I'm setting up port forwarding for a dahua SD49225T-HN ptz camera. I'm well aware if the risks of doing so.
I can't find a list of the exact ports I need to forward. One guide I found says I need to forward ports 23, 80, 443, 554, and 37777, both udp and tcp. That's a lot of ports though and I don't want to forward anything I don't need to obviously .
Does anyone know which ports need to be forwarded exactly?
I can't find a list of the exact ports I need to forward. One guide I found says I need to forward ports 23, 80, 443, 554, and 37777, both udp and tcp. That's a lot of ports though and I don't want to forward anything I don't need to obviously .
Does anyone know which ports need to be forwarded exactly?