Visualint Cameras


Young grasshopper
May 8, 2014
Has anyone had any experience with the VisualInt cameras? I am being asked to look at remote monitoring solutions and one of the vendors is pushing this line of cameras. I am sure their back end system is built around these cameras which is why they are pushing them.

I should be able to integrate the cameras with our existing NVR since they are ONVIF compliant, but I am concerned about the build quality of the cameras themselves. The edge analytics package is what is going to make these work, which I am also interested in hearing any first hand experience about.

We are probably going to pilot a small camera installation so I will update my findings here when that occurs.
They probably are getting a kick-back. It's the same reason installers and Hikvision here are pushing their Hikvision TurboHD range.

I always think it's funny when the Chinese super-impose burglars onto images they have nabbed! (although these guys are US/UK, I'm sure it's chinese cameras rebranded).

ONVIF isn't USB... so have fun :-) I hope it goes smoothly though, sometimes it just does.
Guessing a little bit here - but if the cameras have smart analytics then it's likely that they will need a matching NVR in order to integrate those smart analytics into the whole system.
ONVIF model choice in the NVR is more likely to lead to a 'lowest common denominator' level of integration, perhaps motion detection at best. Remember also that there are multiple ONVIF specifications covering different end-use scenarios.
So you should ask the camera vendor, and also the existing NVR vendor, to define for you what level of integration of the smart analytics will be.
I suspect they will require that the cameras are matched to a specific type of NVR, as opposed to one which has an unknown level of ONVIF support.
After some more information was obtained it appears the cameras have edge based analytics on camera. We are going to find out how well this works. The plan now is to record 24x7 from the cameras to our existing NVR and then have the edge analytics send events to the monitoring company when triggered. As this unfolds I will update the thread.