of you must join us in every way you can. Send this to all your friends. Encourage everyone to join us by donation $10/month to fund our fight. Discuss the issues and information we share we you everywhere you go. You can do something about all the wrongs you see by helping us fight them. Together, we cannot be stopped. We are determined to find the truth and set it free." - Sidney Powell, April 6, 2022
Please go HERE to donate $10/month or more to fund our fight.

1- Revolver

"Project 65" Seeks to Kill All the Trump Lawyers — By Canceling Them: The Progressive Left's Latest Move to Destroy America

by Jeffrey Clark, Former Assistant Attorney General at the U.S. Justice Department
As Shakespeare famously wrote in Henry VI Part II: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

Even for me as a lawyer, it's hard not to sympathize with that sentiment. Lawyers are a drag. But in reflective moments, I'm more partial to Sir Thomas More's line from Robert Bolt's A Man for All Seasons: "And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's!"

The evenhanded application of the law is a principle that must be defended. Everywhere, balance and perspective are under attack. Whatever the costs of America's process-heavy adversarial contests, that feature of our polity is a key bulwark of liberty. Due process is not something to be trifled with, deconstructed, or thrown away based on the passions of the political moment.

Yet that is happening, right now. The Left has set the lines of battle: Any lawyers who worked for President Trump with verve and ingenuity, along with any lawyers he retained to mount his various 2020 election contests, must be crushed, must have their noses rubbed into the dirt, must if possible lose their jobs and even their right to practice law.
It's not right, just as it would not have been right to demonize the lawyers who mounted Al Gore's challenges to the 2000 presidential election in Florida.

On the Left, the constant rallying cry is "Remember January 6!" It's like a woke version of "Remember the Alamo!", designed to divide and conquer instead of unite the nation in the spirit of apple-pie American patriotism. For those who know me, I'm a lot more partial to traditional patriotism than to false and cynical attempts by MSNBC and its ilk to use the aberration of January 6 as some kind of Rosetta Stone to American politics.
As James O'Keefe has recently brought to light, even Matthew Rosenberg of the New York Times secretly knows I'm right.

Project 65 and Its Despicable Aims

When the Left wants something, you can be sure that limitless streams of money will soon pour forth to fund their destructive crusade. Recently, Axios profiled something significant you might have missed: "Project 65," a new initiative funded by millions in "dark money" to destroy as many Trump-affiliated lawyers as possible.

At the retail level, Project 65's purpose is to file bar complaints against 111 lawyers wherever they are licensed.
At the wholesale level, it seeks to amend state bar rules, so that no lawyers with a sense of self-preservation will ever again want to bring election-related contests on behalf of President Trump, or any other populist conservative candidate.
According to Project 65, everyone secretly knows that elections in Atlanta, Chicago, or Philadelphia (my home town) are entirely aboveboard, so any legal challenges to them must be in bad faith. My Mom's stories from decades of poll watching in Philadelphia must have been hallucinated, and a slew of election fraud cases in Philadelphia must have magically disappeared from the annals of the law.
The Chicago corruption of Mayor Daley in the 1960 presidential election is an old wives' tale. Election fraud in America simply doesn't exist. Of course, some exceptions exist—for Democrat complaints of voter fraud, of course.
Don't expect Project 65 to file a bar complaint any time soon against losing candidate Stacey Abrams over her frequent claims to be the legitimate governor of Georgia.

Project 65 is led by David Brock, the founder of Media Matters for America and the super PAC American Bridge 21st Century. Brock is still on his life-long quest to expiate his decades-old "sin" of writing The Real Anita Hill, a book attacking the credibility of Clarence Thomas's harassment accuser. Brock will be joined by an advisory board that includes former Senate majority leader Tom Daschle, Clinton affiliate Melissa Moss, and "Republican" Paul Rosenzweig.

(Here I pause to ask, Paul, what's happened to you? We both served in the Bush 43 Administration, me at Justice and you at Homeland Security. President Trump actually achieved many of the goals President Bush advocated, yet rarely did much to accomplish. Talking a good game is not the same thing as running a good game. Best to judge by fruits and not by braggadocious tweets, I think.
Never Trumpism seems to be a fever that makes calmly comparing records impossible.)

