Warning ! BI update will corrupt your database and will lose alerts.

Thank you for testing. I haven't been able to rely on anything after update I won't be trying this one.
Have experienced this issue on 2 installs, and there is no fixing by reverting back to the previous update.

Just experienced the same. Not worried about any data loss. It's a pain because it causes Blue Iris to just go in a loop of trying to do a dbcompact and Blue Iris unexpectedly shutting down. Lol guess that's the cost of being on the bleeding edge.
All good here so far. FWIW, I don't use AI.

Again, I think it is something to do with the AI icons or pointers on the alerts. I just tried to update a demo version I use for testing, but NO CPAI is used on it and it DID NOT lose any of the old alerts !
My did the same and took all day to fix itself AND not record anything in the mean time. Just went back to the latest stable v5.7.9.12 and then it does it AGAIN but figured that might happen.
Why I rolled back, my cams started going off line or locking up after the update. So I blamed myself for going with the newest update but never had experienced this mess.
No big deal really, unless you don't like pulling your hair out, which by the way I have none, so.
My did the same and took all day to fix itself AND not record anything in the mean time. Just went back to the latest stable v5.7.9.12 and then it does it AGAIN but figured that might happen.
Why I rolled back, my cams started going off line or locking up after the update. So I blamed myself for going with the newest update but never had experienced this mess.
No big deal really, unless you don't like pulling your hair out, which by the way I have none, so.
Since I'm not sentimental about my data in the slightest, what I did after rolling back is deleting everything in the DB folder, alerts folder, and new folder. I don't use the stored folder. Probably overkill but ehh, then I ran a dbcompact manually and validated I didn't have any issues. All good now.
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Just to update this, Ken has informed me the data base bug was actually in and below and was fixed in the release. So when I did the update, the damage was done already and did not surface until was installed. Since then I have ran for 24hrs. and everything seems to be running fine. My advice is depending on what version you are updating from, you might want to make a copy of your DB folder. (it appears any 5.8 updates prior to are bad)
This explains why my demo version updated to just fine as I was coming from a older version of
Just to update this, Ken has informed me the data base bug was actually in and below and was fixed in the release. So when I did the update, the damage was done already and did not surface until was installed. Since then I have ran for 24hrs. and everything seems to be running fine. My advice is depending on what version you are updating from, you might want to make a copy of your DB folder. (it appears any 5.8 updates prior to are bad)
This explains why my demo version updated to just fine as I was coming from a older version of

When you say and below does that include I've been running that for awhile w/ no issues.


I’ve got on my test rig with no issues, could this problem be related to the AI as I don’t run any, just use the capabilities within the cams themselves to trigger alerts in BI.
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When you say and below does that include I've been running that for awhile w/ no issues.



I ran every thru The first few were ok, then they started having memory leak issues. The first issue I had with missing all my old alerts came when I went to
So you just don't really know if your alerts will stay intact on your next update as it may already be damaged. One of my friends BI machine was running fine on until I talked him into doing a compact/repair and yep, his alerts went bye bye..... your clips will stay intact, you just lose all your alert pointers. I'm a tester so I am used to these update quirks.
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I've been running with no issues that I can remember . I've also tested the newer updates up to and including I don't know exactly when the alert clips started disappearing, but I know for sure that updates and .9 had this issue.

When testing, that's when I first noticed the memory leak, and it happened pretty quick. BI started at about 650M and six hours later it was up to 5G. Now I'll just wai for .12 or, which ever comes first.
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.11 has been good for me so far. I think I updated to it yesterday AM. I had gone from .9 to .11 though, so sounds like I got lucky.
.11 has been good for me so far. I think I updated to it yesterday AM. I had gone from .9 to .11 though, so sounds like I got lucky.
do a compact/repair of your database to be positive. I think .10 is what got me, but Ken replied .10 or below ?
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do a compact/repair of your database to be positive. I think .10 is what got me, but Ken replied .10 or below ?

Just tried that, (knocks on wood) and everything seems okay.

I think I'm gonna start letting a version soak for a few days and check here for any issues before updating. I'm always updating to the latest and greatest but I've been dodging a couple bullets lately :)
I also just found another NASTY bug in If you do an export of a camera that has a space in its name, for example (Front Door) this will instantly create a new camera in the registry. The new camera will be named Front_Door and this will completely hose BI when it is restarted. The new camera won't have any correct settings. After further investigation, we found it began with
Ken has been notified. Also note, you don't even have to actually do an export, just clicking the export button will cause the issue.

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I also just found another NASTY bug in If you do an export of a camera that has a space in its name, for example (Front Door) this will instantly create a new camera in the registry. The new camera will be named Front_Door and this will completely hose BI when it is restarted. The new camera won't have any correct settings. After further investigation, we found it began with
Ken has been notified. Also note, you don't even have to actually do an export, just clicking the export button will cause the issue.

Yikes! Thanks for the heads up!
I just came back after being away for a couple of days. I apparently installed on or around 11/1 because it prompted and I thought "why not." Two days ago, Alerts all stopped. Last day of alerts was 11/8. Just looked at 11/11 (started :52 ago and no new alerts still today. I tried Repair/Regenerate and Compact/Repair and Delete/Regenerate and still NO alerts. This sucks! Needs to be fixed STAT!
I just came back after being away for a couple of days. I apparently installed on or around 11/1 because it prompted and I thought "why not." Two days ago, Alerts all stopped. Last day of alerts was 11/8. Just looked at 11/11 (started :52 ago and no new alerts still today. I tried Repair/Regenerate and Compact/Repair and Delete/Regenerate and still NO alerts. This sucks! Needs to be fixed STAT!
You need to revert back to a known stable version STAT and wait before upgrading STAT. Problem solved.