WARNING Blue Iris 4 update deleted 3TB of data


Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
I have Blue Iris 3.66 and every time I would start it it would alert me that there is a new version (4) available. I googled about it and users were saying that version 4 can be run along version 3 to without any problems. I downloaded BI4, installed it and tried it for 10 minutes before closing it and going back to BI 3.66. Today there was an issue at my business where I had to check some video footage from a couple of weeks ago. I opened BI and realized with horror that all my clips were gone, 3.3TB of footage, 2 months of it from 4 cameras, all gone. The entire hard drive was wiped except for a few clips from today. I checked through the options and I saw that BI 4 installation changed the setting for my main storage folder to limit it to 19GB only!? It erased all my data. I am extremely frustrated now since most of the files were over 4GB and cannot be recovered in Windows. I can use recovery software for files smaller than 4GB but that's useless since most of the files were 4.5 GB in size due to default BI setting.

I am writing this to warn others and ask if anyone had any luck recovering larger files. Also, I hope that developer sees this and fixes the 2 settings (default file split size to less than 4GB and the upgrade procedure that deletes old data.



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks for the heads up and warning to others.
The developer does not read this or any other forum...you should email support to let him know...
I have read some posts that claim that http://www.r-studio.com/ can recover files larger than 4gb..
I never understand why folks update mission critical machines like this without backing up data and/or checking all the settings...i know its after the fact but folks need to take basic procedural steps to back up crucial data before any update...