Vaccine Passports: THIS Is Where It Leads


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Sometimes the best commentary is from those not of the MSM

Vaccine Passports: THIS Is Where It Leads
Russell Brand

Vaccination passports are creating public and political dispute across the world. Is this debate a matter of civil liberties, and can the state compel you to take a vaccine with the reward of everyday freedoms?
"Vaccine? Oh, no, I'm part of the control group."

I won't fly anymore if it comes to it. No sporting events, fine. No movie theaters, fine. It just means less revenue for them. I've made it just find this last year without all of those things.

My employer already let us know it would NOT be a condition of employment.
What’s sad is that my brother in law cannot even get into Canada to visit his family. They have it locked down so tight that they are not even accepting negative test results or vaccine passports from US. They are placing people in camps until they can get around to test them. It’s just a guess, but I would assume this is the path in which the US is heading down.
By the way, where’s all the people calling the Canadian government racists for shutting down borders?
No wonder iPhones and Flagship Android Phones and wearables have fallen in price drastically (through carrier deals of course) in recent months. :rofl:
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Requiring proof of vaccines to have access to certain government provided service is nothing new. Just look at the public school system where students have to have up to date vaccines to be admitted.
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Requiring proof of vaccines to have access to certain government provided service is nothing new. Just look at the public school system where students have to have up to date vaccines to be admitted.

Indeed.. however, the issue is the balance of power shifts dramatically when you make this into a easy to abuse products by forcing a large database which can be used to control people.

The big brother database of control and mobile device of tracking is a major threat to liberty imho, and remember I am pro-vaccination.