Where would one typically place cameras for a standard raised ranch?

Shows basically the whole back yard and the stairs. Looks good for an overview cam. For a better one-cam-shows-everything-important solution, try and catch more of the deck, but you'd have to balance that against less of the right side fence area. A big IR Illuminator or two pointed at the back fence line would greatly help distance vision at night.

Right, I can probably afford to lose some of the right side fence. I think it was more to benefit my OCD from telling me it was of center haha but I def don't need my neighbors crap in the picture.

Good suggestion with Illuminators! I'm anxious for it to get dark out so I can see how well/bad the stock IR covers this kind of distance.
I moved the cam over a bit as you suggested @kayboy12R . I can still get pretty much right next to the fence and get quite a bit more of the deck.

Backyard 2.png
You will get lots of top of head's mounted that high.

I understand I will get a lot of top head shots at this height. My idea was to get as much of whatever bad stuff may be going on, on cam for now with only 4 cameras. I will fill in the holes once I have used it like this for a bit and figure out where the holes are. When a good small door cam becomes available each door will most likely get one.

On that note: I made the final camera install today it is the 2nd front yard cam. Again, like the back yard my idea was to get as much of whatever bad stuff may be going on, on cam. including the end of the street in case someone flees in a car I can see what direction they went onto the main road.

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