108º or 105º on the weather station. Global warming culprits in the background! I too remember temperatures in excess of 110 growing up. 108º must mean we are cooling.
I have seen -36 degrees while skiing but do not miss it. I have heard of septic tanks freezing if it gets that cold and there is not insulating snow cover.
Straight out of "The Day After Tomorrow"!
That is exactly what crossed my mind when this happen.So this year was a little different because like the so called drought of the century. We received more snow in a single winter than whatever record they have been tracking. With that came another polar vortex . . .
There was so much snow I didn't know what to do with it as our property isn't very big. So like the Japanese I figured if I can't go wider go taller!
I know its hard to get perspective but the snow is seven feet high in this photo. I made a very long run way down my front yard to help me push the snow further away while stacking it higher.
I have a Davis station too but mine is just a Vantage Vue, still a pretty good, reliable station.It's literally raining cat's and dog's here in Middle Tennessee. My weather station says so........
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Crazy weather today. 2 miles from my house this afternoon on the way home, it was 100 degrees F. Got to my house and it was 78 F. Amazing the temp change in an isolated thunder shower. The heat index today was 121.6 . just before noon. Actual temp was cooler today with a high of 97 F. My central air is keeping the house a nice 74 F.
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I have a Vantage Vue console in my bedroom that reads the same signal as the Vantage Pro 2 console does. That way, in the middle of the night, I can watch what the weather is doing in the event of a bad weather event without getting out of bed to run to the other end of the house to see what the weather is doing. I love my Davis system. Have had it for 8 years. If and when this one finally gets worn out beyond repair, I'll buy another Vantage Pro 2.I have a Davis station too but mine is just a Vantage Vue, still a pretty good, reliable station.