I'm trying to understand the protocol that HikVision SADPTool uses to activate a camera. I used Wireshark to capture some packets, and below are contents of those packets in plain text:
Packet 1 (sent from SADPTool)
Packet 2 (sent from camera)
Packet 3 (sent from SADPTool)
The first 2 packets are to exchange Codes which are used to encrypt the password that is sent in packet 3, I guest. Could anyone please help me what encryption method is used here?
The password is HikVision which is encrypted as '28mktLmZtb+siv6HKmZ9Qm/+7fYZVtF9VifboX5HqXk='
Packet 1 (sent from SADPTool)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Probe><Uuid>00000083-006B-0049-AA08-A27A4E43C359</Uuid><MAC>54-c4-15-10-8e-91</MAC><Types>exchangecode</Types><Code>MIGJAoGBAN/UA0Eb3qWpVMrMLMeb10o728LL2KKq1JkTmPdjM6xBfKfmRQ3zvYMNb4qwudAeAgKbtqdW98R4oEzK6mpA3mUGS2714eo6fLVYgEyHJdSonkHL5gr+67VARwxuA1ml3UKtm3WGme+5Rt25ai1WnJ7VcrJWBIg5iGsUE1725xGpAgMBAAE=</Code></Probe>
Packet 2 (sent from camera)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Packet 3 (sent from SADPTool)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Probe><Uuid>00000074-00D7-0044-AF07-B183EB6F4A82</Uuid><MAC>54-c4-15-10-8e-91</MAC><Types>activate</Types><Password>28mktLmZtb+siv6HKmZ9Qm/+7fYZVtF9VifboX5HqXk=</Password></Probe>
The first 2 packets are to exchange Codes which are used to encrypt the password that is sent in packet 3, I guest. Could anyone please help me what encryption method is used here?
The password is HikVision which is encrypted as '28mktLmZtb+siv6HKmZ9Qm/+7fYZVtF9VifboX5HqXk='