Yellow triangle comes and goes in one camera titlebar....


Pulling my weight
Sep 9, 2019
Just noticed it today. It pops up for a second every now and then and then goes away. Nothing in the log. i know it means some kind of warning. What could be causing it?

That info can be found in BI's built-in 'Help" under "Administration" => "Status messages, logs and Alerts".

I found it by searching for "triangle". :cool:
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I saw that too, I know it is some kind of caution but there is nothing about a warning in the log. All I see on the Log tab of the Blue Iris Status screen are Alert and Informational icons....
I also see this under User Interface=>Status Icons:

The Log page in Status contains one or more warning messages or one or more
cameras has an error condition or warning, such as low frame rate or a push
webcasting error.

but there are no messages in the log status tab or in the actual physical log file.
I also see this under User Interface=>Status Icons:

The Log page in Status contains one or more warning messages or one or more
cameras has an error condition or warning, such as low frame rate or a push
webcasting error.

but there are no messages in the log status tab or in the actual physical log file.
It would be helpful, IMO, if such warnings had log entries. I would think if it's worth a warning, it's worth a log entry.
Consider mentioning it in an e-mail to the developer and be sure to include your full version number.
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Monitoring the Cameras tab in the Blue Iris Status screen, I guess it could be a Frame Rate thing, for some reason it is jumping around on that one camera. I see it going from 26-35 looks like when it hits 33+ the triangle shows then goes away when it kicks back down. I have that camera set at 30fps since I've had it and haven't really noticed that jump. I have a newer of the same type and it is set to 30fps and it holds around that. The other 4 cameras are 15fps and the seem to hover in 14/15.
I'm also noticing the Bitrate on that camera is 750-800kB/s while the other camera (same type and settings) stays around 520kB/s.
What brand, make and model is the problematic camera? Maybe a screen shot of the video stream settings for that camera will help as well.
I'm also noticing the Bitrate on that camera is 750-800kB/s while the other camera (same type and settings) stays around 520kB/s.
Are both cameras looking at the EXACT same scene? If not, then this could be normal.

Probably need to post the camera settings.
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No, they are not. I just got the second one so it is currently just look at a wall and bookcase not recording yet until I have time to put it it where its final place will be. They are both Dahua IPC-T5442M-AS 3.6MM. I copied the Blue Iris settings from the one I already had to the new one. I know both cameras do have different firmware on them.

Everything seems fine with the camera and alerts, like I said, just notice the yellow triangle pop-up in the title bar... That had me start monitoring the Status tab in Blue Iris where I notice the Frame Rate jump and the larger Bitrate on that camera.

Which settings would be helpful? Blue Iris or from the Camera itself?
Camera settings in the camera. Blue Iris doesn't control anything with the camera. It just reports what it gets.

Two cameras looking at different scenes will give you different bit rates/fps depending on how they are setup in the camera settings themselves.
There are so many settings in there, here is the Video tab:

Keep in mind that these type of cameras, although are spec'd and capable of these various parameters, real world testing by many of us shows if you try to run these cameras at higher fps and higher bitrates than needed that you will max out the CPU in the camera and then the camera bugs out just long enough that you miss something or video is choppy. My car is rated for 6,000RPM redline, but I am not gonna run it in 3rd gear on the highway at 6,000RPM...same with these types of cameras - gotta keep them under rated capacity. Some may do better than others, but you are running the CPU higher.

Look at all the threads where people came here with a jitter in the video or IVS missing motion or the SD card doesn't overwrite or gets an error in BI and they were running 30FPS and when people tell them to drop the FPS and they dropped the FPS to 15FPS the camera became stable. As always, YMMV...

Movies on the big screen are shot at 24FPS, I do not think we need 30FPS for our mobile devices and tablets LOL. Shutter speed to capture details is much more important than FPS.

15 FPS is sufficient for surveillance cameras.

And is your camera going thru a router? That can cause it as well as they are not designed to deal with the data demands on these types of cameras.

You also mention the FPS is jumping around in BI - that is usually a power issue with the camera.

TL:DR - Drop the FPS and iframes to 15; make sure you are not going thru a router; and check the power on the camera - is it getting enough - test it all by itself on a POE switch and see if it goes away.

If it is still there after, then in BI redo the find/inspect and up the bugger at the bottom of that screen to 20.
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I downed it to 15fps and the triangle is not popping up any more. FPS in the status screen seems stable around 14.9/16.4 with 420kB/s Bitrate. I didn't really ever see an issue with the video or alerts when I looked at it, just that annoying yellow triangle popping up but no mention of it in the log.
Set the encoding to H.264, not H.264H. BI works best at H.264 and any disk savings that might happen are totally inconsequential.
Set the encoding to H.264, not H.264H. BI works best at H.264 and any disk savings that might happen are totally inconsequential.

When I do this, I get:

Something else is wrong, then. H.264 should work fine. First thing I'd do reboot the camera. If that doesn't work, a reboot to factory default. If that doesn't work check the firmware version and maybe, note the "maybe", try updating it. I have five 5442s, four turret and one bullet, and they all work well on H.264, 15FPS, 15 iframe, and 8192 b/PS.

Other thoughts, are you using hardware acceleration and if so what type? Are you using sub streams in BI?
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Match H264 for both main and substream and restart the camera in BI afterward.
Yes, Hardware acceleration is set to Intel. I am not using sub streams in BI.


I'm pretty sure there is a newer firmware version out there but I believe the auto update says it has the latest.

System Version V2.800.0000000.10.R, Build Date: 2019-11-18
WEB Version V3.2.1.817187
ONVIF Version 18.12(V2.4.5.800245)
Algorithm Version 1.0.0
Security Baseline Version V2.0