Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Getting comfortable
Jul 24, 2018
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All of these lib tard towns are in a world of hurt when it is all said and done. They destroyed their own lives, the police will not be able to do their job from now on. When their lib tard family is is in trouble and they need the police, the police will be afraid to do their job fully leaving more murders and criminal activity. You do not want the police in your neighborhood or life, you got it stupid fuqs..

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Don't through out a lame blanket statement without proof. Name one thing.
Q(tm) had some great ones; I will add several more:

1. Trump and his misadministration have decimated the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB was an effective watchdog against predatory financial practices; it's largely toothless now. A great friend of mine from college had a voluntary position there (she's a lawyer and donated time to it); they are chipping away at it piece by piece. The CFPB mostly handled issues like predatory lending and other concerns with a focus on the poorest Americans.

2. They have been chipping away at Obamacare, which benefited millions of Americans. I personally know two people (one black, one hispanic, both poor) who no longer have health care coverage directly due to this, specifically the reduction of subsidies directed by Trump and enacted by a Republican congress.

3. Betsy Devos: Where to start? His pick of Devos was a slap in the face to African Americans everywhere. Her policies supporting "school choice" and parochial schools over the public school systems are an outrage. Her platform and intent is focused on taking money out of the public school system that is highly accessible by blacks, and putting it into charter and parochial schools that are much less accessible to them. She's screwing a whole new generation of blacks over. My god, just look at her "guidance" (thankfully being ignored in many places) about the school funding supplements in the CARES act. She's trying to act outside of Congress to funnel even more money to religious schools.

4. Trumps trade war is not just against China but it destabilized our relationships with allies. Crap rolls downhill; the blacks have taken it the a$$. While preferentially white investors are seeing stock market gains, the disruption of supply chain and drying up of overseas markets have disproportionately hurt poor workers, and blacks are right in there.

5. Charlottesville and his "Very fine people" comment normalized much of the simmering racism and fringe alt-right groups are getting more emboldened.

Oh, we could go on and on. But I need to get to work soon. He hasn't taken away my job just yet.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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So my question is, what exactly makes this horrific murder a racist act, and not just an aggressive POS cop who took his authority way too far? Did he say something racist or do something racist during his encounter? Just because a crime is committed against a minority does not automatically make it a hate crime or racist. As pointed out, more whites are killed by police (and it's not many considering population size), but no mention of racism.

Reminds me of when people criticized President Obama. They were called racist. You can't disagree with a black man? This PC bs is ruining this country.
Hey Jessie, we actually agree (though, as Q said, you need to factor in population proportions) with your point here. It's hard to separate racism from an aggressive cop in a specific situation. I also agree that it's too easy to turn disagreeing with a black man into a falsely racist narrative.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Q(tm) had some great ones; I will add several more:


5. Charlottesville and his "Very fine people" comment normalized much of the simmering racism and fringe alt-right groups are getting more emboldened.
No. CNN and the rest of the liberal media took that statement OUT OF CONTEXT and Ran with it. They knew damn well how that partial bit would make for an awesome sound bite. Did the REST of his statement also "normalize racism", as you say? He condemned racism at least 3 times in that press conference-- and they NEVER talk about that in the media now do they? He specifically clarified who the "good people" are NOT:

"...and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."
~Donald Trump
Your entire point in #5 is a media lie & liberal narrative.


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Could be. But my other four are rock solid.

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Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Could be. But my other four are rock solid.
I don't know about #1... a non-biased link would be great.

#2 Obamacare ruined health insurance for millions of Americans. Don't forget these gems from Obama, who said (paraphrased-- but damn close)
"You can keep your doctor. You can keep your health insurance plan. Your health insurance will cost less than your cell phone bill."
The reality is that the AHCA forced massive changes to the insurance companies. Result: family coverage that cost $400 per month through an employer can now cost over $3,000 per month-- and THAT is leaving thousands of people in serious trouble. Whatever replaces it--- they just need to keep the pre-existing conditions portion and allow dependents up to age 26.... and Trump has said those parts will stay.