Here's what Brock describes as the mission of his project:
"[Project 65] will not only bring the grievances in the bar complaints but shame them and make them toxic in their communities."
According to Axios, Brock's plan is nothing less than a war of the strong against the weak:
"I think the littler fish are probably more vulnerable to what we're doing... You're threatening their livelihoods. And you know, they've got reputations in their local communities."

Give Brock points for honesty, at least. Not everyone has the guts to gloat about being pure evil. Project 65 is torn right from the playbook of Saul Alinsky ("Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it"): Shame lawyers, plague them with hefty legal bills, and especially pick off ones who are less famous and backed by fewer resources.
Given all that, it's better to call Project 65 Project Shame, Project Fear, or the Project of Personal Destruction.
And wait, why is it even called Project 65? Because (groan) that's the number of lawsuits filed to support the "Big Lie," of course.

Monopolies are never good, whether one is talking about cornering the market for silver, for banking services, for rare earth minerals (hello CCP), or for social media. Lawyers are indispensable to promoting any abstract cause or to any concrete enterprise that must enter the court system to present grievances.
Trying to shame, outlaw, and destroy the personal reputations of any category of lawyers, on the Right or on the Left, must be resisted with maximum effort. And make no mistake, as Axios recognizes after talking to Brock himself (and others at Project 65 clinging to anonymity), the goal of the effort is to chill market forces:
"The 65 Project is focused on starving any future efforts of legal talent as well as focusing on 2020."

Professor Alan Dershowitz sees the game afoot. He told Breitbart that he will "defend any lawyer targeted by [the] McCarthyist '65 Project.'" Good for him. He immediately recognizes that Project 65 flunks any test of Kantian evenhandedness and ethics:

It was only 22 years ago when lawyers like me sought to block the election of President George W. Bush, believing as we did that Al Gore actually received more votes than Bush in Florida and was the rightful winner. We lost in court. But back then no one suggested going after the hundreds of lawyers who tried to prevent Bush's certification. A dangerous weapon, like the 65 Project, unleashed by Democrats will surely be used by Republicans at some future time. [Breitbart]

Bingo. It's the Golden Rule. If progressives can try to starve Republicans of legal talent, turnabout will become fair play. And it should not be allowed to become fair play—by either side.
Weaponizing bar rules to endlessly relitigate contests about the 2020 presidential election (or any election) is not what the rules of legal ethics and professional conduct exist to accomplish. It is blatant lawfare, designed to impose ruinous costs on lawyers of an enemy political faction. It's a Pandora's box that should remain closed.

The Three Categories of Lawyers Project 65 Seeks to "Freeze" in Alinsky Terms

Project 65 plans to target three categories of lawyers: (1) Trump's inner circle of lawyers, e.g., Jenna Ellis and Boris Epsteyn, (2) lawyers who signed on to be alternate presidential electors; and (3) attorneys who participated in the attack on the Capitol or were simply present at the events of January 6.

Let's take each of these categories in turn.
For category 1, the Project reasons that being close to Trump is its own unpardonable sin, a form of guilt by association. That's as un-American as it gets.
Next, as to alternate electors: In the 1960 presidential election between Nixon and Kennedy, there were alternate Democratic Hawaii electors for Senator Kennedy who eventually became the actual electors, so lining up alternative electors to be ready for such an opportunity can't be inherently illegal or unethical.
And finally, while a lawyer who participated in violence at the Capitol on January 6 is clearly a proper subject of a bar investigation and stern discipline, the idea that a lawyer's mere presence at the January 6 protest is unethical is the stuff of a banana republic. Is every left-leaning lawyer who protested George Floyd's death to be rounded up and disbarred because Antifa members assaulted a courthouse in Portland or burned down a police station in Minneapolis?

Is at Least One Other Entity Cooperating With Project 65?

The public announcement of Project 65's kickoff was followed just a few weeks ago by a public announcement that the Texas Bar was considering allegations of unethical conduct filed against the Lone Star State's Attorney General, Ken Paxton.
According to the Washington Examiner, AG Paxton is under fire for suing to overturn the 2020 presidential election, a suit that 17 other state AGs eventually joined him in. Just pause and let that sink in. The notion that 18 state attorneys general were all plotting together in a back room to file unethical, disbarment-worthy litigation shouldn't be a theory that could even get off the ground of its own weight.
This is a naked, cynical attempt to weaponize the bar rules in the service of politics. The very legitimacy of the legal bar depends on not allowing such a weaponization.

