that looks like it replaces your rearview mirror, is the quality that good? and it the rear camera wire long enough to go to a big suv like an Excursion . watching the the news with all the crazy people I want dash cams on everything that rolls nowviofo A119 have had them for a few years now and still going strong.
that looks like it replaces your rearview mirror, is the quality that good? and it the rear camera wire long enough to go to a big suv like an Excursion . watching the the news with all the crazy people I want dash cams on everything that rolls now
I just installed a Viofo A129 Duo Pro. This supplements my old Esky unit that still works and I will leave in the vehicle if I ever sell it. The Esky is the stealthy one that you hide the head unit and mount the little cams to the glass. My head unit is in the glove compartment. This Esky cam is about 7 years old and doesn't have the greatest resolution, only 1080p, which isn't sufficient for reliable license plate reading. And it lacks GPS and wifi. The new Viofo is 4k to the front and has GPS and wifi... the wifi merely to be able to view and download videos on my phone whereas on the old Esky needed to connect up an AV cable. Of course on both one can also pull the micro SD card and view the footage on a computer. I'll post some videos when I get some... although I believe you guys are already familiar with this cam.
One minor annoyance with the Viofo is the time/date setting. It has GPS and will set the time automatically. But you need to enter your GMT offset to have it report accurate time. Seems like they could have made this automatic using GPS position relative to well established time zone borders. Maybe there is some technical reason for this?? IDK. But I have a road trip coming up and will be crossing a time zone between eastern and central US time. I am not gonna pull over mid trip and reset my GMT offset.
I was thinking about parking mode. I never used it on the Esky. I looked into the battery backup options for the Viofo and they just don't seem adequate, only providing about a day of power. This vehicle sometimes sits for several days... so it just is not worth it to get a battery. I can still use parking mode on a case basis when out and about.
Does anyone know of one that has encryption? I really don't like the idea of recording everywhere I go with audio, only to have it sitting there on an SD card
I'm dreaming here, but if It could connect to WiFi when in range and offload the clips over SFTP, thats the dream
as if it has the keys to encrypt it, then the keys are in the camera already
That's fine, I just don't want the police or some random person pulling it and getting all the files. Even a small hurdle would fix that
Even just a 3-4 digit PIN would work
That's fine, I just don't want the police or some random person pulling it and getting all the files. Even a small hurdle would fix that
Even just a 3-4 digit PIN would work
awhile back, I picked up a VIOFO A119 V3 to stick in my truck. I haven't hard wired it yet, its still on a cigar power cord. Seems to work well enough.