#3-- Betsy Devos says all kinds of stupid things... just like Trump does. Take 10 steps back and consider this: The US Department of Education was created by Jimmy Carter and has spent Billions of dollars since 1979, and there has been no effective change in academic achievement. Hmmmm.... continuing to do the same thing and expecting a different result. She may be the totally wrong person, but something has to change there.

#4 Trump's trade war hurt. It also has resulted in several new trade agreements that are better for the US-- that part always gets left out.
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IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
The time for peaceful protest is past.

"Weakness invites aggression" applies equally as well to the protesters as it does to the forces to quell the riots.

We have been "peacefully" discussing civil rights since the '60s. We have not ended separate but equal. Today separate but equal is enforced by consolidating low income people in subsidized housing serviced by bus routes controlled by local government.

We have an economic subsidy system that financially rewards broken families. Reduces benefits to unemployed who try to enter the work force. Provides training with job skills not needed in local communities. A system that today has raised 3 generations of people who have NEVER held a job. How in the fuck can you call a system like that beneficial?

We have a health care system that funnels the sick to emergency rooms for the most costly care in hospitals already stressed beyond capacity and unable to cope with providing health care at a level the rest of the nation receives.

We have an educational system that acts as a day care center and alternate food source for the impoverished.

We have a police force that contains crime to designated "High Crime Areas" and is prevented from directly addressing crime prevention for fear of racial profiling. We scapegoat police departments for political reasons until none of the people we want on the police force will join forcing local PDs to hire what they can get, not who they want.

We have local politicians so in the pocket of drug syndicates that counter drug operations are a joke.

60 FUCKING YEARS we have been discussing and peacefully protesting and the result is SHIT!

We have two political parties that work TOGETHER to maintain the status quo and misdirect WTP from solutions to greater conflict for their own personal gain.

I listened to a congresswoman talk for 7 minutes. CNN put her on and introduced her as someone offering real solutions. 7 minutes of platitudes and political talking points. Those are not solutions.

We can solve this shit right now.

A welfare system that continued benefits to people as they began a new job until employer benefits kicked in.

Staged compensation allowing new workers to receive supplemental income until their earnings exceeded state sponsorship.

Consolidating VA, Medicare, Medicaid into a National Health Service in state owned and operated facilities providing improved healthcare at decreased cost.

Job training sponsored by the military and business to teach skills needed by industry not skills that were just easy to teach.

The solutions are there but platitudes is what we get from talking heads.

LEADERSHIP in this nation come from the people. LEADERSHIP is what you are now seeing from the mob. Tear it down and rebuild it better! That is what WTP are TELLING TWR.

The real solution cannot come from a president. Any president. If it could Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton or BO would have changed the nation but they could not. It must come from congress. A congress who we have all admitted owes more loyalty to special interests groups and has forgotten their obligation to SERVE WTP! This is a wake up call to them.

I cannot fault protesters because they do not verbalize solutions like I have. The educational system they were forced into saw to it that was not possible. They cannot be blamed because WTP gave them an education inadequate to meet their needs.

But WTP can lead the politicians into working properly by supporting the rioters.

60 YEARS and if MLK were still alive he would still be looking for the promised land. Even Moses today would be saying What The Fuck?

Malcolm X had it right. Plymouth Rock has landed on the black people of this nation and they are still stuck under it.

60 YEARS? Burn it down.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Music to burn it all down by...

"So take those pictures off the wall
Your force fed icons words they don’t mean nothin’ at all"

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Q for president! I'd vote for you!

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk


Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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@sdkid I will dig up a cpfb link later but here is one about Obamacare from strongly right leaning The Hill. Obamacare disrupted the system but it is more favorably seen now than ever.

