So, I've take the plunge and installed Brave on my iPhone (only reason I still have it is b/c it's paid for plus, I'm not buying any further apps). I have enjoyed the speed thus far as well as the tracker and ad blocking. Also installed Brave on my laptop for the same reasons. However, I have noticed an option, "Private Window + Tor". From what I read, Tor is supposed to bounce your information between several servers in order to eliminate anyone viewing what you are, plus it hides the public IP address of your network. I tried this out by going to google and trying to find my public IP address; the results gave some weird IP #, so it appears to be working.
However, since I am not really familiar with Tor, is this a safe practice? For example, if I go to online banking, should I entrust my information being popped back and forth between their servers? Am I opening myself up to letting whatever page I sign into get hacked?