Working on Truck

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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My Buddy owns 2 2500 Rams for his lawn service/plowing. first one was a 2000. then every 3 years he started trading them before warranty expired...As a business,,,it's the smart move. for him. You have to be reliable when it comes to plowing commercially.
They have had some good years and bad years, his best move is to trade them in near the end of the factory warranty......and get the newest ones.
3 Years is also a good way to depreciate the vehicle. But you have to keep up with Gas receipts, Repair receipts, Ins. cost, etc. I just do the Standard Mileage, I just keep mileage records for each job, much easier for me but I think you get a better tax break the other way...