Although I came on this thread 3 years late. WD products are not ARE NOT worth it. I purchased the 8MB 4 cameras, 6 terabyte purple harddrive 4k readyview security system and it's not a good product. Infact Western Digital and Microcenter bricked so many systems via IP. Like a subseven backdoor virus. Note... all of the security feed was being secretly shared with law enforcement and government agencies... out of nowhere customers nvr and cameras don't work no more. If anynone sees one for sale skip purchasing anything from western digital or microcenter. Avoid buying the system at all. In fact stay away from anything that is tied to a cloud or can be remotely controlled. These same convenient features are the very same reasons that people are complaining about being stuck with very expensive bricked products... Another camera company did this as well call ICee. When businesses discontinue products it's not always a deal to buy it...