Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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FYI - Good interview, not actually much on conspiracies in the interview. Still found it interesting as Dr. Kim discussed various types of vaccines and basically for every $1 spend on vaccines, society gets an ROI of $44.

World’s Leading Vaccine Expert Fact-Checks COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy|STAY CURIOUS #23
Asian Boss

We want to thank Dr. Jerome Kim, the Director General of the International Vaccine Institute (IVI), for sharing his expert insight on the development of a vaccine for COVID-19. Visit IVI's website for more information:



IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA

The black-white wealth gap is unchanged after half a century
Apr 6th 2019
7-9 minutes
FEW AMERICANS remember Greenwood, a once-prosperous African-American neighbourhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that was known as Black Wall Street. In 1921 Dick Rowland, a black shoeshiner, was charged with attempting to rape a white lift-girl in a downtown office building. An incensed white mob gathered at the courthouse to lynch him, then proceeded to Greenwood for two days of rioting, looting and murder. City officials aided and abetted the violence. In the end 35 blocks were destroyed, 10,000 black people were made homeless, and as many as 300 were killed. Residents reported aeroplanes flying overhead, dropping explosives. It was one of the worst incidents of racial violence since the civil war. Tens of millions of dollars in black wealth were destroyed or stolen. No compensation was awarded to either the victims or their descendants.

American history is replete with horrific episodes that prevented the accumulation of black wealth for centuries: first slavery, then indentured servitude under Jim Crow, segregated housing and schooling, seizure of property and racial discrimination. The result was that in 1962, two years before the passage of landmark civil-rights legislation and the Great Society programme, the average wealth of white households was seven times greater than that of black households. Yet after decades of declining discrimination and the construction of a modern welfare state, that ratio remains the same. The mean of black household wealth is $138,200—for whites, that number is $933,700.

Median wealth is smaller, but even more lopsided. The typical black family has just $17,100 compared with the typical white one, which has $171,000. The discrepancies are caused by low incomes and by debt. Compared with whites, black Americans have higher debt loads: 19.4% of black households have net wealth at or below $0, compared with 9.2% of whites. There had been slow improvement over the decades, but the Great Recession of 2007-08 wiped this out, since blacks were disproportionately harmed by the subprime mortgage blow-up. Because of that, home-ownership, the conventional wealth-building tool of the middle class, stands at 42% among blacks—only one percentage point higher than it was in 1968—compared with 73% for whites.

Determining what lies behind the persistent wealth gap is essential to fixing it. The thinking ascendant on the left blames both present-day discrimination and the long history of racist public policies, such as redlining, an official practice that made it harder for blacks to get mortgages, and so permanently disrupted the transmission of wealth between generations. One cure for this state of affairs is reparations, a one-off cash transfer to compensate for the lasting effects of slavery and discrimination. The idea, long popular on the political fringe, has emerged as a faultline among the Democratic presidential primary contenders. Julián Castro, Barack Obama’s former housing secretary, criticised Senator Bernie Sanders for dismissing the idea. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts senator, says she is on board, and suggested that Native Americans should be “part of the conversation” too.


