US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Ex-FBI lawyer charged with felony, to plead guilty to altering evidence in Russia probe

Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was charged Friday with a felony and has agreed to plead guilty to altering a document in the Russia collusion probe, the first criminal case to be brought in the investigation of U.S. Attorney John Durham, according to officials and a court document.

Ahead of his plea, Clinesmith was charged in federal court in Washington D.C. with one count of making a false statement for altering information he had received from the CIA in June 2017 to hide the fact that Trump campaign official Carter Page was a source for the Agency.

The alteration caused the Justice Department to make a false representation to the FISA Court that approved surveillance of Page for nearly a year, the criminal information filed by Durham states.

Clinesmith "did willfully and knowingly make and use a false writing and document knowing the same to contain a materially false, fictitious and fraudulent statement and entry in a matter before the jurisdiction of the executive branch and judicial branch," the court filing said.

The alteration caused the Justice Department to make a false representation to the FISA Court that approved surveillance of Page for nearly a year, the criminal information filed by Durham states.

"The bigger story here is that Clinesmith was working on the Mueller team until early 2018. So you have a situation here where an FBI employee was assigned to work on a Federal prosecutor’s staff after he had previously engaged in malfeasance to alter evidence and illegally obtain a FISA warrant in the matter he was investigating.
This is no trivial matter, folks.

I think this whole charade is going to be blown out of the water before Election Day."


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
As well as 98% of all Democrats... laws don’t apply to them.

Remember #1 of the 4 pillars of liberalism:
Hypocrisy is not only acceptable it’s encouraged!
You are correct. The DA's in the big Democrat controlled cities are refusing to prosecute rioters and looters. However if you dare to defend your home against these people the DA will come down hard on you and do everything in their power to put you in jail.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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You are correct. The DA's in the big Democrat controlled cities are refusing to prosecute rioters and looters. However if you dare to defend your home against these people the DA will come down hard on you and do everything in their power to put you in jail.
Manipulation for the election.... I bet if the crowds were for Trump they would break them up..
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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FYI - big news...

Expecting this to impact the election...

Biden and Kamala -> anti-bill of rights people, just confirmed from California ( Kamala's State )

From Kamala's webpage originally ( now directs to Biden, ... )

Gun violence is a national epidemic and a public health emergency. In 2017, nearly 40,000 people were killed by guns in America.

We’re not waiting for good ideas–we have good ideas. We’re not waiting for another tragedy – we have seen the worst human tragedies we can imagine. What’s missing is politicians in Washington having the courage to stand up to the NRA.

Kamala has a simple message: We’re not waiting any longer.

If Congress fails to send comprehensive gun safety legislation to Kamala’s desk within her first 100 days as president–including universal background checks, an assault weapons ban, and the repeal of the NRA’s corporate gun manufacturer immunity shield–she will take executive action to keep our kids and communities safe. She’ll mandate the most comprehensive federal background checks in history, revoke the licenses of gun manufacturers that break the law, close the “boyfriend loophole” to make it harder for domestic abusers to purchase guns, reverse President Trump’s dangerous decision to allow fugitives from justice to purchase guns, and ban the importation of AR-15 style assault weapons.

This is just part of the gun safety agenda Kamala will pursue as president. In addition to enacting universal background checks, renewing the assault weapons ban, and repealing the gun manufacturer immunity, Kamala will fight to make gun trafficking a federal crime, ban high capacity magazines (*), and prohibit those convicted of a federal hate crime from buying guns.

Kamala has a long record of making progress on common sense gun safety reform. As District Attorney in 2004, she called for the renewal of the federal assault weapons ban and championed legislation to require microstamping technology for guns. As Attorney General, she stood up to the gun lobby and successfully defended California’s gun violence prevention laws to legal challenge.


Thus, Kamala who is swore to uphold the constitution of the USA is acting against Americans, and breaking her pledge and Oath of office.
(*) - high capacity - in California more than 10rds.

The 9th Circuit just overturned the California "high capacity" magazine ban as unconstitutional.

Yes. :)
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
I LOL'd at her banning "...the importation of AR-15 style assault weapons"

First of all-- is she talking about AR-15's or actual "assault weapons"... LOL...

Secondly, Just exactly WHO in the hell actually IMPORTS guns made all over America by dozens of companies? She is appealing to ignorant idiots who do not understand firearms but love the sound of anything that helps "ban" them.... LOL
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
With all the new firearm owners the past 5 months, many of whom were previously virtue signaling liberal hypocrites, it may be interesting to see how that goes over ......

Our biggest problem isnt the self absorbed Ms Harris, its the snake John Roberts...
How IS Ginsberg doing? We could use one more conservative common-sense constitutional friend on the court.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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In a majority opinion released Friday, Appellate Judge Kenneth Lee wrote that the state’s near-categorical ban of magazines with more than 10 bullets violates the constitutional right to bear arms to the extent that it “strikes at the core of the Second Amendment.”

“California’s law imposes a substantial burden on this right to self-defense,” wrote Lee, who was appointed by President Donald Trump. “Law-abiding citizens, regardless of their training and track record, must alter or turn over to the state any LCMs that they may have legally owned for years — or face up to a year in jail.”

LCM = Large Capacity Magazines = holds more than 10 rounds

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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Seattle BLM protesters demand white people ‘give up’ their homes

A group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Seattle marched through a residential neighborhood this week demanding that white residents give up their homes, dramatic video shows.

Footage of the Wednesday demonstration posted to Twitter shows a crowd of dozens chanting “Black lives matter” before an unidentified man projects his ire toward nearby white residents — saying they are living in a historically black section of the city as another woman in the crowd yells that they should “give up” their homes, the clip shows.

“Do you know that before your white ass came here, this was all black people?” the man says. “Do you know people like you came in here and basically bought all the land from the black people for less than what it was worth, kicked them out so you could live here? Do you know that?”

The man continues: “’Cause if you don’t, now you f–king do — now do something about it!”

Another woman in the crowd then urges the residents to “open their wallet” as the man continues to yell at the unidentified residents off-camera.

“So how do you plan to fix it?” the man continues. “As a gentrifier, because you are part of that problem.”

A woman with a megaphone then urges the residents to “give up” their house, the footage shows.

“Give black people back their homes!” she yells. “You’re sitting there comfortably — comfortable as f—k as if they didn’t help gentrify this neighborhood! I used to live in this neighborhood, and my family was pushed out, and you’re sitting up there having a good time with your other white friends!”
