TinyCam support P2P?


Pulling my weight
Dec 2, 2015
Seeing it looks like acquiring the easy4ip app in the US app store is not possible. I am looking for a more simplified mobile app. I read somewhere that Tinycam has support for P2P but can not find this in the setup options. Can someone help me out?
Seeing it looks like acquiring the easy4ip app in the US app store is not possible. I am looking for a more simplified mobile app. I read somewhere that Tinycam has support for P2P but can not find this in the setup options. Can someone help me out?
I would assume it would need the vendors p2p system to be operable...I think he has it for some cameras....the developer @alexvas is a member here.
Thank you fenderman. I just looked at the description in Google play and it states P2P support for some models w/ 20 characters UID. I believe The dahua NVR that I got has 15 I believe but I still can not seem to find the option in the app. Maybe @alexvas will pop his head in.
Thank you fenderman. I just looked at the description in Google play and it states P2P support for some models w/ 20 characters UID. I believe The dahua NVR that I got has 15 I believe but I still can not seem to find the option in the app. Maybe @alexvas will pop his head in.
because its likely for specific models and only then you will see the option..it wont solve your problem though because you wont be able to view recorded video..
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Do you know if there is any way to set a favorite shortcut icon in gDMSS plus or iDMSS plus? This would actually solve my problem.
For instance, on Tinycam, you have an option to "pin to home". This creates an icon on your phones home page (desktop) for the camera you selected. This way all it requires to see your live feed is a simple click of the icon.

I have set up a couple systems recently for elderly people and the fewer steps they have to go through the better.
I use tinycam. Here's a screenshot for Dahua.


  • Screenshot_2017-12-20-19-26-22-1.png
    125.7 KB · Views: 80
Dahua will not work via P2P protocol in tinyCam app. Will work only via IP address.
There are multiple P2P providers available on the market. tinyCam works via TUTK provider which has 20 characters UIDs.
What model Dahua do you have? I had a play with the custom vendors option for my IPC-HDW5231R-Z so I could switch between main and sub streams which didn't work on the pre-defined ones.

Video and audio work but I never got around to fixing the commands for zoom, focus, ir function etc.

If you've not bought TinyCam yet I can highly recommend it!

    <vendor name="Dahua - DH">
        <!-- ======================================================= -->
        <!-- Advanced camera which supports PTZ.                     -->
        <!-- ======================================================= -->
        <model name="IPC-HDW5231R-Z" defaultPort="80" defaultRtspPort="554">
            <!-- Video requests section. At least one Snap, Push or RTSP request should be specified. -->
            <!-- JPEG one image snapshot. Content-Type: image/jpeg -->
            <request name="Snap">/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?channel=1</request>
            <!-- Alternative JPEG image snapshot (optional) when "App Settings - Video - Low bandwidth" profile is enabled -->
            <request name="Snap2">/cgi/image.jpg?resolution=160x120</request>
            <!-- MJPEG data. Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace -->
            <request name="Push">/cgi-bin/mjpg/video.cgi?channel=1&amp;subtype=%CAMERANO%</request>
            <!-- Alternative MJPEG data (optional) when "App Settings - Video - Low bandwidth" profile is enabled -->
            <request name="Push2">/cgi/video.mjpg?resolution=160x120&amp;fps=1</request>
            <!-- RTSP. 1-w audio will be available via RTSP request -->
            <request name="RTSP">/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&amp;subtype=%CAMERANO%</request>
            <!-- Alternative RTSP (optional) when "App Settings - Video - Low bandwidth" profile is enabled -->
            <request name="RTSP2">/live2.sdp</request>

            <!-- PTZ requests section (optional) -->
            <!-- Button will be disabled if request is not specified -->
            <request name="PtzMoveHome">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=home</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelLeft">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=left</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelRight">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=right</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelUp">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=up</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelDown">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=down</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelUpLeft">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=upLeft</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelUpRight">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=upRight</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelDownLeft">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=downLeft</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveRelDownRight">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=downRight</request>
            <request name="PtzMoveStop">/cgi/ptz.cgi?move=stop</request>
            <request name="PtzZoomTele">/cgi/ptz.cgi?zoom=tele</request>
            <request name="PtzZoomWide">/cgi/ptz.cgi?zoom=wide</request>
            <request name="PtzGotoPreset">/cgi/ptz.cgi?gotoserverpresetno=%PRESETNO%</request> <!-- %PRESETNO% = [1..8] -->
            <request name="PtzSetPreset">/cgi/ptz.cgi?setserverpresetno=%PRESETNO%</request>
            <!-- Additional possible request names:

            <request name="Brightness" min="0" max="255">/camera_control.cgi?param=1&amp;value=%VALUE%</request>
            <request name="Contrast" min="0" max="255" step="5">/camera_control.cgi?param=2&amp;value=%VALUE%</request>
            <!-- Additional possible request names:

            <!-- Admin requests section (optional) -->
            <!-- If any of custom request specified additional ptz screen will be created -->
            <!-- Atrribute custom should contain any custom text to be shown on button -->
            <request custom="Play &quot;Dog barking&quot;">/cgi/playclip.cgi?clip=6</request>
            <request custom="Play &quot;My voice&quot;">/cgi/playclip.cgi?clip=9</request>
            <request custom="Resolution 320x240">/cgi/param.cgi?action=update&amp;Resolution=320x240</request>
            <request custom="Resolution 640x480">/cgi/param.cgi?action=update&amp;Resolution=640x480</request>
            <!-- tag confirmation show the Yes/No confirmation message box -->
            <request custom="Reboot" confirmation="yes">/cgi/restart.cgi</request>
            <!-- Comments to be shown when this model selected in Camera Settings -->
            <comments>Please use \"admin\" username.</comments> <!-- The same as lang="en" -->
            <!-- Comments to be shown if current locale is Russian, otherwise "en" -->
            <comments lang="ru">Используйте пользователя \"admin\".</comments>

        <!-- ======================================================= -->
        <!-- You can use basedOn attribute. In this case all values  -->
        <!-- will be copied from the parent camera. Push request     -->
        <!-- will be overwritten.                                    -->
        <!-- Multiple nesting is not allowed.                        -->
        <!-- ======================================================= -->

Dahua will not work via P2P protocol in tinyCam app. Will work only via IP address.
There are multiple P2P providers available on the market. tinyCam works via TUTK provider which has 20 characters UIDs.
I too am having hell of a game with p2p cameras, tiny cam only picks up camera 1 and shows p2p and loads of numbers / digits after it, I have 4 connected to dvr , but for life of me can't get other 3 up.