Got robbed... looking for ideas to make me more secure

Sep 5, 2017
Mostly was my own fault... fell asleep and didn't check the garage door and if the truck was locked. Thugs came in at 1245a, one with a gun. Had 5 kids in the house and me and the wife. We were awake in bed chilling and thankfully my neighbor across the street saw them and shined a spotlight at them to scare them away. He called me and I called the police. Police came a hour later and took prints on various things. A neighbor got most of the license plate from the sedan. I haven't heard back on anything, sure hope these guys get caught. They stole an old computer monitor and that's it. Almost came into the house! (door was unlocked).

Check out my footage from BI:



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I installed another camera in garage at face level to get better face shots. I also setup alerts that will go crazy on our phones if any movement happens on the driveway/garage/front door.

I also setup my smart garage opener to close automatically.

I have my BI computer in the laundry room right next to the garage door going into the house. I want to get the audio alerts from the computer louder so I can hear it throughout my house. Anyone have any ideas on how I should do that? Are wireless speakers reliable and exist? Could I have 4 wireless speakers in all my main rooms?

I'm also going to mount some cameras next to my street to get license plate/vehicle descriptions. Any recommendations on what to mount the cameras to? Just a 2x4 that I pound into the ground?
My F250 just doesn't fit unfortunately. It's insured, so I'm not too concerned. Just need to make sure it's locked!

Yeah, we went through the garage the day after and cleaned it out. So much crap from moving 6 months ago.

Funny, the key was in the ignition on the white 1998 Accord. Maybe they couldn't drive a stick.

Previous owners had ADT, but we never activated it. The system would have beeped if he opened the door and we would have wondered what was going on.
I like the driveway monitor, works 100% and no false alarms yet. iPhone beside bed with iDMSS, 2 clicks and I have 4 cameras open while I'm struggling to put my jeans on
No expert here by any means so just goinf to give my opinon. I think all your cams are a bit too high. How high is each camera mounted? Also what shutter speed are they set too. I think they may be set a bit too low, but just a guess. What kind of cams do you have?

I have my tablet in my bedroom on 24x7 so I can always glance up and have a look. I have my emails come in as a high pitch beep noise. Similar to the sound a fire alarm makes when it needs new batreries. When I hear the high pitched beep I glance at my tablet. A lot of times I can tell it's just a car passing by so I'll just take a quick glance. I Don't spend much time outside of our bedroom. For times I do I'll lug my tablet around and place it somewhere in sight. Just an idea.
Wow, still can't believe people leave doors unlocked in their homes, especially in the day time. I have had people 'try' my doors to see if they are unlocked, while I was watching TV. Trust no one. And, get an alarm that allows a stay mode so any doors or windows that open while you are inside, will trigger at least a siren. Great for keeping kids from going out 'unauthorized' at night.
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@PokerMunkee I have the following ear piercing siren in my garage:

Based on a number of conditions (sensors/time of day/alarm state), it will trigger.

I'm thinking of adding a siren on each side of the house as well so they will scare off anyone who tries to go thru side gates (which are locked by default)

Another idea is to mount this: -hopefully something real bright and blinding
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Mostly was my own fault... fell asleep and didn't check the garage door and if the truck was locked. Thugs came in at 1245a, one with a gun. Had 5 kids in the house and me and the wife. We were awake in bed chilling and thankfully my neighbor across the street saw them and shined a spotlight at them to scare them away. He called me and I called the police. Police came a hour later and took prints on various things. A neighbor got most of the license plate from the sedan. I haven't heard back on anything, sure hope these guys get caught. They stole an old computer monitor and that's it. Almost came into the house! (door was unlocked).


Hi Poker

NOT YOUR fault for falling asleep! Sometimes our bodies just call it quits.

Very happy that your neighbor was actively helping out. Good to see you got at least some good video, even if no great facial shots.

What I would do?
1) Alarm system.
2) Alarm on garage door and schedule it so that it alerts you when it is left open beyond a certain time.
3) Police clearly are too slow to respond - ... plan for that sort of slow response.
4) Even more cameras - good that you've already added one - I'd add another 2 to the front of the garage area and place them below the 2 you currently have. ( try to place the 2 additional ones at 6 foot high )
Then aim the higher 2 out into the street, perhaps turning 1-2x of them into ALPR cameras.
5) Train the family on responses - tell the children to help remind you to close the door, and if old enough to close it after a certain hour.
6) Share the video with the neighbors, help them setup similar cameras and alarm systems.

