Sorry if I put you down a rabit hole. Seem to have the image decoding properly now.I have to admit that I didn't test the image completely. I'll take a look soon.
Sorry if I put you down a rabit hole. Seem to have the image decoding properly now.I have to admit that I didn't test the image completely. I'll take a look soon.
I'm almost certain that the entire image is sent to the MQTT server. However, the way http works is that the data is sent as a continuous stream of data that is broken into packets. The receiver receives one "packet" at a time. For something as large as a picture there will be quite a number of individual packets. Its is possible that your MQTT server is only picking up the first packet or 3, and ignores the rest. I'll make sure that the sending process is sending everything it should later today.I could also be doing something very wrong. I am trying to ingest into home assistant for alerts which isnt working at all. But if I pull the payload out of MQTT explorer and try to decode with a tool its only 5% of the image.
Overall glad to see progress on this. It does basically everything I need it to do, just need to figure out the best way to get push notifications working.
So do you basically just rely on what is seen by home assistant at the time of the trigger and send over what’s in the camera entity? I thought about that. I haven’t had the cameras piping anything to home assistant in a while since I had issues in the past but maybe I’ll give it a try. How are you sending to telegram? I’ve tried a telegram node for node red but wasn’t able to pass the image data through@tripp396 the way i do it is just use mqtt for the trigger, and i added my cameras to the home assistant config. I just let home assistant sent me a snapshot on telegram when it receives a mqtt trigger.
- platform: ffmpeg
input: "rtsp:/admin:pa$$w0rd@"
name: frontdoor
- platform: ffmpeg
input: "rtsp:/admin:pa$$w0rd@"
name: backdoor
- platform: polling
api_key: 1d987def8ab1bab1bab1bab1ba1b1987987ddd9j0fM
- -356565664
- -336565363
- name: telegram_family
platform: telegram
chat_id: -356565664
- name: telegram_me
platform: telegram
chat_id: -336565363
- alias: frontdoor camera motion
platform: mqtt
topic: BlueIris/frontdoor/motion
payload: "on"
encoding: "utf-8
- data:
filename: '/tmp/frontdoor.jpg'
service: camera.snapshot
- data:
message: "Frontdoor motion!"
- file: /tmp/frontdoor.jpg
caption: "Frontdoor motion!"
service: notify.telegram_family
The only thing (that I know of) that Blue Iris supports is the "memo" field. Right now I just put the area in that field. I can add the object type as well. That should be relatively easy if there is just one object. However, in a complicated picture there may be several. I can add them. The question becomes can you see them all? That would be up to BI. I could also outline the area in the picture and tag the outline with the object type if that would be helpful.Since I know nothing about how this works, I am wondering if you know how you could take the AI that says it is a dog or bear or whatever category and append it to the BI alert clip, similar to how Blue Iris is able to take the plate from Plate Recognizer and put it onto the alert clip that then puts the plate into the Blue Iris Log? Sentry can do the same thing but was limited to just saying Sentry Flag or something like that.
And if so, how easy would it be to pull that into Blue Iris? I am thinking I would rather have the info reside in BI and allow me to do a clear of the photos being sent to AI for flagging purposes.
I have seen it disappear in the past, and I thoughI fixed them. However, along with the reference point I also save the picture resolution along with which it was set. This is because you may change picture resolution over time as you change your camera settings. The point was to prevent you from having it move on you. There may well be a problem with the logic of all that. I will make fixing it a very high priority.Hi Ken,
I installed the latest beta and noticed the reference point on some of my cameras seems to disappear over time. When I put is back to to where it was it repositions the entire AOI. I'm currently running this with 12 cameras and have seen this on 8 of the 12 cameras. Is this a bug or should I just ignore it?
Actually, if you are comfortable with the Windows Registry you could help me track down the issue. Look at: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\K2Software\OnGuard\Cameras\I have seen it disappear in the past, and I thoughI fixed them. However, along with the reference point I also save the picture resolution along with which it was set. This is because you may change picture resolution over time as you change your camera settings. The point was to prevent you from having it move on you. There may well be a problem with the logic of all that. I will make fixing it a very high priority.
I'll look into this later. I just installed 1.6.1 and the version is still reporting as 1.5.2. I know its version 1.6.1 because it let me add more instances of DeepStack.Please let me know what those values are if it has moved!
The only thing (that I know of) that Blue Iris supports is the "memo" field. Right now I just put the area in that field. I can add the object type as well. That should be relatively easy if there is just one object. However, in a complicated picture there may be several. I can add them. The question becomes can you see them all? That would be up to BI. I could also outline the area in the picture and tag the outline with the object type if that would be helpful.
I have not looked at other applications that do what you are saying because I have enough trouble keeping up with mine!
Oh wow - so from that memo field, does the text that you put into that field then show up in the BI log next to the alert?
Whatever you put in there is static so it's not very useful. Multiple requests have been made to have this changed.I wish it was that simple LOL - how would one go about that?
This was fixed a couple of releases ago. However, those releases with the fixes were marked as "Pre-Release".Whatever you put in there is static so it's not very useful. Multiple requests have been made to have this changed.
Yet Another Free Extension for Blue Iris Adding AI Object Dectection/Reduction in False Alarms/Enhanced Notification of Activity/On Guard
The two cameras I have setup are for my front door and my driveway. I left the cooldown for both of them set to the default value of 300 seconds. I defined the front door cam as "entry door" and the driveway cam as "driveway area". I tried lowering the cooldown to 10 seconds for both