Instead of reflecting unbiased application of ethics rules, the attack on Paxton's bar license really boils down to the claim it is beyond the pale to contradict the regime's "Big Lie" refrain. This refrain holds that the 2020 election was perfect, no matter what evidence has emerged or will emerge in the future.
There is no attorney ethics rule that mandates agreement with Democrat media narratives, however often they are repeated. It is that fact Brock and his ilk seek to change.

Democrats don't like that Paxton courageously questioned whether the 2020 presidential election was aboveboard. But Paxton and his 17 fellow state AGs elected by the people were fully entitled to argue that the 2020 election was not conducted in accord with the Constitution.
Specifically, the Presidential Electors Clause (Article II, Section 1, Clause 2) requires such electors to be appointed in the manner determined by state legislatures. Not by state governors, not by state courts, and not by state administrative agencies making last-minute changes in voting law under the cover of COVID-19 paranoia.
The Supreme Court refused to take up Paxton's case by a 7-2 vote, but the case was surely colorable and raised fair-minded arguments. Moreover, the Supreme Court majority did not enshrine the "Big Lie" narrative in law. They simply held that Texas lacked constitutional standing. Nothing more.

The complaint against AG Paxton was filed not by Project 65 but by a different group called Lawyers Defending American Democracy (LDAD). LDAD's Chairman is a past litigation opponent of mine, former Democrat AG of Massachusetts (and noisy proponent of socialist climate change regulations) Scott Harshbarger.
Other LDAD members include Lucien Wulsin, Founder and Director of Insure the Uninsured Project, and Martha Barnett, former chair of the ABA's House of Delegates (for more on the ABA's own ideological drift, see Revolver's writeup here). They are leftists at the vanguard of leftist causes.

Are LDAD and Project 65 working together? I certainly can't prove it. But I will go out on a limb and predict that at some point in the future, it will likely come out that they are closely aligned and coordinated.

The Texas Bar should make short work of the complaint against AG Paxton, but that situation will have to be monitored carefully. As Paxton himself noted, the lawsuit seems strategically (and politically) timed: "They've intentionally waited a year and a half after my Supreme Court challenge—right in the middle of an election—to do it... Worse, they announced their plans on the very first day of my election against George P. Bush—Biden's and the Democrats' preferred candidate for Attorney General." How convenient.

Legal Defenses to the Project 65 Offensive

Fortunately, legal defenses to Project 65 are easy to come up with.

First, Project 65's goals run afoul of the First Amendment's Petition Clause, which guarantees citizens the right to petition their government for a redress of grievances. Such petitions often come in the form of lawsuits. Frivolous lawsuits can be penalized, but the standards for this are supposed to be clear-cut and limited.
Judges can discipline lawyers for making factual claims that it can be proven they knew were false at the time. Lawyers who make legal arguments that flatly contradict binding legal precedent can be taken to the woodshed as well (though lawyers can always argue that case law ought to be changed as well).
On the other hand, filing lawsuits supported by the sworn testimony of poll workers who saw various forms of shenanigans is categorically the exact sort of activity protected by the right to petition. So is arguing that last-minute bureaucratic changes to election laws violated Article II of the Constitution. And so is complaining about the election rigging enabled by Mark Zuckerberg's Zuckerbucks.
Marc Elias may not like to have to run to and fro defending against such suits, but there is nothing illegitimate about them simply because lawyers for President Trump filed the cases.

Second, forming an organized legal group to hound lawyers who happened to serve as advocates for Republican causes suggests a conspiracy to violate the civil rights of those lawyers' clients, as well as the civil rights of those lawyers themselves.
Civil rights laws are not the exclusive playthings of the Democratic Party. Free expression, free political association, access to the legal counsel of one's choice—these are all foundational rights that a group of dark money-funded lawyers associated with David Brock should not be able to rip away or chase away through fear and the politics of cancelation.

Third, fire can be fought with fire. And to mix the metaphor, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. Every lawyer who is faced with the naked lawfare of Project 65 should file a counter-complaint to the bar where a Project 65 complainant is a member. All lawyers should have much better things to do than to try to deck their opponents, aiming to knock them out in a bar-grievance process resembling Fight Club.