I installed another camera in garage at face level to get better face shots. I also setup alerts that will go crazy on our phones if any movement happens on the driveway/garage/front door.

I also setup my smart garage opener to close automatically.

I have my BI computer in the laundry room right next to the garage door going into the house. I want to get the audio alerts from the computer louder so I can hear it throughout my house. Anyone have any ideas on how I should do that? Are wireless speakers reliable and exist? Could I have 4 wireless speakers in all my main rooms?

I'm also going to mount some cameras next to my street to get license plate/vehicle descriptions. Any recommendations on what to mount the cameras to? Just a 2x4 that I pound into the ground?
My F250 just doesn't fit unfortunately. It's insured, so I'm not too concerned. Just need to make sure it's locked!

Yeah, we went through the garage the day after and cleaned it out. So much crap from moving 6 months ago.

Funny, the key was in the ignition on the white 1998 Accord. Maybe they couldn't drive a stick.

Previous owners had ADT, but we never activated it. The system would have beeped if he opened the door and we would have wondered what was going on.
You should check out some of the starlight threads: starlight | IP Cam Talk
Much better night performance. I'd agree your cameras are too high. I'd swap one of the driveway cams for a Dahua Starlight Varifocal Turret (IPC-HDW5231R-Z)

Install an electronic lock on the door to the house from the garage. This way it can be always locked or lock itself after a few minutes.

Figure out how to make your alarm system more useful. This doesn't mean you need to call up ADT and pay $45/mo. There are monitoring options for $10-20/mo and self monitoring devices which are better than nothing. I'd also add the garage door to the alarm. Exactly what zone type you assign it can be complicated, but you can at least be alerted to the door's state. For more specific advice on your alarm system post pictures of the keypads and the control panel.

You should probably do something to physically secure your blue iris pc. This could be a padlock and chain or maybe a locking wall mounted rack.

Was there a garage door opener in the truck?
POS thieves. Good it wasn't worse. At least a couple beers for the neighbor! Looks like he scared them off before they had a chance to really snoop through the garage, or find the Accord key.
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You asked how you could make things more secure, well.
One of the punks had a gun, another appeared to be checking his gun in his waistband at the small of his back as he entered the garage.
This could have really ended badly.
Every-time you get out of a vehicle, lock the doors daytime and nightime.
Don't leave the garage door open to give an invitation to punks, just like happened here, DAY OR night.
If you aren't in the garage, close the door.

Do a security check every night before bed.
More cams won't help one wit, if you don't do your part. Keep your head out of the sand.

It appears to me, he did have the man door cracked open just as the neighbor intervened.
Don't do things that will make you a victim. There is NO such thing as a "safe" neighborhood.

active self protection - YouTube
You asked how you could make things more secure, well.

It appears to me, he did have the man door cracked open just as the neighbor intervened.
Don't do things that will make you a victim. There is NO such thing as a "safe" neighborhood.

active self protection - YouTube

Highly agree with looney2ns on watching active self protection - very good and informative videos.

Well said! I park my car in the garage and still lock the doors. I also live somewhat isolated and still do those things. The other nice thing about having a full time display in the house somewhere (I have one in the bedroom) is you would see that the garage was left open.

@drunkpenguin You have a nice garage, very clean and large for all your cars. :-) I'm jealous of your garage.

Some people don't have that luxury. My 1-car garage isn't even large enough for my wife's SUV.

We have no choice but to park our cars out front but we do lock them .
when I was in high school, my next door neighbor left their garage open one night and keys in the car. Woke up the next morning to find the car gone and that it had been in a roll over accident and was totaled.

Well said! I park my car in the garage and still lock the doors. I also live somewhat isolated and still do those things. The other nice thing about having a full time display in the house somewhere (I have one in the bedroom) is you would see that the garage was left open.

You are just as vulnerable isolated as not. ;)
Good job.
Todays punks, as demonstrated in the ops video, have absolutely no moral compass, and are as ballsy as ever.
They didn't care about the cams, they didn't care that someone was home, they just don't care.
You are just as vulnerable isolated as not. ;)
Good job.
Todays punks, as demonstrated in the ops video, have absolutely no moral compass, and are as ballsy as ever.
They didn't care about the cams, they didn't care that someone was home, they just don't care.

That's when they need a piece of lead in the head.
Homeseer automation controller. Have things happen via automation. Auto shut the garage door, auto lock the Kwikset code locks.