And for the record, if it had been enacted as designed, without all the Republican foot dragging, many more of the ideas like keep your plan, keep your doctor would have been possible.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
my replies in italics
The time for peaceful protest is past.
"Weakness invites aggression" applies equally as well to the protesters as it does to the forces to quell the riots.
Ready to start Civil War II then? Based on what? The irony of this seems to escape liberals who act as champions of gun control infringements of 2A, and then begin talking like this

We have been "peacefully" discussing civil rights since the '60s. We have not ended separate but equal. Today separate but equal is enforced by consolidating low income people in subsidized housing serviced by bus routes controlled by local government.
I read that and thought-- not so in small town America. Probably true in large urban areas that are controlled almost exclusively by Democrats. Are you getting the picture yet?

We have an economic subsidy system that financially rewards broken families. Reduces benefits to unemployed who try to enter the work force. Provides training with job skills not needed in local communities. A system that today has raised 3 generations of people who have NEVER held a job. How in the fuck can you call a system like that beneficial?
Agreed. The answer, however, is not some Universal Basic Income. If you don't believe me, go to a Native American Reservation in the great plains states.

We have a health care system that funnels the sick to emergency rooms for the most costly care in hospitals already stressed beyond capacity and unable to cope with providing health care at a level the rest of the nation receives.
Yeah-- all kinds of inefficiency there. The Social Medicine systems of the UK, Canada, and Europe don't work either. We DO have versions of those systems here though-- the VA, and the IHS (Indian Health Service)-- go read about how well those systems operate. They suck.

We have an educational system that acts as a day care center and alternate food source for the impoverished.
I have worked in K12 education for 25 years. There is SOME truth to it, but it usually can not be a blanket statement for every school. Avoid absolutes in your statements. The greatest detriment to education has been the political power wielded by teachers unions, IMO..... but that is a deep subject.

We have a police force that contains crime to designated "High Crime Areas" and is prevented from directly addressing crime prevention for fear of racial profiling. We scapegoat police departments for political reasons until none of the people we want on the police force will join forcing local PDs to hire what they can get, not who they want.
We have local politicians so in the pocket of drug syndicates that counter drug operations are a joke.
60 FUCKING YEARS we have been discussing and peacefully protesting and the result is SHIT!
We have two political parties that work TOGETHER to maintain the status quo and misdirect WTP from solutions to greater conflict for their own personal gain.
I listened to a congresswoman talk for 7 minutes. CNN put her on and introduced her as someone offering real solutions. 7 minutes of platitudes and political talking points. Those are not solutions.

Mostly agree... probably not on all specifics.

We can solve this shit right now.

A welfare system that continued benefits to people as they began a new job until employer benefits kicked in.
we have that.

Staged compensation allowing new workers to receive supplemental income until their earnings exceeded state sponsorship.
the $600 per week MORE in unemployment due to COVID is an example of what NOT to do.

Consolidating VA, Medicare, Medicaid into a National Health Service in state owned and operated facilities providing improved healthcare at decreased cost.
If you want something REALLY F'd up, put the government in charge of it. BAD IDEA COMPLETELY.

Job training sponsored by the military and business to teach skills needed by industry not skills that were just easy to teach.
We Do That-- the colleges continue to fight and denigrate any education that does not result in a Bachelors degree. See Mike Rowe.

The solutions are there but platitudes is what we get from talking heads.

LEADERSHIP in this nation come from the people. LEADERSHIP is what you are now seeing from the mob. Tear it down and rebuild it better! That is what WTP are TELLING TWR. TWR???

The real solution cannot come from a president. Any president. If it could Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton or BO would have changed the nation but they could not. It must come from congress. A congress who we have all admitted owes more loyalty to special interests groups and has forgotten their obligation to SERVE WTP! This is a wake up call to them.

I cannot fault protesters because they do not verbalize solutions like I have. The educational system they were forced into saw to it that was not possible. They cannot be blamed because WTP gave them an education inadequate to meet their needs.
Bullshit. Students are not absolved of responsibility for THEIR OWN EDUCATION. I have witnessed homeless kids get straight A's. I have witnessed rich kids act like thugs and get straight F's. I have witnessed actual GANG Members get legitimate straight A's. Education is what you make of it.