But more ordinary forces could also be at play. Wealth is, at its core, the accumulation of savings over time. Lower salaries (and lower saving rates) thus limit the opportunity for wealth growth. A recent study by Dionissi Aliprantis and Daniel Carroll, research economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, argues that the persistent racial gap in wealth can be almost entirely accounted for by the racial gap in income. According to the latest figures, from 2017, the median black household takes in $40,258 a year compared with $68,145 for the typical white one. Calculations by Edward Wolff, an economist at New York University, suggest that inheritances can explain about 23% of the racial wealth gap. His research suggests that the gap would close only modestly if blacks inherited wealth to the same extent as whites do.
If the cause of the persistent wealth gap is really a long-term income disparity, the policies needed to rectify it are different. Even as discrimination has declined and the country has instituted affirmative action programmes in university admissions and some job hiring, the black-white income gap remains high. A portion of this is due to present-day discrimination. There is strong evidence that employers are less likely to call back applicants with black-sounding names, for example. But there have also been other structural changes to black America that have led to this stagnant outcome: deindustrialisation, which hit blacks living in cities especially hard, rising incarceration rates and the decline of stable two-parent families. These are all tied up in a complex tangle of pathology, all of which is to some degree the legacy of historical racism. But a lump-sum reparations payment, even if sizeable, would not lead to wealth convergence if present-day racial income patterns remained fixed.
And the politics of reparations remains treacherous. Even race-neutral anti-poverty programmes, like cash welfare and food stamps, already attract fierce opposition, in no small part because they are often seen by white voters as handouts to minorities and immigrants. Reparations would surely worsen the racial divide—perhaps to Donald Trump’s electoral benefit.
A more promising proposal for narrowing the inheritance gap, offered by Darrick Hamilton and William Darity, two economists, is “baby bonds”—essentially trust accounts for every child born in America, which could not be accessed until adulthood. The federal government would top up these accounts each year, depositing more for poorer families. Cory Booker, a New Jersey senator running for president, has proposed legislation to do this.
The annual cost would be $82bn, according to one analysis from Columbia University (for context, the budget for the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development is $53bn). Universal access to the trust accounts might stave off opposition. “In a lot of ways, it is replicating what happened in the New Deal with the GI bill and the federal housing loans that excluded blacks,” says Mr Hamilton. He also likens the idea to the birth of the Social Security (pensions) programme. “We as a society decided that we didn’t want our elderly to be economically insecure. So the government came up with a programme. We don’t have anything for young people except subsistence programmes to keep them from being destitute,” he says.

One vulnerability is that the policy has a built-in lag time of 18 years and benefits a constituency that cannot vote or hire lobbyists. Britain introduced a similar scheme, only to cancel it six years later. And although a government-funded inheritance would go some way to making up for historical injustices, it would not erase the black-white income gap.

This article appeared in the United States section of the print edition under the headline "The colour of wealth"

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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Notice that the libs have no answer to what this "black man" who is being interviewed has to say. Biden would say "he ain't black" and all our lib buddies on here plan on voting for Biden and I'm sure they agree with Biden. Those still on the liberal's "plantation" would call him an "Uncle Tom". The libs have a long history of voting against rights for blacks (look no further than Biden who our house libs will vote for) and have created programs to keep them on the liberal plantation. Many blacks are starting to leave this liberal plantation and it scares the shit out of them. As blacks and other races of Americans start to think for themselves they are realizing the liberal polices put in place are there to keep blacks on their liberal plantation. The blacks who have left the liberal plantation tend to be the more wealthy and affluent and in many cases exceed what the average white person earns. So moral of the story is...stay on the liberal plantation and earn less that the average white....leave the liberal plantation and earn more.
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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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So, getting back to Covid-19....

Go to church = get arrested; burn a church = not arrested
Open a business = get arrested; loot a business = not arrested
Go to the beach without social distancing = get arrested; Go to a public place to incite a riot = not arrested

Libs are you fureal? LMAO at how you've painted yourselves into a corner.


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Most likely another lib business either trying to score some lib points or capitalize on a way to increase profits....but it's possible they are just living in fear that the mob left will cause problems for them. If they are robbed should they call the police or BLM? And, what's the military have to do with it?....And, what happens if a black officer or black soldier walks in and says no discounts to them...would that be racist? What would happen if we had another 9-11 would the discounts be back on for first responders and military? So many questions....LMAO...painting themselves into another corner.



Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Notice that the libs have no answer to what this "black man" who is being interviewed has to say. Biden would say "he ain't black" and all our lib buddies on here plan on voting for Biden and I'm sure they agree with Biden. Those still on the liberal's "plantation" would call him an "Uncle Tom". The libs have a long history of voting against rights for blacks (look no further than Biden who our house libs will vote for) and have created programs to keep them on the liberal plantation. Many blacks are staring to leave this liberal plantation and it scares the shit out of them. As blacks and other races of Americans start to think for themselves they are realizing the liberal polices put in place are there to keep blacks on their liberal plantation. The blacks who have left the liberal plantation tend to be the more wealthy and affluent and in many cases exceed what the average white person earns. So moral of the story is...stay on the liberal plantation and earn less that the average white....leave the liberal plantation and earn more.
Does the Democrat party have a history of racism? YES. However the Democratic party shifted from blatant racism to being the party that better supported blacks OVER 70 YEARS AGO. Here's a decent article on it:

Which party is currently trying to get blacks off the voter roles through vote suppression tactics and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act? REPUBLICANS.

Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota

The black-white wealth gap is unchanged after half a century

* * *
You can thank the policies of the Democratic party, designed to maintain POC in VICTIMHOOD and keep them DEPENDENT on the government.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you -- right?? Well the DNC wants all POC to see them as The Hand that Feeds. The scariest thing that any Democrat politician has EVER seen--- any POC who sees through the BS and begins to Critically analyze the motives of the DNC. That's why Biden said:



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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You can also thank the Democrats for running the cities that have the worst police brutality records. And when I use the word "running" I'm obviously using the loosely...."ruining" is really the correct word.



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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You can thank the policies of the Democratic party, designed to maintain POC in VICTIMHOOD and keep them DEPENDENT on the government.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you -- right?? Well the DNC wants all POC to see them as The Hand that Feeds. The scariest thing that any Democrat politician has EVER seen--- any POC who sees through the BS and begins to Critically analyze the motives of the DNC. That's why Biden said:

Dependency on the liberal plantation is what holds the man down; you cannot spread your wings and soar when you are held down. Their plantation is for all races though do I'll give them that.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Does the Democrat party have a history of racism? YES. However the Democratic party shifted from blatant racism to being the party that better supported blacks OVER 70 YEARS AGO. Here's a decent article on it:

Which party is currently trying to get blacks off the voter roles through vote suppression tactics and the gutting of the Voting Rights Act? REPUBLICANS.

That is fake news at its finest. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Dec 6, 2014
Reaction score
South Dakota
Yup--- thanks for the definition-- it fits the DNC completely. The DNC engages in SYSTEMIC RACISM by continuing to pursue policies the effectively keep POC DOWN. They believe that POC are somehow INCAPABLE of success or achievement without THEIR help. And the problem is that their help comes in the form of government policies that continue to feed the racist stereotype that POC need MORE help (you know-- because they are POC), otherwise they can't be educated, can't work, can't open businesses, can't even F-ing VOTE without assistance. DNC are Racists.

Dec 6, 2014
Reaction score
South Dakota
EDIT: this is some 50 year old crap that is not fully substantiated. LBJ's racism is pretty well documented, but these Specific words may or may not have been uttered by him. Regardless--- the sentiment here is the truth of the DNC for the past 50+ years. Pander and Placate POC, while keeping them down. Pardon LBJ's racist language.

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Known around here
Dec 21, 2017
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Other than the headline, has the Rasmussen poll been released? Lots of other polls recently show a very different story than the Rasmussen poll announced Late last week, so I am interested to read the methodology.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Other than the headline, has the Rasmussen poll been released? Lots of other polls recently show a very different story than the Rasmussen poll announced Late last week, so I am interested to read the methodology.

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
Rasmussen had the best record in 2016. The other polls not so much. I might add that the Fox News Poll was one of the worst.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Notice that the libs have no answer to what this "black man" who is being interviewed has to say. Biden would say "he ain't black" and all our lib buddies on here plan on voting for Biden and I'm sure they agree with Biden. Those still on the liberal's "plantation" would call him an "Uncle Tom". The libs have a long history of voting against rights for blacks (look no further than Biden who our house libs will vote for) and have created programs to keep them on the liberal plantation. Many blacks are starting to leave this liberal plantation and it scares the shit out of them. As blacks and other races of Americans start to think for themselves they are realizing the liberal polices put in place are there to keep blacks on their liberal plantation. The blacks who have left the liberal plantation tend to be the more wealthy and affluent and in many cases exceed what the average white person earns. So moral of the story is...stay on the liberal plantation and earn less that the average white....leave the liberal plantation and earn more.
well said