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This is not about Blacks. It is about Leftist controlling the narrative to bring America down and divide us as a nation.
So, I already gave you credible non-politically-biased sources that show you're close to 3x more likely to suffer "death by cop" if you are black than if you are white. But I'd like to explore this further, by pointing out some fake news elements in what was posted here. For the record my beef is with whoever created the chart, not with Oceanslider for repeating it. It appears credible until you dig into how the numbers were used.
1. There are 6x more white folks in America than black folks. By presenting the data as per million of the "Murder's" (sic) race, you are imposing a bias on the visualization that will make the killing of blacks by whites look tiny compared to the killing of blacks by whites. The proper analysis needs to divide by the population of the VICTIM's race, not the killer's race. If you do the math properly, and use
data from pew research about relative population, you get this graph instead that says, essentially, if you are black you are about 2.3X more likley to be killed by a white person than it would be for a white person to be killed by a black person.
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Clearly, if you are black, the primary risk comes from other black people, and if you are white, the main risk is from other white people.
But the chart that was originally posted dramatically over-represents the risk to white people from blacks, and minimizes the risk to blacks from whites. This is the alt-right narrative. It's racist as fuQ. W
hoever made that chart (again, not Oceanslider) was trying to stoke fear in whites against blacks and minimize the very idea that in the context of inter-racial killings, it's blacks who are more at risk than whites.
2. The next problem Is that the chart uses the wrong data. The link to the FBI table specifically makes the chart appear credible (not counting the typo about "Murder" versus Murderer, and the fact that not all the homicides reported in the table actually were murders...). The BLM movement is against the state and vigilantes (vigilante killings exist but are statistically rare). Check out the
statement at the BLM page.
"#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada,
whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy, we are winning immediate improvements in our lives. "
So, the black on black violence problem shown in the chart isn't in scope for BLM. It's a huge problem with deep economic and societal roots (read ANY ONE of the references Q gave), but it isn't what BLM is about.
The references I posted yesterday show that for state violence, which is mostly cops killing civilians, it's blacks who are at a disadvantage by about 2.8 to 1, normalized against the victim's race.
Frankenscript, can you tell me that Leftist are not pushing a false narrative of majorly prevalent racism by whites and cops?
Watch this CNN clip:
Did Trump really say "White Men" have a lot to fear?
Would you call this pushing a racial narrative that is true?
This was about the Kavanaugh case. Where did the race element come out of Trumps comments?
This is a portion of Trumps meeting with the press:
Tell me where they extrapolated the race issue?
Do you honestly think that what Cabrera and Lamont did in that CNN news clip promotes good racial relations? Was it a lie? Would you consider what they did racist?
It's a busy weekend and I've used a lot of my play time already but I took a quick look. Neither Cabrera nor Lamont should have attributed the "white me" part to Trump. She retracted it the next day. This should never have aired; it was unequivocally wrong.
However the overall article wasn't bad with the exception of that. The very SNL clip incorporates the right words and the CNN article shows the correct text without the word white:
If I were fact checking it I would give it a "mostly correct" rating calling out the specific error about the Trump quotes. Is it pushing a racial narrative? One exists even though Trump said young men and not white men.
Trump promulgated the "birther" theory long after the issue was conclusively settled, and trashing the first black president on the basis of "Trumped up conspiracy theories" (

sorry this never gets old!) about not being a citizen is simply can't be excused.
This one thing, even if there was nothing else ever (and, there's lots!) makes him a racist and opens up the race context in any other discussion in which he is involved.