This may be a stupid question and then easy to answer for some of you smart guys. I run a surveillance and home automation system in a vacation home but the internet is not always reliable, so I now and then lose connection to the vacation house LAN from outside. I usually connect via remote desktop on Windows 10. It would be very useful if I somehow could set up an alternative internet connection to the LAN via a cell phone network. I have seen a unit on the internet some time ago that could do just that but it was rather expensive and required a special IP address arrangement with the cell phone company.
My question is then: Are there any inexpensive cell phone network solutions that let you connect to your LAN from a remote computer? I am thinking of something like Arduino or Raspberry, or hooking up an old smartphone permanently?
My question is then: Are there any inexpensive cell phone network solutions that let you connect to your LAN from a remote computer? I am thinking of something like Arduino or Raspberry, or hooking up an old smartphone permanently?