In antitrust law, there is a form of anticompetitive conduct known as "raising rivals' costs." Raising the costs of legal rivals is not a proper endeavor in the American legal tradition anymore than it is fair play in business as to economic competitors.
Brock is openly bragging that his plan is to starve conservatives of legal talent. His words are a self-indictment of monument proportions. His tactic should be shunned and the lawyers using it are the ones who deserve discipline.
Countering Project 65

So, what should be done to block or blunt the Project 65 dagger aimed at the heart of American lawyering? I propose a plan with three parts:

First, we need to fund, on a dollar-per-dollar basis, a Project 65 counterproject. If left unchecked, then at the least Project 65 will burden and frighten any lawyer willing to take on Republican clients. At its worst, Project 65 will go on to create lasting structural and systemic change in the American legal system.
Canceling Trump-adjacent lawyers is just Brock's starting point.
The end goal is to create a reality where left-wing ideology and the legal system are one and the same.
If America's businessmen and right-leaning donors aren't willing to step up now and fund a counter-Project of their own, then they should not be surprised if the day comes where they can't get a lawyer either.

Whenever Project 65 shows up with a proposal to change the bar rules to tilt the playing field against one sort of party, the Project 65 counterproject must appear as well to file rulemaking comments aimed at keeping the bar rules neutral and apolitical.

Personal knowledge should be required for bar authorities to open an investigation into any Project 65 complaint. Typically, bar complaints are filed, for instance, by wronged clients alleging a lawyer absconded with money out of a trust account or that a lawyer has not worked diligently enough on their case.
By contrast, Joe Officious Intermeddler shouldn't be able to read a Washington Post article or search state and federal election lawsuit databases and gin up carbon-copy complaints about the conduct of Trump-hired lawyers they have had no personal contact with.

Any lawyer who participates in drafting a Project 65 bar complaint should be required, under penalty of perjury, to disclose his identity to the bar authorities where he or she files such a complaint. And the drafters of "model" bar complaints that Project 65 takes off the shelf to adapt to launch against any single lawyer should similarly not be allowed to hide in the shadows.

Bar disciplinary authorities should reaffirm their traditional role of being reactive. They exist to investigate complaints filed by clients, and to decide whether lawyers already convicted of crimes or sanctioned by judges should also face further discipline. As John Adams once said: "Go[ ] not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy." State and local bars should not expend their attention and resources on a Project 65 witch hunt to make life hell for conservative lawyers who stood up against the current ruling regime.

The Prussian military theorist Von Clausewitz is famous for his dictum that "war is the continuation of policy by other means." Project 65 seeks to invert that: To turn politics into just another mode of all-out warfare. Attacking the dignity of the bar will be the death knell of our Anglo-American legal system and for fair, competitive politics more generally.
Project 65's lawsuits are an assault on the principle of equal protection under the law and on the Constitution's Petition Clause. This is a fight that patriotic Americans must win, or the United States will just be the latest example of a republic decayed into a phony, failed oligarchy.

Mr. Clark is the former Senate-confirmed Assistant Attorney General of the Environment & Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Justice Department (2018-2021). From 2020-2021, he was also named and simultaneously served as the former Acting Assistant Attorney General of DOJ's Civil Division (2020-2021). Mr. Clark, unfortunately, is still mired in a subpoena fight with the House's January 6 Select Committee.

High-powered group targets Trump lawyers' livelihoods
A dark money group with ties to Democratic Party heavyweights will spend millions this year to expose and try to disbar more than 100 lawyers who worked on Donald Trump's post-election lawsuits, people involved with the effort tell Axios.

Why it matters: The 65 Project plans to begin filing complaints this week and will air ads in battleground states. It hopes to deter right-wing legal talent from signing on to any future GOP efforts to overturn elections — including the midterms or 2024.
• The group takes its name from a count of lawsuits that sought to invalidate the 2020 results.
Details: David Brock, who founded Media Matters for America and the super PAC American Bridge 21st Century and is a Hillary Clinton ally and prolific fundraiser for Democrats, is advising the group.
• Advisory board members include former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-S.D.); and Paul Rosenzweig, a conservative and member of the Federalist Society who was former senior counsel for Ken Starr's Clinton-era Whitewater investigation and served in George W. Bush's Department of Homeland Security.
• Former Utah Supreme Court Chief Justice Christine Durham; and Roberta Ramo, the first woman to serve as president of the American Bar Association, are also members.
• The project was devised by Melissa Moss, a Democratic consultant and former senior Clinton administration official.

