Fresh install not working on Vista


Young grasshopper
Oct 5, 2015
Reaction score
I can't get Blue Iris to start on a new install of Vista.
Details in chronological order:

I had a licensed copy of Blue Iris running flawlessly on Vista SP2, First gen i7 processor, 6gb of memory.
CPU cooling fan failed, the CPU over heated and computer died.
Computer was rebuilt with a fresh installation of Vista SP2 all updates, an AMD FX8350, 16gb of memory, Asus 990FX Motherboard.
Windows Media Player works and Visual C++ x64 is installed.
Down loaded latest Blue Iris, it gets through the installation ok, the Read Me file comes up, but Blue Iris does not start at all, no initial logon pages, nothing. It does not show up on Task manager. Nothing in the event logs. Computer was rebooted still no luck.
I am not sure how to activate the Desktop Experience but I was NOT getting the WMVCORE.DLL missing error referenced in the help file.
The current Blue Iris was uninstalled and an old copy of Blue Iris 4 that was downloaded about Nov 2015 (my original installation) was installed.
When running from the older download for the first time the Blue Iris welcome and license pages come up.
I register the copy, then I get the message "Blue Iris Video Security and Webcam Software has stopped working" and three files shown on the 'Send More Information' page.
I saw nothing obvious in the three files. The information is very similar to whats in the event log.
I get the following message in the event log. I could not make anything out of the event log except the faulting module was MSVCR120.dll. This is on an older version of Blue Iris so it may not even be relevant. The entire event log:

Log Name: Application
Source: Application Error
Date: 11/8/2016 9:41:23 AM
Event ID: 1000
Task Category: (100)
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: John_2016-PC
Faulting application BlueIris.exe, version, time stamp 0x5609b04c, faulting module MSVCR120.dll, version 12.0.21005.1, time stamp 0x524f83ff, exception code 0xc000001d, fault offset 0x0000000000093143, process id 0x970, application start time 0x01d239e74f009fac.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
<Provider Name="Application Error" />
<EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-11-08T17:41:23.000Z" />
<Security />

Sorry the request for help got so long and involved. Let me know if you figure anything out or need more information. I do have a help request in with Blue Iris.

Thanks for any help.



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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If you can still return those parts you would be much better off with a 300 dollar i5-6500 skylake elitedesk pc with windows 7/10 on power, and it will use intel hd for hardware acceleration...


Young grasshopper
Oct 5, 2015
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Wanted to stick with either vista or win 7. I like to record and play broadcast TV over the machine using Media Center. win 10 dropped Media Center. Advise on i5 system would have been good a couple of weeks ago. The new moboard and processor were actually pretty cheap and feel much faster than the first gen i7 it replaced. In retrospect I should have just replaced the CPU and taken a chance on the moboard. It was really cooked.
Jul 12, 2015
Reaction score
Wanted to stick with either vista or win 7. I like to record and play broadcast TV over the machine using Media Center. win 10 dropped Media Center. Advise on i5 system would have been good a couple of weeks ago. The new moboard and processor were actually pretty cheap and feel much faster than the first gen i7 it replaced. In retrospect I should have just replaced the CPU and taken a chance on the moboard. It was really cooked.

I can understand wanting to keep using the older hardware, but for a video DVR system, I would tend to agree with Fenderman and would have moved on to better hardware considering the cost of an i5 -6500 based system is around $300.

As to the OS, why in heavens name woulld you rebuild a system\do a new install with Vista? I can understand keeping an old box around if it is working fine and you want to avoid the trouble of upgrading the OS, but seriously a new install of Vista? I would have installed Windows 7 and upgraded the OS. Add in the fact that in a few months, security patch support for Vista is ending and you will now be forced to deal with it anyway.


Young grasshopper
Oct 5, 2015
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I was thinking of moving up to win 7 ultimate. You can't do an upgrade from Vista ultimate to say Win 7 Pro. It turns into a complete reinstall. A new, unregistered copy of Win 7 Ultimate is real easy to find. At this point I don't even know if Blue Iris would even work on a Win 7 upgrade alone for heavens sake. It may be a hardware issue of some kind. Anyway, looking for a way forward. Thanks.
Jul 12, 2015
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I was thinking of moving up to win 7 ultimate. You can't do an upgrade from Vista ultimate to say Win 7 Pro. It turns into a complete reinstall. A new, unregistered copy of Win 7 Ultimate is real easy to find. At this point I don't even know if Blue Iris would even work on a Win 7 upgrade alone for heavens sake. It may be a hardware issue of some kind. Anyway, looking for a way forward. Thanks.

The hardware is another matter. If the hardware has issues it is obviously time to move on.

I just would not waste any time with Vista at any level. It is out of support in a few months. From the sounds of it you reinstalled a fresh copy of the OS???? At that point there was\is no reason to be talking in place upgrades. Just wipe the disk and install Win 7 whatever version you like and then install BI. As long as you have your BI config file it is a piece of cake to deal with. The only reason to do an in place upgrade is if you reinstalled from a backup image copy of the drive and you have a lot of stuff on the box that would be difficult\time consuming to reinstall and re-setup. I simply would have gone to a clean install of Win 7 and loaded BI and whatever else was needed as in the long run that would have been cleaner and less time consuming. As it is now, even if you resolve all the issues, you still need to migrate to Win 7 in a few months which means another backup, an in place upgrade (which may fail) and all the pain associated with it and potential programs that may not function properly.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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@Tacoman There is an additional release not in todays update that indicates support for vista has been restored. Though as pointed out its silly to run vista..