Sounds like my sister's dog, he dug a hole through the linoleum and subfloor in her apartment when he was a puppy, chewed up half a dozen remotes, a cell phone, numerous shoes and a few pieces of furniture. He's chewed up kitchen knives that were on the counter and eaten aluminum foil (he learned to open trash cans you step on to open). Dirty socks are one of his favorite things to steal and chew on, they found 6 dirty socks buried in a heat vent 2 years ago, if they had a camera in that room that would have made for some funny footage. Squeakers rarely survive in his toys for more than 20 minutes. One time he killed a squirrel and seemed really confused there wasn't a squeaker insideTrust me, i was 110% against kennel training. The trainer we got used to train military dogs, and working dogs when he went civilian and convinced me of it. We were into her for about 2000 in furniture before she was a year old. It straightened her out along with the training.
We never transitioned her out when we moved cause she kept pissing on the carpet(old owners for dog scent?) She had free reign of the house 6 months ago but then started eating remotes... the kennel isn't a cage to her, when it is open she goes in and out of it as she pleases.
a) Pool guy that is lost
b) guy with pool equipment in his truck checking out my house?
Seems like he noticed the camera and got spooked, then played dumb.
Sounds like my sister's dog, he dug a hole through the linoleum and subfloor in her apartment when he was a puppy, chewed up half a dozen remotes, a cell phone, numerous shoes and a few pieces of furniture. He's chewed up kitchen knives that were on the counter and eaten aluminum foil (he learned to open trash cans you step on to open). Dirty socks are one of his favorite things to steal and chew on, they found 6 dirty socks buried in a heat vent 2 years ago, if they had a camera in that room that would have made for some funny footage. Squeakers rarely survive in his toys for more than 20 minutes. One time he killed a squirrel and seemed really confused there wasn't a squeaker insideHe also loves all those products like bitter apple that are supposed to keep dogs from chewing on things, same for hot sauce. They put him in a kennel during the day and have done lots of training with mixed results. Now he's loosing his hearing and has arthritis.
Sounds like my sister's dog, he dug a hole through the linoleum and subfloor in her apartment when he was a puppy, chewed up half a dozen remotes, a cell phone, numerous shoes and a few pieces of furniture. He's chewed up kitchen knives that were on the counter and eaten aluminum foil (he learned to open trash cans you step on to open). Dirty socks are one of his favorite things to steal and chew on, they found 6 dirty socks buried in a heat vent 2 years ago, if they had a camera in that room that would have made for some funny footage. Squeakers rarely survive in his toys for more than 20 minutes. One time he killed a squirrel and seemed really confused there wasn't a squeaker insideHe also loves all those products like bitter apple that are supposed to keep dogs from chewing on things, same for hot sauce. They put him in a kennel during the day and have done lots of training with mixed results. Now he's loosing his hearing and has arthritis.
lol forgot about the cords, he chewed up the low voltage side of a few power adapters and seemed to enjoy the mild shock he gotI got lucky, I got my dog at 3 months, he was fostered before that, I rescued him, all we did was put puppy pads in the house, at first he would go on the carpet, then he started using the pads, then he pretty much potty trained himself to hold it til we got home to go outside, the only thing he chewed was the corners of the cheap coffee table we have when he was a puppy. I do give him these things made out of like dried pig skin though and he loves to chew on them bastards, I have wires literally everywhere though and I thought for sure he'd destroy everything lol.