But WTP can lead the politicians into working properly by supporting the rioters.
BULLSHIT--- you do not support RIOTERS. WTF are you saying here? Again--- looking for Civil War II or something??

60 YEARS and if MLK were still alive he would still be looking for the promised land. Even Moses today would be saying What The Fuck?
If MLK were still alive, he would have been #MeToo'd right off the national stage. Same with Kennedy and many others. LBJ was a racist asshole.

Malcolm X had it right. Plymouth Rock has landed on the black people of this nation and they are still stuck under it.
Malcolm X the racist who perpetuated violence? That Malcolm X??

60 YEARS? Burn it down.
I actually agreed with you more than I thought I would. :)
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
@sdkid I will dig up a cpfb link later but here is one about Obamacare from strongly right leaning The Hill. Obamacare disrupted the system but it is more favorably seen now than ever.

And for the record, if it had been enacted as designed, without all the Republican foot dragging, many more of the ideas like keep your plan, keep your doctor would have been possible.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
No--- those plans could NOT be kept because they did not comply with ACA. The ACA FORCED a number of things into what insurance companies could offer. Result--- they CANCELLED all non-compliant plans, per the ACA law. Then-- then replaced those with compliant plans at massively increased premiums.

LOL at the "...enacted as designed..." and attempt to blame the GOP. The Dems ramrodded that POS bill through--- don't forget-- Nancy Pelosi told us all that we have to "Pass it to know what's in it" This IS the creation of the DNC and their Insurance company lobbyists.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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No. CNN and the rest of the liberal media took that statement OUT OF CONTEXT and Ran with it. They knew damn well how that partial bit would make for an awesome sound bite. Did the REST of his statement also "normalize racism", as you say? He condemned racism at least 3 times in that press conference-- and they NEVER talk about that in the media now do they? He specifically clarified who the "good people" are NOT:

"...and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."
~Donald Trump
Your entire point in #5 is a media lie & liberal narrative.

Liberal playbook. Repeat lies long enough and many slow learners will beleive it


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
@sdkid I will dig up a cpfb link later but here is one about Obamacare from strongly right leaning The Hill. Obamacare disrupted the system but it is more favorably seen now than ever.

And for the record, if it had been enacted as designed, without all the Republican foot dragging, many more of the ideas like keep your plan, keep your doctor would have been possible.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
Pure unadultrated nonsense. Obamacare was passed when dimoKKKRATS controlled both houses of congress and the Presidency. The Republicans had nothing to do with it and their input was ignored by the dimoKKKRATS. The only reason Obamacare is bearable today is because President Trump got rid of the mandates and the penalties. You keep coming on this forum and quote revisionist history from some far left wing source. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Liberal playbook. Repeat lies long enough and many slow learners will beleive it
Actually, the etymology of your claim is rooted in Adolph Hitler's "Big Lie" (Mein Kampf), and later refined by Herr Goebbels...

"...If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State..."

Thusly, enter the "Fake News" or as the Nazi's practiced it "Lügenpresse" (translated as "press of lies')

But, more to the point -- in addition to the Democrats -- the President is determined to kick the tires on that jalopy...

And for those of you without time to peruse all 5,000 of the President's false claims I've included a PDF for your off-line reading enjoyment...



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Actually, the etymology of your claim is rooted in Adolph Hitler's "Big Lie" (Mein Kampf), and later refined by Herr Goebbels...

"...If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State..."

Thusly, enter the "Fake News" or as the Nazi's practiced it "Lügenpresse" (translated as "press of lies')

But, more to the point -- in addition to the Democrats -- the President is determined to kick the tires on that jalopy...

And for those of you without time to peruse all 5,000 of the President's false claims I've included a PDF for your off-line reading enjoyment...
Fake news at its finest. Time to que up the Twilight Zone theme.



IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Fake news at its finest. Time to que up the Twilight Zone theme.
Are you actually claiming that Hitler's "Big Lie," Goebbels refinement of the same, and the history of the Nazi's disinformation campaign to discredit the the media is fake news?