They've completely lost sight of what they started out to be. Now just as bad as any cable TV service. Adding in all these channels that no one wants or watches then jacking up prices.
What I paid when I started off with YTTV in 2018:

Then a little more than a year later:

The about a year later:

Then a 3 year reprieve until:

After that when football season was over I put them on pause for 6 months until football season started again. I watched very little of their content except for news and football and now they want to jack it up another $10 to $82.99 so I assume with state/local tax it would be close to $94 per month. I went to go put them on pause again for 6 months but guess what? The PAUSE button is gone and only the CANCEL button appears now. Okay, fuck you YouTubeTV or it is called FuckYouTV now? I used the cancel button. In 6 months I hope there are better options available.
What I paid when I started off with YTTV in 2018:

Then a little more than a year later:

The about a year later:

Then a 3 year reprieve until:

After that when football season was over I put them on pause for 6 months until football season started again. I watched very little of their content except for news and football and now they want to jack it up another $10 to $82.99 so I assume with state/local tax it would be close to $94 per month. I went to go put them on pause again for 6 months but guess what? The PAUSE button is gone and only the CANCEL button appears now. Okay, fuck you YouTubeTV or it is called FuckYouTV now? I used the cancel button. In 6 months I hope there are better options available.
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