Known around here
No need to blush. Asking what you don't know is a sign of intelligence to me. Hell, I ask questions too
because learning never stops, well there is an end but I want to ignore that, especially today.
You were talking about shielded ethernet cable. Typically, the shields would be bundled together at the network switch end, in a network closet, and a heavy gauge ground wire, say 14 gauge or larger, would be connected to them and the local ground connection in the network closet. It's a little tougher in a residential setting and best practice would be a very large wire, at least 6 gauge, running out to the ground rod for the electrical service to provide a local ground at the network switch. There should only be one ground point for any electrical system.

You were talking about shielded ethernet cable. Typically, the shields would be bundled together at the network switch end, in a network closet, and a heavy gauge ground wire, say 14 gauge or larger, would be connected to them and the local ground connection in the network closet. It's a little tougher in a residential setting and best practice would be a very large wire, at least 6 gauge, running out to the ground rod for the electrical service to provide a local ground at the network switch. There should only be one ground point for any electrical system.