The other side: Some of the lawyers targeted describe the tactics as naked political intimidation.
• "This move is nothing more than a desperate attempt by leftist hacks and mercenaries..." Paul Davis, a Texas attorney targeted for his presence at the Capitol on January 6, wrote in an email to Axios.
• He described an effort " neutralize anyone on the right with the ability to stand in the way of the left's efforts to hide malfeasance in the 2020 elections and to clear the path for a repeat of similar malfeasance in the 2022 mid-terms."

How it works: The 65 Project is targeting 111 attorneys in 26 states who were involved to some degree in efforts to challenge or reverse 2020 election results. They include lawyers at large national law firms with many partners and clients and lawyers at smaller, regional firms.
• It will air ads in battleground states, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

• It also will push the ABA and every state bar association to codify rules barring certain election challenges and adopt model language stating that "fraudulent and malicious lawsuits to overturn legitimate election results violate the ethical duties lawyers must abide by."

• It plans to spend about $2.5 million in its first year and will operate through an existing nonprofit called Law Works.

Brock told Axios in an interview that the idea is to "not only bring the grievances in the bar complaints, but shame them and make them toxic in their communities and in their firms."
• "I think the littler fish are probably more vulnerable to what we're doing," Brock said. "You're threatening their livelihood. And, you know, they've got reputations in their local communities."
What they're saying: "With great power comes great responsibility. Lawyers have a special role in and special obligation to society," Rosenzweig told Axios in an email.
• "It is all the worse, then, when they use their special position to attack the foundations of the rule of law."

The group has three categories of targets, according to plans reviewed by Axios.
• Trump's legal inner circle, including lawyers such as campaign hands Jenna Ellis and Boris Epshteyn and post-election lawyers like Sidney Powell and Joe DiGenova.

• Lawyers who signed on as "alternate electors," who planned to submit their names to the Electoral College in lieu of legitimate elector slates if Trump-aligned legal challenges succeeded.

• Licensed attorneys who participated in or were present at the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol.
Between the lines: Some of the attorney targets already have been hit with bar complaints. One going after Georgia attorney Brad Carver for his role as an alternate elector was dismissed for lack of evidence. Carver, in an email to Axios, reiterated his position that his involvement was legally appropriate.
• But The 65 Project is focused on starving any future efforts of legal talent as well as focusing on 2020.

• "This is mostly important for the deterrent effect that it can bring so that you can kill the pool of available legal talent going forward," according to a person involved with the effort, who asked to remain anonymous.

Cleta Mitchell, who resigned from Foley & Lardner as she assisted the Trump campaign's post-election legal efforts, characterized The 65 Project's effort as hypocritical.
• "I'm betting Marc Elias isn't on the list," she said in a text message, linking to a story about the Democratic attorney's challenge to the results of a House race in Iowa last year and one about his claims of voting machine "irregularities" in another in New York.

• "Ok for Dem lawyers to file election challenges. Of course."

John Eastman, who crafted a legal memo detailing Trump's options for overturning the election, already is facing a bar complaint in California.
• He "expects the Bar's investigation into these matters will fully exonerate him from any charges," his attorney said in an emailed statement.

• "As was his duty as an attorney, Dr. Eastman zealously represented his client, comprehensively exploring legal and constitutional means to advance his client's interests."

3- Breitbart

David Brock Launches 'Dark Money' Effort to Disbar, Shame, Impoverish Trump Election Lawyers

Left-wing ideologue David Brock has launched a "dark money" effort to disbar, publicly shame, and impoverish more than 100 lawyers who participated in filing post-election legal challenges to the 2020 presidential election results.
Axios reported Monday that the effort, named the "65 Project" because of the number of post-election lawsuits, is funded by anonymous donors and aims to discourage lawyers from representing Republican clients in any future election challenges.

Axios noted:
A dark money group with ties to Democratic Party heavyweights will spend millions this year to expose and try to disbar more than 100 lawyers who worked on Donald Trump's post-election lawsuits, people involved with the effort tell Axios.

Why it matters: The 65 Project plans to begin filing complaints this week and will air ads in battleground states. It hopes to deter right-wing legal talent from signing on to any future GOP efforts to overturn elections — including the midterms or 2024.

Brock told Axios in an interview that the idea is to "not only bring the grievances in the bar complaints, but shame them and make them toxic in their communities and in their firms."
• "I think the littler fish are probably more vulnerable to what we're doing," Brock said. "You're threatening their livelihood. And, you know, they've got reputations in their local communities."

