Using a vpn with blue iris ?


Getting the hang of it
Aug 24, 2015
trying to spend a bit of time on making my network as secure as possible.
My cameras are not open to being viewed remotely directly,they are accessed remotely via blue iris app, so the only port forward set up on my router is to blue iris.

I use pia (private internet access) vpn service on my devices (including the one the pc that acts as my blue iris server)

Would accessing my network remotely via a vpn offer any additional security over how it’s set up currently and if so can I use pia for this ? Or would open vpn be more suitable?
trying to spend a bit of time on making my network as secure as possible.
My cameras are not open to being viewed remotely directly,they are accessed remotely via blue iris app, so the only port forward set up on my router is to blue iris.

I use pia (private internet access) vpn service on my devices (including the one the pc that acts as my blue iris server)

Would accessing my network remotely via a vpn offer any additional security over how it’s set up currently and if so can I use pia for this ? Or would open vpn be more suitable?
yes it would...pia ads zero security to the need to use something like open vpn...see the vpn for newbies thread.
Are there any guides/tutorials for setting up open vpn on my blue iris server and then what I’d need to do on my iPhone to access it.
I have read through the noobs thread but unfortunately no ‘with it’ grandchildren.
Are there any guides/tutorials for setting up open vpn on my blue iris server and then what I’d need to do on my iPhone to access it.
I have read through the noobs thread but unfortunately no ‘with it’ grandchildren.

What router are you using? I set OpenVPN up through my Netgear router.
Virgin media super hub, I have downloaded and installed open vpn trial on my blue iris pc, but unsure of what else to do now.
yes it would...pia ads zero security to the need to use something like open vpn...see the vpn for newbies thread.

Hi fenderman,

Would you kindly advise where I can read more about the "vpn for newbies" thread that you mentioned above? Today I enabled and set up the VPN feature on my Asus RT-AC68U using instruction from the following video

I have
a) VPN server set up and registered (
b) Created VPN username and password
c) Download OpenVPN software (from Community Downloads | OpenVPN) and installed
d) Imported certificacate (given by asus) to OpenVPN folder and tested. OpenVPN GUI ran great and it is connected

I tried to use the BI mobile app vwith VPN instead of Port Forwarding. However, I'm stuck with LAN, WAN, user/pwd sections in the apps.
BI software gives me LAN, WAN, user/pwd under Settings ---> Web server and Settings --->Users
but what about those which I set up in the Asus router regarding VPN?

Can you or anyone advise? Thanks a bunch!
Hi fenderman,

Would you kindly advise where I can read more about the "vpn for newbies" thread that you mentioned above? Today I enabled and set up the VPN feature on my Asus RT-AC68U using instruction from the following video

I have
a) VPN server set up and registered (
b) Created VPN username and password
c) Download OpenVPN software (from Community Downloads | OpenVPN) and installed
d) Imported certificacate (given by asus) to OpenVPN folder and tested. OpenVPN GUI ran great and it is connected

I tried to use the BI mobile app vwith VPN instead of Port Forwarding. However, I'm stuck with LAN, WAN, user/pwd sections in the apps.
BI software gives me LAN, WAN, user/pwd under Settings ---> Web server and Settings --->Users
but what about those which I set up in the Asus router regarding VPN?

Can you or anyone advise? Thanks a bunch!

You should enter the blue iris LAN ip and port in BOTH the wan and lan boxes.
VPN Primer for Noobs
Is private tunnel from open vpn the software I need or something different ?
You do not want their "private tunnel" thing. That confused the heck out of me, too. I had to uninstall that, and then find the "real" OpenVPN software everyone talks about here.

You don't want to subscribe to their paid service. You want the free open VPN program set up to run and act as it's own VPN server (or client).

I will look for a link for you for this. The end of the thread fenderman is referring to has a link, I believe.
port forwarding should be blank and off...

Thanks fenderman, but I could not have the BI mobile connected. When I'm in the local network (at home), it connects but it does not connect using my LTE data connection.
I wonder why you didn't mention about VPN domain name and user/pwd which I set up according to the youtube video above. What are they for?
Regarding BI computer, do I need to have OpenVPN program installed and connected? Thanks again very much for your advise!
Hi fenderman and all,
I was able to have BI app connected by reading the following page from Randy (who is also an ipcamtalk member):
Randy : OpenVPN on a Asus router

Basically, my mobile phone needs to have OpenVPN app with the certificate file (contains all vpn info that I set up with Asus router) imported.
I have OpenVPN app connected to my home network, and from there I open the BI app using the same LAN/Port and user/pwd info from BI program.
Hi fenderman and all,
I was able to have BI app connected by reading the following page from Randy (who is also an ipcamtalk member):
Randy : OpenVPN on a Asus router

Basically, my mobile phone needs to have OpenVPN app with the certificate file (contains all vpn info that I set up with Asus router) imported.
I have OpenVPN app connected to my home network, and from there I open the BI app using the same LAN/Port and user/pwd info from BI program.
Hi fenderman and all,
I was able to have BI app connected by reading the following page from Randy (who is also an ipcamtalk member):
Randy : OpenVPN on a Asus router

Basically, my mobile phone needs to have OpenVPN app with the certificate file (contains all vpn info that I set up with Asus router) imported.
I have OpenVPN app connected to my home network, and from there I open the BI app using the same LAN/Port and user/pwd info from BI program.
That is exactly the guide I used to get mine set up initially.

Later, I wanted to connect with a PC at work, and that involved installing OpenVPN on that work PC to let it also connect to my home VPN and through it, my home network.

Is private tunnel from open vpn the software I need or something different ?

This is where I got confused when setting up Open VPN on that work PC of mine. I eventually figured out that their private tunnel was NOT what I wanted.

@catcamstar has posted a good link to the OpenVPN software you really want to install here:

VPN Primer for Noobs

You may want to browse through that whole thread just to pick up some other pointers, and perhaps post in that thread for more advice. I set up my VPN "server" on an Asus router at home. And that's easy and a good way to do it. @skywaytp posted a link above to Randy's guide for doing that. Here it is again:

Randy : OpenVPN on a Asus router

I recommend following that guide if you decide to set up your VPN using an Asus router.
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