Ok thanks, I'll get the cable ordered after this next question (which may add an item to the order). I 'think' the other runs will be satisfied using the included 100' cables but in all honesty I haven't measured them out yet.
My next question involves the cameras that will be installed on the outside and inside of the detached shop building.
As I mentioned this shop building is right next door to the house and I ran some conduit underground that carries power, cable tv, low voltage, and one
cat5 from the house to the shop.
The one cat5 originates at the intranet wired/wireless router that serves the various wired and wireless devices we have on the fios. This router is in the computer room/office of the house which is were the NVR will likely end up being located. This cat5 to the shop is currently providing wired internet for the shop desktop PC. Said PC is not a priority and could likely run off the wireless signal coming from the house of needed.
So bottom line is I want to install two cameras outside and two maybe three inside the shop building, but there is only one cat5 cable serving that building from where the NVR will be located. Does each individual camera need to be supplied a dedicate cable back to the NVR? When all is said and done does each camera end up with its own internet IP address?
Is there maybe some sort of switch available that would allow this one cat5 cable from the NVR to service the five cameras in the shop?