Brock made no attempt to hide the fact that he is trying to deprive his targets of their ability to earn a living, and that he is picking on smaller targets, simply because they represented an opposing side in legitimate filings in an election dispute.

In 2020, then-candidate Joe Biden boasted that his campaign had recruited 600 lawyers to file post-election challenges. One of the key lawyers, Marc Elias, was behind the 2016 "Russia collusion" hoax, but nevertheless led Democratic legal efforts.

Axios notes further that the 65 Project is focused on three groups of lawyers: those who represented Trump, those who were "alternate electors," and those who were present at the January 6, 2021 protest and riot, whether or not they broke the law.

Please consider a donation of any amount to help us fight against the people hellbent to destroy one of the foremost tenants of our founding, the Rule of Law.

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Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic

All DTR Newsletters are archived HERE.

To have confidence in the outcome of any election, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.
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This email was sent by Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Apparently this was first published Jan. 22, 2016,......that doesn't make it any less stupid. The kid's a hero, IMO. :headbang:

View attachment 124623 View attachment 124624
Actually, it is VERY stupid. Six years ago we didn't have so much wokeness...I guess when someone has the potential for death or brain damage you're not supposed to cuss, right?


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Hey guys, WTF is going on in Texas, specifically in Killeen?

WTF wasn't the teacher suspended for emailing the nurse.

WTF email really. Do they not have phones or intercoms or cell phone. Email....really.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
Reaction score
Southern California, USA
Apparently this was first published Jan. 22, 2016,......that doesn't make it any less stupid. The kid's a hero, IMO. :headbang:

View attachment 124623 View attachment 124624
Totally agree. The school needed to give the kid some grace on this one. Teacher sounds like a numbskull, to just email and do nothing but watch the girl suffer. My feeling is that teacher should not be anymore. Teaching credential pulled.



Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
Reaction score
Oh CT......

450GB Of 'Deleted' Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released Within Weeks | ZeroHedge

450GB Of 'Deleted' Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released Within Weeks
Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Apr 06, 2022 - 06:20 PM
A whistleblower who's fled the United States for Switzerland has vowed to drop '450 gigabytes of deleted material' from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, which he says he also gave the the Washington Post, New York Times, and Sen. Chuck Grassley - all of whom he says sat on it for months.

For the past two weeks, former Steve Bannon War Room co-host Jack Maxey has been hiding in Zurich, where he told the Daily Mail he's been working with IT experts to dig more data from Hunter's 'laptop from hell,' and that he'll post it all online in a searchable database in the coming weeks.

Maxey says the data includes 80,000 images and videos, and more than 120,000 archived emails.
"I came here so that we could do a forensic examination of Hunter's laptop safely in a country that still respects human liberty and the ideals of liberal democratic principles," he told the Mail. "I do not believe this would have been possible inside the United States. We had numerous attempts on us from trying to do things like this there."
Maxey said that after contacting about the laptop last year, black suburban SUVs appeared outside his house, and former US intelligence officer friends he shared copies with told him they received strange calls.
'I showed this to a friend of mine in desperation in February [2021] because nobody would listen to me. No news organizations would take it. In fact, the very first major news organization to take it was the Daily Mail,' he said.
'Very dear friends of mine, the sharp tip of the spear, were making welfare calls to me every day, basically to see if I was still alive.' -Daily Mail
One former intelligence agency senior staffer allegedly told Maxey after he received the hard drive two years ago "If you don't release enough of this, so that they know you can release all of it, I'm telling you brother, you're a dead man."

Jack Maxey

After receiving this advice, he began posting caches of emails and other material from the laptop on various file sharing sites - only to find the links removed within an hour.
"There were five drop boxes: two in the United States, one in New Zealand, two in the UK. All the same drop boxes in which they tell us child pornography is shared around the globe without any consequence because they can't look at it," he said, adding: "These are all Five Eyes countries, English speaking countries in an intelligence sharing agreement. And they were all ripped down."
"So this means that our intelligence services, who still have not even acknowledged that they have Hunter Biden's laptop, were obviously diligently doing cache searches across the internet to find out if any of this stuff was being released. That should terrify every single decent person in the West."

