Web interface plays wrong clip?


Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
I've noticed that recent alert playback via the web UI occasionally plays older video than it should.

This happens with both the standard web UI (jpegpull.htm) and bp2008's UI2.htm, so I think it's
an issue on the server side (not the web interface).

This alert clip played fine:


but the next alert plays the video from some hours previously:


and subsequent ones play from some time offset after that (from a few hours earlier):


If I come back later, this is usually sorted out, as if it take a database write or something to
get the navigation links right. I currently have BI rebuilding it's db at 2am every night, but
this seems to occur (and correct itself) between those times...

I usually see it when using the web UI (ie, not at the console) so have yet to see if it occurs in
the console view at the same time. Will try to see if it happens there too.

Anyone else experience this? Any ideas what's causing it or how It can be prevented?

a few hours later and it's still happening. here, i'm viewing the CLIP that conatined the previous alert examples:


i drag the position a bit to the right (a few minutes further into the clip, past what should be ~12:30) and it reverts to scenes from a few hours back:


What am I doing wrong? and why does it let me? :-)
and now that the previous clip has completed (cut time exceeded),
that clip plays perfectly fine all the way thru, but the current clip
is exhibiting the same behavior.

so strange. older (closed) clips are fine. current clip has 'issues'...
I think I have been experiencing this same behavior as of late. I got to the point that I rebuilt BI after uninstalling in an attempt to sort things out without any luck. I only noticed this recently because for a good while I was recording 24/7 on all my cameras and now I am trying a mix of some being recorded 24/7 and others based on motion triggers.

I see the problem on both UI2 and in BI iOS app.
Sounds like a problem I posted about a month ago. I would play a clip back from lets say, 1am and I'd see video from 9am in the morning.
If I logged out (this is via remote) and logged back in, it would be fine.

Fenderman recommended rebuilding and then deleting the database, but it never worked. So I gave up.

I will, once I've convinced myself it's not just something I'm doing wrong. That's been known to happen...
I also would like to pin it down a little more so I can report a reliable reproduction case. I know
what it's like at that end of support issues...

Thanx jciguru. I have confirmed that logging out and back into the web UI does seem to correct the issues,
which means it's really a matter of the links the gui provides for us to click on to view clips and not an issue
with the recordings themselves. The fact this does not occur on the BI console (that I've noted) seems to
corroberate that. I'll see what firebug tells me or do some packet captures to confirm and report to Ken...
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i've experienced the same thing. i'm using the bp2008 ui2 interface as well on ver. x64. I wasn't sure if it was related to ui2 and I'm out of the support period, but appears its happening with multiple folks if you want to report it that way.
I finally got around to making a decent video of my desktop showing the issue and have emailed BI support.
We'll see what Ken sez...

here's the vid, i hope: https://flic.kr/p/DycrF3

I logged in at 11:55, played a couple alerts from before then just fine.
alerts after 11:55 play as an offset from the beginning of the CLIP (~8:00am).
then I log out, log back in, and the same alerts form after 11:55 play just fine.

I used the default web UI to show thishere, but it happens in bp2008's ui2.htm also.
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Yea! Ken claims to have tracked this down and fixed it in fingers crossed...
look for a release note re "alerts since login play incorrectly in web ui" or somesuch.
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