If you run a VPN the ports exposed to the internet are the VPN ports, NOT the NVR ports. If you run the VPN behind say a cable modem you'll have to forward VPN ports to the VPN server.
I agree VLAN is a bit complicated and it does require hardware that can handle it. I've just recently bought some VLAN capable switches and hope to learn about it more myself as I've never used them. Done right it's a network within a network is my understanding, how it works though is simply by tagging specific fields on packets so don't get a false sense of security when it's used...
Crypto - what's your threat? Are you REALLY worried that someone is sniffing the traffic and going to brute force the crypto keys out or do you simply want no one to be able to look at the traffic and grab credentials and whatnot? While good crypto is "better" you have to assess the threat. If it's not super duper secret data being protected from nation state intel services maybe you don't have to turn the dial up to eleven if it slows things? Run what makes sense! I used to run PPTP for a VPN, it was simple to setup and "easy" to break but my threat was joe average at the bar while I ate dinner so I didn't care. The more valuable the data the higher the security precautions but if taking precautions is simple or free do it. No security is a big problem because at that point the network resource itself is the prize, you need to make it hard enough they go elsewhere