WD Purple New or Old Version

Aug 30, 2018
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Florida, USA
I see that there is a "new" and an "old" version of the WD purple drives. Should I have any preference, or is one better suited for a surveillance box than the other?


Pulling my weight
Dec 22, 2018
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Sure. I just received two 2TB Purples. They're 5400 RPM but they say the same up to 64 cameras, yada, yada.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
I just pulled a 2gb purple out of my home bi server and installed a 12gb purple in it’s place. I’m one of those who doesn’t give a rat’s ass about performance...I just wantto see further back into the past. :)


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Some people really get into time lapse yardwork videos. Summer 2018 in Five Minutes! Everybody needs a hobby. : )
I have to admit it would be interesting see how easily my hard work keeping the back fenced area looking nice went to heck in a hand basket starting in 2015. That's when we rescued 2 dogs someone put out, added them to our 2. They're still here 3 years later. Then 6 months ago we got my oldest stepson's dog while he was in rehab and will likely have it another 6 months.

Needless to say, the yard's ecosystem can handle 2 dogs easily but because it's limited to about 40 ' x 30' with fencing, it can't handle 5....and one of 'em is a digger and bone-burier. :poop:

I'd love to see 42 months of back yard appearance from prosperity to devastation in a matter of a few minutes......about as much as I'd like to get a root canal. :rolleyes:


Getting comfortable
Jul 30, 2016
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I have several favorite mottoes and sayings, but if you made me pick only one, it would be, hands down:

"If someone does not like dogs...they probably won't like me either."
"Put a person and a dog in the trunk of a car for an hour.... If you then open the trunk again, there is one that will always be happy to see you"

I have to have a dog around me in my life :)


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I have 16 cameras that record 24/7 ((10) 960H at 15 fps and (6) 1080P at 10fps) all together about average about 1MP each. In a week of use all together they filled 5% of my (2) 10TB hard drives.

My new 16 cameras all 5MP will record at 12 fps.

Breaking out my water cooled slide rule: My new cameras will require about 4 times more disk space for the same length of time. My old cameras require about 5% of disk space per week. Then my new cameras should use about 20% of hard drive per week.

Roughly I should have about 5 weeks retention with my new cameras.

I called tech support. I said: "specs call for 8TB drives max, I have 10TB and they work just fine, I wish I knew if 12TB drives would function." Support guy said: " Of course they will work, but if the NVR does not have excellent air flow the hard drives may last only a year."

I guess I could make some 5.25" holes in the NVR lid and mount PC fans?

I just spent $611 on two 10TB WD old purple drives. A pair of new 12 TB purple drives would cost about $850. So 20% more capacity for 40% more money.

I can also take my 4 interior cameras and make them record on intrusion zone or motion detection only which could cut disk requirements by almost 25%. That may have roughly the same effect as the 12TB drives. I may get almost 6 weeks.

Interestingly to me, the tech guy also offered that with only coax cameras the coax cable themselves limits frame rates never the hard drives, which as stated above can support 64 IP cameras. So unless one has more than 64 IP cameras the improvement in disk I/O speeds between old and new purple drives is a distinction with out a difference.
just loaded with misinformation.
recording capacity is determined by ONE factor only, the bitrate. It does not care about resolution or frame rates.
You will NEVER be able to record 64 cameras to a single drive at the same time unless you limit the bitrate to unusable numbers despite what WD marketing has told you.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I believe bitrate to be written is a function of resolution, frame rate and modified by compression used. When the cameras exceed the capacity of a drive to make simultaneous writes frames get lost?

WD not me specs their purple drives as 64 cameras, I think I read it in this thread.

I like to contribute, not just lurk. But I also don't to cause anyone greif.

I'll just lurk from now on,

thank you.
When you contribute misinformation it does no one any good.