Emails between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at consultancy Rosemont Seneca, show Schwerin was working on Joe's taxes. The emails were recovered from Hunter's laptop
According to Maxey, he went to Switzerland because they are home to the only file sharing site that didn't nuke the laptop files - Swiss Transfer.
The former Bannon podcast co-host said he is livid at the FBI, who he believes slow-walked their investigation into Hunter and failed to enter the laptop they received from Mac Isaac into evidence for months.
According to the New York Times, files from the laptop are now part of the evidence in Hunter's federal prosecution for alleged tax fraud, money laundering and illegal foreign lobbying.
Among the files on the laptop are a raft of emails and documents showing Hunter's dealings with Burisma, a Ukrainian gas firm that became the center of Trump's first impeachment in December 2019.
The then-president was accused of pushing Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to announce investigations into the Bidens and Burisma for alleged corruption. -Daily Mail
"The FBI had this on the ninth of December 2019," said Maxey. "'I suppose the first person betrayed was a sitting US president in an impeachment hearing, when the FBI had the exculpatory evidence in their hands to have that end instantly, and they did nothing."
"The second group of people to be betrayed were all of the Democratic candidates in the spring primaries that year," he continued. "The American people were utterly betrayed, because I guarantee you that Joe Biden couldn't run for dog catcher if the American people knew about this laptop."
Read the rest of the report here.

Whistleblower who revealed Hunter Biden's laptop fled to Switzerland


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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This is nothing more than sick perverts grooming young children.

Kids are very impressionable and want to fit in. If you preached to them that hitting yourself in the head with a hammer every morning was the “cool” thing to do, 50%+ would do it.

Most of these “teachers” are simply misfits with stunted emotional maturity who never outgrew adolescence themselves, and/or blatant pedophiles.
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Oh CT......

450GB Of 'Deleted' Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released Within Weeks | ZeroHedge

450GB Of 'Deleted' Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released Within Weeks
Tyler Durden's Photo's Photo

by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Apr 06, 2022 - 06:20 PM
A whistleblower who's fled the United States for Switzerland has vowed to drop '450 gigabytes of deleted material' from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop, which he says he also gave the the Washington Post, New York Times, and Sen. Chuck Grassley - all of whom he says sat on it for months.

For the past two weeks, former Steve Bannon War Room co-host Jack Maxey has been hiding in Zurich, where he told the Daily Mail he's been working with IT experts to dig more data from Hunter's 'laptop from hell,' and that he'll post it all online in a searchable database in the coming weeks.

Maxey says the data includes 80,000 images and videos, and more than 120,000 archived emails.
"I came here so that we could do a forensic examination of Hunter's laptop safely in a country that still respects human liberty and the ideals of liberal democratic principles," he told the Mail. "I do not believe this would have been possible inside the United States. We had numerous attempts on us from trying to do things like this there."

One former intelligence agency senior staffer allegedly told Maxey after he received the hard drive two years ago "If you don't release enough of this, so that they know you can release all of it, I'm telling you brother, you're a dead man."

Jack Maxey

After receiving this advice, he began posting caches of emails and other material from the laptop on various file sharing sites - only to find the links removed within an hour.
"There were five drop boxes: two in the United States, one in New Zealand, two in the UK. All the same drop boxes in which they tell us child pornography is shared around the globe without any consequence because they can't look at it," he said, adding: "These are all Five Eyes countries, English speaking countries in an intelligence sharing agreement. And they were all ripped down."
"So this means that our intelligence services, who still have not even acknowledged that they have Hunter Biden's laptop, were obviously diligently doing cache searches across the internet to find out if any of this stuff was being released. That should terrify every single decent person in the West."

Emails between Hunter and Eric Schwerin, his business partner at consultancy Rosemont Seneca, show Schwerin was working on Joe's taxes. The emails were recovered from Hunter's laptop
According to Maxey, he went to Switzerland because they are home to the only file sharing site that didn't nuke the laptop files - Swiss Transfer.

"The FBI had this on the ninth of December 2019," said Maxey. "'I suppose the first person betrayed was a sitting US president in an impeachment hearing, when the FBI had the exculpatory evidence in their hands to have that end instantly, and they did nothing."
"The second group of people to be betrayed were all of the Democratic candidates in the spring primaries that year," he continued. "The American people were utterly betrayed, because I guarantee you that Joe Biden couldn't run for dog catcher if the American people knew about this laptop."
Read the rest of the report here.

Whistleblower who revealed Hunter Biden's laptop fled to Switzerland




And if you don't think that psaki is a blatant liar that knew full well that the laptop was real, well then, you must be a ctturdwing
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